Chapter 231
Shen Jiawen glared at his younger brother angrily, "Brother, of course I believe it. Anyway, what I said is just to stop you. Even if you do business with our dad, but you are not even as educated as our dad, what will you do in the future?" Go out with him?"

"...But brother, I really don't want to go to school. Even if I barely go to high school, I will definitely not be able to get into college if I can graduate. If I don't, it will be a waste of time." Shen Qingshan muttered.

"Forget it, think about it yourself. Go ahead and send the things to Su's family. The scarf and gloves were bought by Xiaoxi for her, Sister Juanzi."

"I know, I will definitely tell Juanzi."

As he spoke, Shen Qingshan put the gift for Su Da's family in the wicker basket, but with some thoughts in his eyes, he walked to the door and suddenly turned around, "Brother, Xiaoxi also said this to me. She He said that my father's business may become bigger and bigger in the future. If I feel that my cultural level is not enough and it is too late to learn more, I will carefully consider what you say."

"Yes, you should think about it carefully. Our father also means the same. Although he respects your opinion, he still hopes that you will reach a higher level."

Shen Qingshan nodded solemnly, pushed open the door, and walked outside quickly.

Shen Jiawen sighed, but he also knew that since Shen Qingshan agreed, he would definitely think about it.

Turning around, she saw Grandma Mu and her father coming out of the west room. Grandma Mu's eyes were red, but there was a smile on her lips.

Obviously, Dad and Grandma Mu said something.

Shen Jiawen raised his handsome eyebrows slightly, turned around and calmly helped his younger brothers and sisters pack away the little books.

In the evening of that day, three strangers came to Kaoshan Village. They were said to be collectors of mountain goods. They found the captain Shen Sanye, and they also had letters of introduction in their hands. The captain did not say, and no one knew where they came from, but it was obvious With a southern accent.

It is said that they will stay here for a few days, but there is no hotel or guest house in Kaoshantun, and there is no room for people in the brigade headquarters, so Mr. Shen took these three people to live in his home.

Grandma Shen San still hasn’t come home.

Mr. Shen and his old son reluctantly learned to cook.

But he really didn't have time to care about the food of these three people.

But unexpectedly, one of the young people could cook. Since he could take care of himself, Mr. Shen felt relieved to let them stay temporarily.

Winter in the north gets dark earlier.

Many people eat two meals, no matter whether they have the conditions or not, years of habits cannot be changed in a short while, so they usually finish their meals after four o'clock.

There is no TV either. After dark, the old and young men who have nothing to do will gather together to play cards and chat.

These three people told Mr. Shen that they wanted to get acquainted with the people in the village and also released information about collecting mountain goods, so Mr. Shen took them to Mr. Li Wu's house.

Mr. Li Wu is a cheerful and hospitable person. His house is quite big, and Mr. Li is also recruiting people. Many old guys are willing to chat and smoke with him. He also has a radio at home, so we can listen to storytelling and laugh together. Winter nights are not that long either.

Mr. Shen went back after talking to them for a while.

When he was drowsily asleep, he heard a noise in the west room. Knowing that it was the three people coming back, Mr. Shen turned over and continued to sleep.

But at this time, the three people in the west room were not sleepy, especially Uncle Li.

Under the dim light, he put his hands on his waist, his eyes were ruthless.

Shen Mancang, there really is a man named Shen Mancang in this backing village.

It can also be said that they went at the right time tonight.

Originally, everyone would not talk about Shen Mancang and Shen Yu's family, but today Shen Yu just came back from Yuncheng, brought two truckloads of goods, and sent a lot of good things to the neighbors who made friends.

There were some who were envious and some who were jealous, but most of them were emotional and happy for him. Occasionally, there were one or two people who made sarcastic remarks and were slapped so hard by Mr. Li Wu that they dared not say a word.

Then Uncle Li also found out how Shen Yu came here after all these years.
There were a few sentences in it that left a deep impression on him.

"... Let me tell you, this Shen Yu is definitely not Shen Mancang's biological child, otherwise he could be abused so cruelly. In our backing village, there are some who favor sons over daughters, and there are also those who abuse their daughters-in-law... but we abuse our own biological children. The eldest son is really the only one in his family..."

Others chimed in and joked, but they were all told as jokes, but Li Bo knew it was true.

Now it is even more certain that Shen Mancang's eldest son is the grandson of the old family owner, the child who was secretly carried out from Yuncheng.

But no one in Guashantun really knew that this old guy came from Yuncheng.

However, Shen Mancang may not have thought at all that when he first registered his residence, the review was very strict. There were records of where he came from, but no one paid attention to it, but now it has been found out and it has become an irrefutable proof.

Although it was only one night, Uncle Li had almost understood that the attitude towards their children and grandchildren was similar between the older generation here and the older generation in Yuncheng.

That is, they all pay attention to the eldest son and grandson.

The eldest son and grandson will inherit the family business.

Therefore, the behavior of Shen Mancang and his wife is really puzzling. After all, Shen Yu is really good. He is tall, good-looking, and smart. He studied so well back then. If he had been admitted to college, he might have become a high official now.

But now the sweetness has finally come. The last time I purchased goods from Nancheng, I made a lot of money. This time I purchased the goods from Yuncheng. After they are sold out, I will make another fortune. Many people are thinking about it. I'll go to Shen Yu's house tomorrow morning and ask if I can do it together...

Basically, the backers are divided into two factions on this point. One faction believes that the land is the best, and farmers should keep their duty, and the way out is to cultivate the land well.

But some people also want to go out and try their luck. There is no hope of being a worker in this life, but there is no threshold for doing business, as long as you have capital in hand.

Just like when Shen Yu separated from the Shen family, she was penniless. But look at now, she has a house, a bicycle, her children have gone to school, and what she wears is completely different from before. Isn't this right? It's all because of his business.

It’s not that the people in Guoshantun are not envious.

Naturally, on this night, the dozen or so young and old men in the room talked the most about Shen Yu's family.

So it's better to come early than to come late.

No need to go out of your way to understand it, Uncle Li already knows it.

Seeing that Uncle Li was so angry, one of the younger secret guards was only in his 20s. He could be regarded as inheriting his father's business. Externally, they were security personnel. Internally, they were highly skilled secret guards with high salary and benefits. After the age of 55, You can retire and receive a large lump sum of retirement benefits from the Shen family.

And the houses they live in all belong to the Shen family.

(End of this chapter)

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