Father Lu gave his grandson a mouthful of egg custard, listened to the noise in the outer room, and murmured to his mother-in-law: "Are we going too far?"

Mrs. Lu snorted: "Look at how my grandson has been wronged. How can I take revenge? How can I cry when I'm at home? Otherwise, they can send it to me? I feel uncomfortable when I think about my grandson being wronged somewhere that I can't see." .”

Father Lu pursed his lips, then said nothing, and did not go out to help. It was really annoying to the young couple that they did not send their grandson over as soon as he cried.

So when it comes to pillow style, it is really easy to use at any time. Coupled with his grandson's blessing, Father Lu's position was skewed.

Lu Chuan said to Fang Yuan outside: "How good Mom is to you in normal times. You know how good it is at critical moments. Just like that, we still have to be husband and wife."

Look at Lu Chuan. For the sake of his position in his wife's heart, he never relaxes.

Fang Yuan nodded while cooking, thinking, I will never be fooled again: "You are right, I will cry with you, who do you want to comfort first?"

Lu Chuan decisively shut up. He knew better than to coax the ignorant first. Wife, this is an irrational question. There is no self-knowledge yet.

Fang Yuan looked up at Lu Chuan and said, "Husband and wife are just like this." Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law can no longer trust each other, but husband and wife are still like this. It's not easy for women.

Mrs. Lu went out for a walk with her grandson in her arms. After listening for a long time, she kicked her son: "That's right."

Father Lu followed him out and looked for food for his son and daughter-in-law at home. In fact, there was really nothing at home. When the old couple came back, they hadn't bought anything yet.

They are not very extravagant people, and they just want to eat whatever they have. Who would have thought that their sons, daughters-in-law, and grandsons would all come back after them. These things at home really offend the children.

When he was satisfied without crying or feeling aggrieved, Father Lu still had his son and daughter-in-law in his heart: "It's cold here. If you stutter, go back quickly. You can't eat well or sleep well. If you are satisfied, don't catch a cold."

Mrs. Lu also nodded: "If I had known you would come back, your father and I would have prepared something well, so that you wouldn't have trouble eating."

Fang Yuan is not picky about what she eats. Once she's full, she says, "That's a lot of trouble. Now that I'm back, I've done everything I need to do. Otherwise, I have to make a trip."

Lu Chuan stretched out his big ankle and swished for air: "Mom, find me a pair of socks to wear." The main reason was the cold, and the second reason was that he was used to wearing socks, but suddenly stopped wearing them and felt uncomfortable.

The son was crying so much that the father didn't care and ran out.

Mrs. Lu carried her sleeping grandson into the house and found a pair of patched socks for Lu Chuan to wear.

Before Lu Chuan got a wife, there were no socks at home. It would be nice to have socks now. You can't choose whether it's patched or not. Lu Chuan knew what was going on.

Fang Yuan smiled when she saw Lu Chuan wearing patched socks, and said, "Did you see, this guy, sometimes you can't choose. Look, you don't have to choose."

Lu Chuan looked at the socks on his feet and knew that he was being squeezed by his wife. He disliked the fact that the things Fang Yuan bought for him were not good-looking. I didn’t say anything. It’s winter and it’s so cold without socks. He is simply thick-skinned enough not to cause trouble with his wife.

While eating at home, many people came over to say hello because they knew Lu Chuan was back.

Lu Chuan was sitting on the Kang eating when a group of people came. Can't you get down to the ground quickly?

This process was a bit timid, but it didn't prevent everyone from seeing the torn socks on Lu Chuan's feet.

Ever since, after these people left, Lu Chuan's time in the provincial capital was immediately discounted in their mouths. There are all kinds of things, and some people say that although there are five people and six people, in fact, it is just like that. I am afraid that life will be difficult, and the socks are also patched.

As for the car they talked about just now, who knows if it was borrowed or not, no one said anything immediately.

Others said that you are a kind person who still knows how to help the lonely elderly people in the village, but don't dislike the patches on the things they send.

Some people also say that Lu Chuan is pretending to be fat, and his good days are all blown away. In fact, life is similar to theirs, and they are all superficial.

Everyone talks about everything. To put it bluntly, no one expects others to live a better life than themselves. This is true for everyone.

When Fang Yuan was cleaning up the kitchen, Sister-in-law Sun came to the door for the second time with a new pair of socks in her hand. She handed it to Fang Yuan and said, "Sister-in-law, I don't believe what other people said. I know you are living a good life. Let Lu Chuan Put your socks on."

Fang Yuan was confused as to what was said outside: "Sister-in-law, what did others say?"

Sister-in-law Sun's mouth really didn't hold back at all, and she didn't say a word: "These people came out from your door and told me that your family's life was not easy. They saw that the socks on Lu Chuan's feet were patched. What did you say? It’s ugly to say this…”

It took a full five minutes to finish all these gossips. The whole family who listened stared at Lu Chuan's feet.

Mrs. Lu looked at Lu Chuan with a dark face: "You are the only one who has a lot of things to do. You have to wear socks, otherwise how could you have so many things to do?"

Father Lu nodded, his son had more and more problems. Fang Yuan was so good at scolding Lu Chuan, knowing that people outside had nothing to say.

Lu Chuan in the room sighed at this sister-in-law Sun. This group of people talked a lot of gossip when they went out. You relayed it back without even a moment of idleness. You were busy enough.

I heard Fang Yuan outside ask, "Sister-in-law, you really don't believe it?" Mother Lu and Father Lu both looked at Sister-in-law Sun, and they were also curious.

Sister-in-law Sun was very proud and patted her heart: "That's right, who is sister-in-law? She has sharp eyes. When Lu Chuan got out of the car, he was not wearing socks and his ankles were exposed. These socks are probably original at home. Auntie lives a careful life. I’ve kept it forever.”

Lu Chuan had to say that Sister-in-law Sun was here, which was a sign of humiliation. They actually bring someone to solve the case, which is much more grounded than those who spread gossip outside.

Fang Yuanxin said, everything is right, and gave a thumbs up: "You are the one."

Sister-in-law Sun felt quite proud, so she said that she had good eyesight and that all the gossip she told was well-founded, and left happily.

Fang Yuanxin said, I guess Sister-in-law Sun needs to spread her skills outside. Lu Chuan's socks are quite famous.

Madam Lu: "These people, why are they so talkative? I used to be stupid, so I just thought I could talk to them someday. Now I don't want to talk to them. How can I listen to my mother-in-law?" Those work.”

Fang Yuan smiled and praised her mother-in-law: "Mom, your level has improved."

Mrs. Lu: "That's right, it doesn't matter what I listen to. What matters is that my grandson is satisfied. He is young and can he listen to whatever he wants to learn."

For the sake of her children, Mrs. Lu has reached such a level that Fang Yuanlao admires her.

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