Chapter 166 Make Money

Shen Mingxi decided to bake scallion pancakes today. First, she mixed a cucumber cold dish and stewed a pot of potatoes and beans. The potatoes were brought from the backing village, and the beans were picked from space. She thought that everyone was very special when they stewed the beans. If you like to eat, why not make more of it, so that everyone can eat here today.

The second brother can also cook, so she doesn't have to worry about it tomorrow morning.

And she will come over early after school tomorrow, so that they can have a place to eat at noon. When this person is in a happy mood, he will do things quickly.

When Shen Mingxi was serving the stewed dishes, Feng Anyen entered the kitchen, rolled up his sleeves and started to help light the fire.

Someone helped light the fire, and Shen Mingxi moved faster.

So, one of the two people squatted in the stove to add firewood, and the other was busy flipping a large fried cake in the big iron pot. The aroma instantly filled the entire kitchen.

Then the rich fragrance quietly ran into the house.

The few people counting the money were already hungry, especially Li Qing, who was a pure foodie. He put down the money in his hand, ran to the kitchen, and then went to the yard with a newly baked pancake. He stopped and changed his hands, but didn't forget to stuff it into his mouth.

This scallion pancake is indeed the most fragrant when it comes out of the pan.

So, in the end, only Shen Yu and Shen Jiawen counted the money, but even so, they counted the money before eating.

Shen Yu knew it well, but Shen Jiawen didn't expect that in less than a day, there would be [-] yuan in two cardboard boxes.

There is still one-tenth of the items left, and the capital is almost back.

Shen Yu's eyes were shining and he looked energetic. He had great confidence in the future. At this time, Shen Qingshan and Su Xiaojuan, who were responsible for cleaning up the shed, also came back.

Shen Jiawen couldn't help sighing, "Dad, it's no wonder that there are more and more people doing business now, and in the past, almost all big families started their businesses, and the profits here are really huge."

"Jiawen, don't tell others how much you've earned for now." Shen Yu instructed.

"Dad, don't worry, but I saw a few people in Gushantun, and I guess they will talk about it in the village when they go back."

"It's okay, let them talk." Shen Yu didn't care. He counted out the three hundred yuan and put the rest in the iron cabinet and locked it. He said softly to Shen Jiawen, "Jiawen, dad won't hide it from you. I Now it’s just a journey, and many people in Kaoshantun are kind to our family. If this road is feasible, my father will take them to make money together.”

After saying that, Shen Jiawen was asked to go to the kitchen and call Shen Mingxi over.

The money could not be deposited in the bank for the time being. He thought of the mysterious space his daughter said, where the purple lingzhi and old wild ginseng were hidden. According to his analysis, this should be a place that only his daughter could open.

He has read science magazines before, and he has not forgotten them all these years. He remembers an article published in a science magazine, which was published by foreign scientists, which means that this world is not a simple world, and there may be another space in the world. above this space.

But people in this dimension have limited abilities and cannot see higher dimensions, and his daughter is the one who can see another dimension.

Although I don't know if my analysis is correct, it is roughly the same, so it is the safest to put the money there for the time being.

There were only Shen Yu and Shen Mingxi in the room. When Shen Yu was stunned, the iron box disappeared in front of his eyes. Shen Yu blinked, swallowed, waved his hand and said calmly, "Xiaoxi, you Go ahead."

Shen Mingxi gave a thumbs up and praised, "Dad, you are amazing."

After saying that, he walked briskly to the kitchen and continued to bake pancakes with Juanzi. There were two of them in the kitchen, and Feng Anyen went to the yard with Shen Jiawen.

At this time, Shen Yu sat blankly on the chair. It took him a long time to come back to his senses. He rubbed his face, stood up, and walked towards the yard as if nothing had happened. If his figure hadn't been slightly... If there is some staggering, it will be even more calm.

However, hearing about it and seeing it with your own eyes are always different.

It was already rare for him to accept it so calmly.

The tractor stopped at the agricultural machinery station for maintenance. Except for Shen Yu and Shen Qingshan who stayed in the rented yard, the others all took the tractor back to Kaoshantun.

It was already very late when they went back, but there were still many people waiting at the entrance of the village. Aunt Su stood at the front. She was waiting for her daughter, and the others came to watch the fun.

After all, going out to do business is a big deal.

Moreover, many people still look down upon it and think it is not serious business.

Isn’t there an old saying in the past that everything is inferior but reading is superior?

Agricultural business.

This business is ranked last.

They want to see this family come back in despair.

Aunt Su had been arguing with them for a long time, and she only stopped when she was tired.

When Aunt Su saw her daughter Juanzi jumping off the tractor with flying eyebrows, she knew that today must be a success.

Although the other children were calm, there were smiles on their brows that couldn't be concealed.

In fact, before this, she was still worried. She had no objection to doing business because her son was in the transportation team, and they relied on these merchants to transport goods to make money.

But the Shen family is different from others.

All their capital is borrowed, so if something goes wrong, it will be even worse.

However, Aunt Su was still discerning, and she always felt that with Shen Yu's ability, this thing might be possible. She narrowed her eyes happily, said a few words to Xiaoxi affectionately, and then took her daughter home. .

The woolen coats they were wearing were not included in the goods sold, because they were given to Xiaoxi and Juanzi alone.

However, I was worried that others would be jealous, so I temporarily put my coat in the rented house.

I can't help it, this coat is too eye-catching.

Their foundation is too shallow, and they don’t want to stimulate the unbalanced minds of the villagers because of unnecessary things. Some things should be low-key and step-by-step.

After all, everyone knows that coats are expensive. If you don’t make a lot of money, how can you be willing to wear them for your family?

Shen Yu thinks a lot when doing things. After being freed from the shackles, he always likes to take one step at a time and see the next.

Grandma Mu, who stayed at home, was not worried. In business, there were losses and profits. Besides, she believed in Shen Yu's vision. Although she had not been to the county several times, she knew that in such a large county, women There is still a part of the purchasing power. It doesn't need to be many. With [-] people, Shen Yu can be fulfilled.

The facts were indeed similar to what she had guessed. Chen Li, who was worried, finally calmed down and was busy boiling water for the children to soak their feet.

Shen Baozhi had already come out of the hospital. In fact, she had recovered a long time ago. With the special medicine obtained from the system, she started acting as usual on the third day. However, in order not to arouse others' suspicion, she stayed in the hospital for another two days. Go back to the old house.

(End of this chapter)

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