Fang Yuan was excited when she heard what Lu Chuan said and nodded: "That's it. If they are not close, why is she still supporting him to go to school? Look at what happened. It's not something she would do. Isn't it contradictory?"

Then: "Looking at their family conditions, they are not bad, but I just feel like something is wrong. It's awkward, you know?"

Lu Chuan laughed. He couldn't just guess out of thin air. "How could she really not be my biological mother?"

Lu Chuan was really joking, but Fang Yuan was serious: "Ask someone to find out, I don't think it's true."

Lu Chuan was speechless. This was just a joke, but it caused trouble. Can we just file a case casually? Shouldn't we be more cautious about this matter?

Then Fang Yuan said, "Let me tell you, no mother can treat her daughter like this, especially when giving birth. Even though I may slap her all day long, I will fight to the death if anyone gives me any grievance." This is the attitude of a real mother.

Lu Chuan nodded. Not only did you fight hard, you also fought side by side with your son. I really believe it. But it has nothing to do with whether they are mother and daughter. "Should we be more cautious?"

Then Fang Yuan said, "You see my mother treats you well, but that's just on the surface. If you don't believe me, go and suffer for me, and see how my mother will deal with you. Look at your fifth sister-in-law, even though she doesn't look close to my biological mother, if she gets angry with my fifth brother, her mother won't even try to reason with him. This is what a biological mother should be like."

People are different, and we can't say that our brother's wife's mother is not our biological mother just because of this. Lu Chuan: "You don't have to smear my mother-in-law and my aunt-in-law. I still believe that my mother is really good to me."

Fang Yuan glanced at Lu Chuan and said something very honest: "You are stupid."

This is also a case of sowing discord. It really couldn't be better. No matter what Lu Chuan said, Fang Yuan raised her eyebrows. This is to determine that she is not her biological mother, and no one can say anything.

Then Fang Yuan actually went to inquire about it. Lu Chuan thought, what is this? Just because you can't stand it, does that mean she is no longer your biological mother?

But you can't just falsify your brother's wife's background just to please her. Lu Chuan felt like he was laughing at Fang Yuan's troubles.

Hongye is already in her twenties. It’s been a long time since she’s been here. What can she possibly learn? Lu Chuan thought that Fang Yuan might not be too busy recently.

He also helped Fang Yuan to look at the accounts of the property. As a result, the man felt pressured, and if he wasn't careful, Fang Yuan might be left far behind.

So as a man, what reason is there not to work hard? But since she is so busy, why does Fang Yuan still have the time to think about those things?

Lu Chuan even thought about having a second child to distract Fang Yuan's attention. After all, it's not good to study other people's privacy out of thin air.

When the idea of ​​having a second child was brought up, Fang Yuan got annoyed first: "Don't you know what you're going to do in the future? Can you have a second child? I'm telling you, nothing is more important than your work. Besides, isn't our family happy enough? Why have a second child?"

Lu Chuan: "I can't give birth, but you can." Fang Yuan really didn't understand what he meant.

Fang Yuan's brain still turned when it was time to turn: "You want to fake a divorce from me, I'm telling you, don't play this game, you don't have any other ideas, do you?"

Lu Chuan said without further ado, "I'm not saying I want a second child. I'm just telling you that if you want, we allow you to have a second child. Our situation is different from that of the fifth sister-in-law. Whether or not to have a second child is determined by the mother's status. You can consult the director of women's affairs here."

If I don't make it clear in one breath, Fang Yuan might come to protect the family with her iron fist. It's really not easy for men. Fang Yuan has never heard of this. First, she is fully engaged in work and has no contact with these things. Second, there is no such situation around her, which creates a blind spot for Fang Yuan: "You didn't coax me."

Lu Chuan looked at Fang Yuan's raised fist and said, "How can I trick you with this kind of thing?" Then he said, "You have a brain that can think of something, but can you do something like a fake marriage or something fake? What if it becomes real?"

Fang Yuan ignored this and questioned Lu Chuan: "Why did you say it now? How big of a deal is it?"

Lu Chuan felt quite aggrieved, but unfortunately his wife did not reason with him at this time: "I thought you knew, I thought you just didn't want a second child."

Fang Yuan's face was dark. "Why would I study that stuff? People don't want to have children, so I thought they were not allowed to. How can you treat this important inheritance so casually? You were not like this before you gave birth to Satisfied."

Facing Fang Yuan's accusation, Lu Chuan remained calm: "You also said that you were satisfied before giving birth, so doesn't that mean you were already satisfied?"

So one child is enough for them, and they have never thought about having a second child. Lu Chuan said, "Don't drive a wedge between us. As long as one of them is happy with me, I'm fine."

Fang Yuan finally understood that this guy was really close to his son and had never thought of having a second child.

Lu Chuan thought, I was anxious to have a child in the first place, that was also to tie you down. Can I say this? Of course I can't say it.

Their Lu family doesn't have a throne to inherit, so he really doesn't care about this issue.

Fang Yuan was unhappy, and for this matter, she consulted the relevant departments. But she couldn't let Lu Chuan just think that it was not a judgment. People didn't believe Lu Chuan anymore.

As a result, they said that in their situation, they are really allowed to have a second child. Of course, if they don't want to have one, they also promote the idea of ​​having only one child.

The person also asked Fang Yuan how old her first child was and started a casual chat with her.

Fang Yuan said that Manyi is already in the second grade, and the staff said that there is enough time between the two children. If you want to have a second child, that is completely possible.

When Fang Yuan returned home, she went to pick up Lu Chuan and stomped on him a few times. Then she went home and hugged Lu's mother: "I am so sorry for you."

Old Lady Lu had no idea what could have irritated her daughter-in-law to such an extent, and the issue even escalated to the point of apologizing: "What's the matter? Who said something? Mom will help you vent your anger. Whoever dares to say that, Mom will slap him back."

Mrs. Lu said that even if her daughter-in-law drove them back to the countryside, it would be a relief to the eight generations of the Lu family's ancestors.

Fang Yuan muttered something about the child. Then she scolded Lu Chuan, saying that he was stupid and could not be so vague about this matter. He was not afraid that his ancestors would come to chat with him at night.

In Lu Lao Niang's opinion, it's not that serious. Lu Lao Niang doesn't attach much importance to the second child. She said that as long as Lu Chuan and his wife live a good life, it's better than anything else: "If you are satisfied, a family of three is fine. You can have the rest if you want, and it's not a big deal if you don't want to. " (End of this chapter)

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