Cannon fodder heroine online counterattack

Chapter 13 Everything starts tonight.

Chapter 13 Everything starts tonight.

Shen Jiawen and Shen Qingshan looked at each other, their hearts suddenly filled with panic.

Thoughts that seemed to have never existed before were thrust into my mind by who knows who.

It was really confusing.

But one thing is clear. Xiaoxi is doing so well and is so happy. It seems that this is what they think and say deep in their hearts.

Especially Shen Qingshan, what Xiaoxi said has been recalled countless times in his mind. Xiaoxi is right, the second uncle is the white-eyed wolf!
He suddenly remembered something and went to the outhouse. When he came in, he was holding a wicker basket, which contained more than ten cooked potatoes with a burnt aroma and five bird eggs.

Although Goudan and Yaya had two dumplings at the bottom of their stomachs, they still swallowed hard.

These are potatoes and bird eggs that Shen Qingshan baked during his break from work.

Aunt Su forced the potatoes onto him last night. He didn't take them home, but hid them under the willow tree in the wheat field. When he was off work at noon, he secretly went to a deserted place by the river and found a nest of bird eggs. baked together.

He didn't want to give these things to his second uncle and the others, but there was a voice in his heart that kept telling him that this was wrong and that all the food should be given to the people in the main house, but he was still reluctant.

He was hesitant outside the Shen family wall, but when he heard Xiaoxi's questioning, he heard every word, and he knew he had done the right thing.

The second uncle is a white-eyed wolf and ungrateful. He got Dad's job, but he treated his children like this.

He doesn't deserve to be his second uncle!

From now on, no matter what food is found, no food will be given to them.

Although Shen Qingshan felt panicked, he still put the bamboo basket on the table, glanced at Shen Yu, frowned, took a bird egg for Goudan and Yaya, and whispered, "Eat quickly..." "

Goudan and Yaya swallowed their saliva and peeled off the bird eggs with their little hands. Goudan peeled the eggs quickly. After peeling them off, they handed them to Shen Yu and raised their little faces, "Dad, you eat the bird eggs. This will strengthen your body."

Yaya placed the egg in front of Chen Li.

Looking at the sensible children, Shen Yu and Chen Li looked better. However, noon was not the time for gossip. After dinner, Chen Li had to take care of the vegetable garden and pick back the extra withered vegetable leaves. Chop it up and feed it to two chickens.

She washes the dishes in the main house at noon and evening. She has to finish these tasks quickly, and in the afternoon she has to go to the wheat field to bundle wheat...

Chen Li sped up and distributed the potatoes to her children neatly. She naturally wouldn't eat the eggs that Yaya gave her, so she put them in Yaya's bowl.

Shen Mingxi looked at the roasted potatoes placed in front of him, and the unique burnt aroma of potatoes hit his face.

It seemed as if there were small hands hooking her empty stomach.

The eldest brother and the second brother occasionally bring back some food from outside.

Otherwise, not to mention others, even Goudan and Yaya would have starved to death in these days of leftovers.

Shen Mingxi suddenly smiled, with tears in his eyes. He placed a potato in front of Shen Yu and said softly, "Dad, let's eat."

"Xiaoxi?" Shen Yu suddenly spoke, her voice seemed a little cautious.


"Dad heard what you said, I...I..." Shen Yu suddenly couldn't speak.

My throat felt itchy and I started coughing again.

Shen Mingxi felt sad for a while, his father was so filial, he was using his life and their lives to fulfill his filial piety.

Foolish filial piety is wrong, but every person who takes advantage of his filial piety counts as one, and no one is good.

She hated the people in the main house.

But she couldn't hate Shen Yu.

She will never forget that scene until her death. Her emaciated father fell off the cliff. When she found him, he was covered in blood. His trembling hands did not even have time to take out the textbook from his chest, which was for her tutoring...

"...Dad, stop talking and let's eat."

Shen Mingxi's voice was a little rushed. After she finished speaking, she drank up the rice water in the bowl in one breath, and tears fell into the bowl. She picked up a piece of steamed buns and lowered her head to eat. The tears in her eyes seemed to turn into sharp swords. .

Glancing at the dining table and at the family members who were eating in silence like leftovers, she felt an immense coldness in her heart. The days of working like cows and horses should be over today.

Everything starts tonight.

It’s time for a change of scenery for the Shen family!

After lunch in the summer, there is a gap called a break.

Because the sun is very hot at noon in the north in August, it is easy to suffer from heat stroke when working at this time, and the gain outweighs the loss. Therefore, we only go to work in the fields after we have escaped the harsh sun.

No matter how anxious Mr. Shen was, he would not dare to joke with the lives of the members.

Therefore, these days, everyone can sleep for an hour after eating lunch.

This is true for others, but not for Chen Li. She has too much housework. Because she has been squeezed all year round, she seems to have lost the ability to think. Except when she sees her children, her eyes are loving. At other times, Is dull and cowardly.

Shen Yu was in poor health. After eating, he lay down. He closed his eyes and seemed to be asleep.

Shen Jiawen listened to Shen Qingshan's story. His dark eyes were like a cold pool, bottomless.

His eyes followed Xiaoxi who had followed Chen Li out.

Pursing his lips, he gave Shen Qingshan a wink and told Goudan and Yaya not to wake up Shen Yu by talking, and the two brothers went out.

In fact, this is the same as before.

Mrs. Shen naturally felt sleepy after eating and drinking, and even more so the others, so the courtyard became rarely quiet.

At this time, it was all trivial housework. The vegetable garden had just been watered yesterday, and the two brothers had nothing to do, so they stood in front of Shen Mingxi.

At this time, Shen Mingxi had already finished cutting the vegetable leaves and sprinkled them on the bluestone board. Chen Li was still washing the dishes in the kitchen. There was not much oil and water, so the bowls and chopsticks were easy to wash.

Shen Mingxi did not help as usual, but glanced at his two brothers, cleared the chopping board for chopping vegetables, stood up, glanced at the quiet main room again, and whispered, "Eldest brother and second brother, there are Do you have anything to ask me?"

They stood in the shade next to the wall. This was the Shen family's barn, with a chicken coop next to it and a hut behind it. There were two sand fruit trees and cherry trees next to them, which were more than 20 years old.

Today, the branches are covered with red sand fruits in the green.

Trembling and very tempting.

Shen Jiawen glanced at it and looked away. He knew that these were eaten by the people in the main house, especially Bao Zhi, because she was a lucky star. The flowering and fruiting of this sand fruit was all due to Shen Baozhi's lucky star. Naturally, it was also due to Shen Baozhi's lucky star. It's her turn to enjoy.

Normally I don't feel anything, but today I felt particularly congested.

There are so many things I want to ask Xiaoxi, but I can't come up with a single word.

Shen Mingxi didn't want to waste her hard-earned rest time. She didn't wait for their answer and asked directly, "Big brother and second brother, was it wrong what I asked my second uncle today?"

 Please collect and recommend new books, okay~~~

(End of this chapter)

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