Cannon fodder heroine online counterattack

Chapter 105: Can no one cure her?

Chapter 105: Can no one cure her?
Although Shen Mingxi already knew this, he still couldn't help but feel filled with hatred.

She stood blankly by the spiritual spring, her bloodless lips trembling slightly.

I wish I could rush out right now and cut Shen Baozhi into pieces with a thousand knives!

Little Koi hurriedly said, "Xiaoxi, calm down. It won't help if you look for her now. The system is the same as mine and you. Others don't know. Don't be impulsive. Even if we are not afraid of her, we can't be rash. Both sides will suffer, you have to follow her to the county seat tomorrow, get the letter she wrote, and then make plans."

After a long while, Shen Mingxi exhaled a breath and asked in a hoarse voice, "Little koi, can't you go get it now?"

"No, you have to make Shen Baozhi think that the letter has been mailed, otherwise, she will have other ideas."

Shen Mingxi nodded, "Okay, I will find a way to intercept the letter tomorrow."

She frowned slightly, knowing in her heart that it would not be easy, but she had to give it a try.

She believed that the little koi also believed in herself.

Moreover, she also needs to know what kind of letter Shen Baozhi wrote!

"Actually, I don't understand it either. If that system was created to collect misery points, why not go to the war era?"

The little koi was very puzzled.

Although we are poor now, we are in a peaceful era and have good policies. As long as we work hard, life will get better and better. And, to be honest, most ordinary people are easily satisfied. Take Dafang as an example. The family is separated, even if I drink the northwest wind, I feel very happy.

Therefore, Shen Baozhi could no longer collect Dafang's misery value.

In the war-torn ancient times, when people were in dire straits and miserable, wouldn’t it be easy to collect misery points?
Or is there another reason?
Since ancient times, there have always been people outside the world, and the little koi knows that he is the source of great luck in the world, but that system seems to come from a more distant and advanced world, and it really cannot be taken lightly.

Shen Mingxi thought for a moment, "Maybe that 009 can't choose where to go, just like when you came here."

Strangely, it seemed that when the little koi made a contract with her, it was the night she returned to this world.

However, it was clearly at the moment of the accident in her previous life, and her feeling at that time was not wrong, so the problem may be due to time or space and time.

The little koi nodded and agreed with Shen Mingxi's statement. It suddenly asked, "Xiaoxi, if you are bound to this system and need to collect misery points to live a good life, what will you do?"

Shen Mingxi was stunned for a moment, then she frowned and thought seriously.

The little koi was not in a hurry, it was waiting for Shen Mingxi's answer.

Because this seems to be the key to solving the mystery.

After all, it is not a human being, and many times it cannot understand human thoughts.

Time in space is frozen.

Shen Mingxi felt that a long time had passed, but in fact it was just a blink of an eye.

She looked at the little Koi and said slowly, "Little Koi, if I get this system, I will also collect misery points even if I can't get rid of it. After all, the world is too big and there will always be misery. occur.

It's just like our eldest brother was treated as a human being by his grandparents. For example, Wu's Xiaoliu couldn't work in the fields, so her mother either beat or scolded her. She was just like us in the past, doing all kinds of work, but she couldn't even do any work. I can't even get enough to eat.

But I will not take it for granted that my happiness is based on the pain of others. I will try my best to use their misery to get what they need. "

The little koi's eyes lit up, he spit out a bubble, and said cheerfully, "Xiaoxi, do you mean to take it from the people and use it for the people?"

"It's almost the same reason."

"I understand why you can use the upgrade gift package of that system, but Shen Baozhi can't. It's because originally their upgrade relied on the miserable value of your big house."

"But don't the system and Shen Baozhi know?" Shen Mingxi asked doubtfully.

"Maybe you know, maybe you don't know. The original intention of the system may be good, but the idea is wrong. In addition, Shen Baozhi is full of hostility. Maybe she is born a bad species. Therefore, she can collect misery points as a matter of course, and even Create miserable circumstances so you can get more."

Shen Mingxi tightened her hands, with hatred in her eyes, "Then just watch her continue like this?"

Can no one cure her?
"Don't worry, take your time with this matter. People who are so angry will not live a good life for long." The little koi comforted him.

Shen Mingxi lowered his head and remained silent.

In fact, Shen Baozhi lived a good life for a long time in his previous life.

Except for not getting Feng Anyen, she lacked almost everything.

Seeing that Shen Mingxi didn't speak, Xiao Koi continued, "Xiaoxi, don't be discouraged. After all, we know each other's secret, and the other party doesn't know your secret yet."

Shen Mingxi nodded and said slowly, "Well, this is already very good."

"I've recovered a little mana, and I'm going to teach you a spell, but I don't know if you have the talent?"

Shen Mingxi suddenly widened his eyes and asked in surprise, "Is the magic a magic used by gods?"

"More or less, it's an object-dispelling technique. As the name suggests, it can drive objects for your use. Once you practice it, it's very powerful. You can drive everything in the world. However, this world lacks spiritual energy, so you can't practice it to that level. You can practice it to a basic level. That's it, in this case, you can easily get the letter tomorrow without anyone noticing."

At the end of the sentence, the little koi wagged its tail proudly.

"I'll use it tomorrow, can I...?"

The little koi glanced at the colorful energy light all over Shen Mingxi's body and said, "It's almost the same. Don't you also have a wish-fulfillment bonus? I guess it'll be fine."

Shen Mingxi finally showed a smile, "Then I will start practicing at night, and I will plant that piece of land."

And at this moment, there seemed to be a Yaya voice running over while shouting.

Shen Mingxi immediately left the space.

He hugged Yaya who ran over and gave her a kiss. The little girl's complexion has improved a lot in the past few days, and her eyes are bright.

"Third sister, my parents asked me to call you. It's time for us to go home."

Shen Mingxi pinched her nose and said affectionately, "Let's stew fish for dinner tonight."

"Second brother said that we would stew four strips together and eat them all at once."

Yaya said and laughed happily.

Sure enough, I stewed four fishes in the evening, sauteed the onions and garlic with meat oil until fragrant, then simmered the pot with soybean paste, put two pieces of tofu in exchange for soybeans, stewed for half the pot, and served it with golden corn tortillas, which was fragrant. It filled the whole yard.

The family feels like celebrating the New Year.

And Shen Mingxi also knew that Feng Anyen and his eldest brother had gone to see Mr. Shen to open a kiln and bake bricks.

She looked at her eldest brother in surprise, "Brother, are you kidding me?"

(End of this chapter)

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