Chapter 733: My Own Comments
Hongye's father is trying hard to save his reputation, and he may have a point, but can you get a share of the house you live in if you don't have a job?

Hongye didn't mention this. There was no point in arguing about it. This understatement made Hongye's father even more embarrassed. After all, only he knew what was going on.

Seeing the couple in such a state, Hongye didn't feel very happy. That was the person she had always wanted to beg for their attention since she was a child.

Hongye's parents took their son away, and their backs looked embarrassed, so anything they were carrying was a joke, as they looked down on the country people. It was not that the country people were taking over other people's property.

I guess they won't dare to show off this advantage in front of the Lu family in the future.

Old Lady Lu despised this family to death: "Listen to what Auntie said just now. She has nothing to say. It is only us Hongye who are kind."

Who says it isn't true? The Lu family, Fang Yuan's mess, Lu Chuan's brain, if Hongye wants to make a fuss about this, she can make that family suffer.

Hongye said nothing, which was considered the greatest respect for their parents' kindness.

When Hongye’s mother wanted to speak, she was pulled away by Hongye’s father. It was unclear whether her last bit of dignity was preserved or not.

After these three people left, Old Lady Lu didn't even go out to see them off. I have never seen such shameless people. They really wanted to coax someone's daughter for her whole life. How could they be so wicked?

Mrs. Lu: "Being related to their family is really unlucky for half your life." In the future, my daughter-in-law must be very lucky.

Lu Xiaosan looked at Hongye. Without such a family, it would be difficult for him to marry Hongye. It must be said that Hongye was a little lacking in love when she married him.

Hongye had said at the beginning that she would marry for the sake of Lu Lao Niang, the mother-in-law. To put it bluntly, this child lacks a home, and there is no one who treats her as well as Lu Lao Niang.

Even though Lu Xiaosan was considered the beneficiary, he felt sorry for his wife and hated this family for being worthless.

Hongye: "So I will enjoy happiness for the rest of my life." Meeting such a family, Hongye really feels that she is very lucky. Then: "At least they taught me to cherish and appreciate happiness."

Lu Xiaosan held his wife's hand and wandered around: "Let's live a good life as a family of three and be the best parents. I will be a husband who loves his wife and thinks of you all the time."

Hongye hadn't done anything yet, but Old Lady Lu couldn't stand it anymore, and her arms were covered with goose bumps: "This child is hysterical."

Lu Xiaosan's face turned black, and he pushed my mother into the house to see her granddaughter. No wonder my second brother disliked my mother's blind confession to my second sister-in-law. It really ruined the atmosphere.

Hongye couldn't help laughing. The interaction between the mother and daughter was really funny. It was obvious that the mother-in-law didn't understand the situation.

It was only when she was locked in the room by her son that Mrs. Lu realized that she was redundant. She had used it and then thrown it away: "What a piece of crap, this piece of shit, I actually raised it myself." She was so angry that she kept groaning and holding her granddaughter to grind her teeth.

Hongye's third brother, who was dragged away by Hongye's parents, was also asking, "Mom and Dad, what's going on?" He really heard something. Isn't this sister a biological one?
Hongye's parents were too proud to tell anyone about this, let alone their own family. They kept their mouths tightly shut, and refused to talk about what happened no matter how their son asked.

Hongye's father was very dignified. He said to Hongye's third brother, "From now on, just pretend that this person doesn't exist. There's no need to mention this matter at home."

Hongye's mother was unwilling to accept this, but she had no choice but to do so. She said to her son: "Listen to your father and stop asking questions." Hongye's third brother: "What about my house? Where will I get married? Mom and Dad, why don't we discuss it with my eldest brother before we get married? We really don't have the financial resources to rent a house ourselves."

Hongye's father had a gloomy face. The eldest and the second son had the financial resources, but they were obviously fighting over the house and no one was willing to move out.

Hongye's mother was also worried. The third child was getting married but had no place to live. "What should I do? How can this marriage be possible?"

Hongye's father: "I will find a way. If they want the house, they have to pay for it. Whoever leaves will get compensation."

This is also a solution, so it’s not that there is no solution, it’s just that I want to get more from Hongye.

When it was just the couple, Hongye's mother said, "We have been hiding for so long, at such a long distance, how could they know about the past."

Then: "Did someone come over and say something specifically, or did those relatives come over? Because of this matter, I haven't been in touch with those people for these years."

So in order to seize other people's wealth, they are really willing to do it. How could they be nice to other people's daughters? From the beginning, this family had bad intentions. Hongye's father said, "The provincial capital is still too small."

Hongye's mother nodded. That was right. It was a pity that the range of their activities was so small and their abilities were so limited. "It was a waste of time to raise her."

Whether they raised the girl in vain or not, they should know it in their hearts. If they hadn't raised such an orphan, how could they have the current life, current job, and current home? Don't talk about whether it is a family compound or not, this matter cannot be argued.

If they could stand in charge, this family would not come out from Hongye like this. That is the one who can explode from Hongye.

Hongye's father was decisive: "Don't mention these things in the future. Let's turn her over. With her current job, she can stand firm anywhere."

Then: "Don't miss any weddings or funerals over there, and don't have to have any friendship with the rest."

Hongye's mother: "She is an ungrateful person. Is it worth it? She shouldn't be given this face. Doesn't it look good if she doesn't have a woman from her mother's family?"

Hongye's father didn't say anything. Some things have to be done for others to see. At the beginning, he also promised the company to support his children's schooling and provide them with jobs. On the surface, they are not wrong, right? Everyone has many children, and it's hard to raise them and take care of them. No one should blame anyone for this, right?

It's not easy to build a reputation, and it can't be ruined like this. All Hongye's father wants is to save face.

However, it is not certain whether Hongye is willing to make it happen.

For example, when Hongye's third brother got married, there were no old relatives in their family over the years. They were all colleagues, friends, and neighbors. Those who knew each other would ask, "Why haven't you seen your daughter come back? This is a big deal."

Others say, "This girl married well, she has become proud and doesn't want to interact with her parents' family anymore." This is sarcastic.

Hongye's mother said with a smile: "She just gave birth to a child, how could you bear to torture her like this. Our Hongye grew up under your care, she is not that kind of child."

Those who understand will understand, and those who don't understand, these are the parents who love their daughter. They protect their daughter everywhere.

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