Ding Min's mother over there was happy to hear it, and she was happy to let her uncle coax her like this: "I don't go out often, so this thing doesn't mean much to me. If you take it with you, it will be convenient for mom to call you."

You see it's more harmonious here.

Mrs. Lu first watched her son call his mother-in-law, and then watched Wuhu call his mother-in-law. She turned around to see that she was satisfied, and then silently covered her satisfied eyes with one hand.

My eldest grandson is a very good boy, but he cannot learn from these men to coax people or coax old ladies.

Of course, it was a bit unpleasant. I didn't give birth to a daughter, and I never thought about the blessing of having my uncle coax and hold her.

Father Lu said with satisfaction, "Grandpa, I'll take you for a walk outside." The couple was afraid that their grandson would follow the example of these two turtles and turn his elbows outward.

Ding Min burst out laughing, these two people in the family were so embarrassed. I’ve never heard of anyone being embarrassed and forming a group. My in-laws, uncles and aunts can’t stand it anymore.

The five tigers have always taken their eldest brother with them when they went out for the past two days. With such momentum, Ding Min's mother was not willing to leave with her uncle anyway.

If you want to go shopping, you can put the big brother in your uncle's hand in the shopping basket. Otherwise, people will feel that it does not match their temperament.

Lu Chuan is relatively low-key. Most people don't take it with them. They go to school for as long as it takes and then come back. If you want to find him, you can find him at home.

Let Fang Yuan take it with her. Fang Yuan said, it's such an expensive thing. How can I still work well with this thing? That means he doesn't want to take it with him.

Well, this eldest brother is actually brought by Mrs. Lu most of the time when she goes out to play with Satisfaction.

Wang Cuixiang, who loves money, heard that her grandson had a eldest brother, so she gave her grandson a shot when she had nothing to do. Fang Daleng also joined in the fun, and she really didn't mind spending money this time. I am much more proud to say this to my grandson than to say this to my uncle.

When Lu Chuan found out, he was not happy. He called Wang Cuixiang and told Wang Cuixiang that you and my dad were treated differently.

Wang Cuixiang directly gave the phone to the man. Come and talk to your uncle. I didn’t expect that my uncle is still a little naughty.

Fang Daleng held the phone and said with a smile: "Uncle, dad is always looking for you. It's really unfortunate. I was surprised to answer the phone."

What can Lu Chuan say? He and his mother-in-law can be entangled in a crooked way. If they act like children, they will definitely be punished.

Then Fang Daleng said: "I accidentally said too much. The little money dad has is not even enough to pay the phone bill. Your mother just scolded me for this."

Lu Chuan just spent the little pocket money he had and paid his father-in-law's phone bill. Can the father-in-law be scolded by the mother-in-law? What does my uncle do? It is at this time that he stands up to help my father-in-law solve his problems.

The money was spent and the phone call was not his share. Lu Chuan was very depressed. Fang Yuan even tried to get rid of him: "Tell me, what are you trying to do?"

Lu Chuanxin said, I wish I knew what I was trying to do. As long as my father-in-law and mother-in-law are happy, there is no difference between thinking about my son and thinking about me. Both sons were born to me. This is how Lu Chuan enlightened him.

Fang Yuan had never seen someone so self-consoling. She said viciously: "Don't take the credit. I gave birth to my son."

Lu Chuan was speechless. Strictly speaking, it was indeed his wife who gave birth to him.

Okay, let's talk about the phone bill with Satisfied. What does my son know? He just answers the phone.

Mrs. Lu said, "You didn't even plan anything when you called your mother-in-law. What are you planning when my grandson calls?" Lu Chuan couldn't say, when I called, I paid for one phone call, but now I pay for both ends. , You can’t play like this. The pocket money Fang Yuan gave me is really not much.

The only one who was happy was Fang Daleng, who was really satisfied with this uncle.

He also said to Wang Cuixiang: "Silly ladies, you know how to make silly phone calls all day long. Look at what you guys do. From now on, you can make casual calls without worrying about the phone bill."

Wang Cuixiang twitched the corner of her mouth, you are so proud of me. But this is really good, letting my uncle know how much it costs for her to answer the phone every day.

Lu Chuan has been busy looking at places recently, because Zhang Wei wants to get a place and build a hotel.

Knowing that Lu Chuan had a lot of places to buy, he went out of his way to say hello to Lu Chuan and say something appropriate to him. Zhang Wei is really concerned about this matter.

Speaking of running a hotel, it is not a simple matter. With the little money Zhang Wei has, he is still close to getting a hotel.

So recently the Five Tigers and Fang Yuan have been entangled by Zhang Wei, and Zhang Wei on the Five Tigers' side is worried about money.

Fang Yuan's Zhang Wei is concerned about people. I'm still thinking about Fang Yuan's luck. Zhang Wei thought about it, it would be difficult for him to support this matter by himself, but if it were supported by the three of them, it wouldn't be a big problem.

However, Fang Yuan is quite principled in doing things. As others said, she doesn't understand and doesn't get involved. In Fang Yuan's mind, she couldn't figure out how the money came out. What should I do by counting stocks? Can I earn money that I don't understand?

Zhang Wei said again, Fang Yuan paid real money, I don’t even understand this business, I just threw money in blindly, am I being short-sighted?

I have to say that Fang Yuan is cautious enough, and she would have thought more carefully, but Zhang Wei said, as a clerk, you don't trust me.

Haven't you seen what's going on in the south now? That is the development trend, and hotels will not lose money. If you don't take action now, it will be too late if someone else takes action first.

Fang Yuan had a calm mind: "With all the money in the world, can I make enough money? I'll just work in this industry that I know."

Lu Chuan didn't say a word. His wife was more stable than he thought. When she came back from the south, she didn't think about anything but her junkyard.

Zhang Wei was short of money, and what was even worse was his faith. Fang Yuan had to buy a share: "No, if you don't get involved, I won't know what to do with it."

In Zhang Wei's view, if Fang Yuan doesn't get involved, that means she doesn't have a high opinion of this industry. How can a person with such good luck mess with things that he doesn't have a high regard for?

But this hotel clearly has a bright future, so why not bother with it. So these days, Fang Yuan is being taken care of. Fang Yuan doesn't understand how she earned the money. He can talk to Fang Yuan and understand.

Fang Yuan was helpless and talked about her current situation: "To be honest, I don't have that much money. Lu Chuan bought me a place, and I can't just sit idle. I have to build it, and I have to spend money."

In order to get Fang Yuan to buy shares, Zhang Wei dared to think of any idea: "Otherwise, you can buy the land and buy shares."

Fang Yuan suddenly thought of the garbage dump, and she was not thinking about only one person: "You are thinking about my family property. You have a beautiful idea."

Zhang Wei was anxious. He couldn't help it if he didn't accuse someone so unjustly: "Why do you talk like that? You have no money, and I just have a place. How appropriate."

It's just appropriate, but I don't want to. Fang Yuan learned to be tactful: "This is it, I will build this place and rent it to you."

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