Cannon fodder heroine online counterattack

Chapter 229 The Patriarch’s Seal

Chapter 229 The Patriarch’s Seal
The door was closed with a bang. It could be said that this place was impregnated with iron walls. There were no windows, there was only one entrance, and there were many people holding the handles at the door.

He didn't have any skills, how could he escape?
Shen Zhehan suddenly felt that all the strength in his body was gone, and a cold air rushed from the soles of his feet to his heart, and he couldn't help but feel frightened.

If Lao Wang is caught, if he tells the truth, his life will be over.

I just hope that Lao Wang will not be caught. In that case, he will still have a chance to stand up.

After all, as the head of the family these past few months, he has hidden a lot of good things in his private vault.

Even if he leaves the Shen family now, he still lacks nothing.

And what did Mr. Shen mean by what he just said?Where to go?Are you going to find Shen Yu?
Shen Zhehan hated Shen Mancang again. Since he did such a thing in the first place, why didn't he do it thoroughly?
If Shen Yu was strangled to death, even if he knew it now, where would he find the evidence?

These two old guys, who failed to achieve anything but failed more than failed, really harmed him.If I knew I would be where I am today.They really should have been sent to a place where no one could find them.

Look, I didn't have the heart to kill that kid at first, but now I've made him locked up in the basement.

In fact, at this time, Shen Zhehan really thought of Shen Mancang and his wife as kind-hearted people.

At the beginning, Old Man Shen and Mrs. Shen actually wanted to strangle Shen Yu to death, but then they thought about it and raised it first. When they were older, they would let this scoundrel of the Shen family work as a cow and horse for them, and also let him A taste of what it's like to be a person today, and let him know what it feels like to be stepped on in the mud. This is a kind of malicious revenge, and they really enjoy it.

Because when they abused Shen Yu, they felt very happy.

After walking out of the basement, Mr. Shen came to a room. Uncle Shen handed the seal of the family head found from Shen Zhehan's body to Mr. Shen. After thinking about it, Mr. Shen gave it to Uncle Shen, "Put this seal in the secret room of the Shen family. Now I want to go to Kaoshantun with Hongxiu..."

Uncle Shen hesitated for a moment and asked with some worry, "Old Master, Shen Zhehan will not admit it, and Shen Mancang will certainly not admit it. What evidence do we have now to prove that Shen Zhehan is not a Shen family member?"

Mr. Shen was confident and said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, I have a decision in my heart."

Seeing that Mr. Shen seemed to have planned it, Uncle Shen felt relieved, and then said, "The villa has been taken care of, and many documents, contracts, and some cash and jewelry were found."

"Let's put these aside for now. Let's talk to the outside world. Just say that the head of the Shen family is sick now and all business is suspended. If you have anything to do, wait until I come back."

The most important thing now is to recognize his eldest grandson.

Everything else is trivial.

It may seem like a trivial matter, but some are also very troublesome.

Mr. Shen did not trust Shen Zheming to handle it, and besides, he wanted to take him away this time. After all, Shen Zheming was still very useful in many things.

But now Shen Zhehan is locked up, and Shen Zheming is going to take him away. The Shen family's big stall is equivalent to being abandoned in Yuncheng. Mr. Shen and Uncle Shen explained some things and then left.

After returning to the Shen family manor, he asked Shen Hongxiu to pack the things he had brought with him, and he called Shen Zheming's father, Shen Hongwen.

Let Shen Hongwen take care of the Shen family's property.

Shen Hongwen didn't know what happened yet, but he always felt that for the Shen family, there seemed to be a feeling that the mountains and the rain were about to come.

But this time he was smart enough not to test it, but silently obeyed the old man's arrangements.

He didn't even ask where Shen Zhehan had gone, and he was even a little happy in his heart.

He felt that this was a good opportunity. No matter how long it took, he had to do it well and show the old man that he was the most suitable head of the Shen family.

Of course, it would be fine to give it to my son Zhe Ming, but it would not be as comfortable as sitting up by myself.

Mr. Shen has no time to care about what Shen Hongwen is thinking. Anyway, there are two stable clan elders in charge, plus Uncle Shen, there will be no trouble.

He still has this grasp.

And it was time for him to go.

Today's flights do not occur every day, but only once every three days. At this time, Mr. Shen cannot wait for three days, and the same is true for Shen Hongxiu.

So at one o'clock in the afternoon, Mr. Shen and a group of people got on the same train bound for the capital.

At this time in the northern and southern counties, Shen Yu carried a basket of things to the Chen family.

Principal Chen didn't expect Shen Yu to bring him so much.

There were half a basket of fresh vegetables, as well as peanuts and dried shrimps wholesaled from Yuncheng.

A basket full.

There was no point in giving money at this time, but he recognized Shen Yu as the elder brother.

Shen Yu didn't stay long, and left after a few warm words with Mr. Chen in the room.

It was already afternoon, and it was time for them to return to Kaoshantun. If there was no car, the father and daughter would have to walk back.

Coincidentally, after locking the door, I saw an old bullock driving a bullock cart not far away.

His beard and eyebrows were covered with a layer of white frost.

So is the old cow.

After asking, I found out that Lao Niutou came to the county to do business, and he was delivering goods for the brigade, and he was about to go back. There were a few sacks of things in the car, which were obviously bought for the New Year.

The twelfth lunar month will come one day later. This is the custom in the north. After entering the twelfth lunar month, people will start to celebrate the New Year.

Making bean bags, pasting wallpaper, preparing New Year's goods, and the Yangko team is also preparing to practice. It's such a joyful dance during the Chinese New Year.

Therefore, Lanbei County has begun to become lively now.

So Shen Yu simply turned around, opened the door, and packed some of the goods in the room, including the frozen goods outside, into four wicker baskets.

After returning home, it will be enough to split the money between several companies.

Of course, Lao Niutou's share cannot be left behind. Lao Niutou looked at Shen Yu with envy. Who would have thought that Shen Yu, who was looked down upon by Old Man Shen as a human being, would now turn over as soon as he said he would turn over. As long as all these things are sold , I’m still not sure how much it will be.

Shen Yu got him some of everything, and there was actually a small pile.

The old ox-tou smiled brightly and waved his whip, then set up the ox-cart and the group of people slowly returned to Kaoshan Village.

There was no phone contact, and Chen Li's worried heart was completely relieved when Shen Yu and Shen Mingxi suddenly arrived home.

He quickly went to boil water for cooking. The room was very hot. Shen Mingxi took off his cotton shoes and sat on the kang. Soon, he felt a warmth coming from under his buttocks. It was better at home than anywhere else.

Shen Jiawen and Shen Qingshan gathered around Shen Yu and asked about the harvest of this trip to Yuncheng. When they learned that two trucks of goods were placed in the house they rented before, the two brothers cheered with joy. , in this case they will make a fortune again years ago.

(End of this chapter)

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