Cannon fodder heroine online counterattack

Chapter 24 The Children Have Grow Up

Chapter 24 The Children Have Grow Up
Shen Mingxi shocked them today. She was snatching food from their bowls. Shen Hai, who had always been superior to others, was not happy.

Talking about four laborers and full work points is all nonsense. The first house is just making cattle and horses for their second house. This is what I said personally, so they have no right to compete with them for food.

That's not what the third uncle was thinking about. What he was thinking was that if the family was really separated, it would be okay if the division was smooth. If the big house with the disaster star was divided separately, then the three of them would be the ones doing the work. room.

He didn't believe that his second wife, who was pampered by his parents, would treat them well.

However, there is no other way. He is not good at work and has no education, so he can only take advantage of his second brother.

Besides, it’s the boss’s family that I’m working with, not them.

Although sometimes the training was a bit harsh, who made Xiaoxi the Sangmen Star?

This can only be blamed on their bad luck.

After Old Shen finished his meal, Shen Hai lit a pack of cigarettes for him. The old man took a long drag on the cigarette and then spit it out. His eyes were filled with smoke.

However, I felt much better and called my two sons over, "You all come here..."

Mrs. Shen left the west room with a gloomy face.

It was completely dark outside. Ji Daju and Wu Zhaodi took out the empty bowls, chopsticks and basins and piled them into the big pot.

As usual, waiting for Chen Li to wash.

Because after washing, they still have to cook a pot of pig food. After all, the Shen family only has one big iron pot for the time being.

People and pigs both eat in the same pot, so that's okay. Nowadays, most households that feed pigs are like this. As long as they are kept clean, there is no problem.

Chen Li finished her work in the woodshed and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes and cook the pig food.

There was no electric light in the kitchen, only an oil lamp was lit. She looked at Chen Li gloomily. Chen Li's legs were a little weak, but she still held on. They had a full meal tonight, and Mr. Shen Tai must be upset. If taking his anger out on her can make this matter go away, she can just endure it.

The creek was big, and she couldn't let the old lady beat and scold her all the time for no reason.

She lowered her eyebrows and looked down, and worked very quickly.

She is a diligent person, so this job is naturally a no-brainer.

Mrs. Shen watched and scolded, while Chen Li listened submissively.

The old lady was still frightened today, so when she scolded Chen Li, she did not dare to curse as loudly as before. Her voice was loud, but only Chen Li could hear her.

Chen Li finally finished her work, and she looked timidly at Mrs. Shen, "Mom, please calm down, I'll go give Yaya a bath..."

With that said, Chen Li raised her legs and left.

Old Mrs. Shen gritted her teeth in anger. She picked up the fire stick and threw it up. She couldn't help but raised her voice and cursed, "Chen Li, you are such a troublemaker, my good son." My grandson has been taught badly by you, and he dares to go against us. Doesn’t he even want to live anymore? You..."

Then, the sharp sound suddenly stopped.

The lights in the house shone in the yard, and she saw the two Shen Jiawen brothers glaring at her.

Especially Shen Qingshan, his eyes are the most cruel and terrifying.

Shen Mingxi walked out of the darkness and sneered, "Grandma, just because we want to live, we are settling accounts with you today. This matter has nothing to do with my mother. She works non-stop all day long, and she still has to suffer from you. Your heart is really made of stone. My mother alone abused these three daughters-in-law. Are you really bullying her? The children are too young to support her?"

Shen Qingshan glared at Old Madam Shen angrily, although he didn't say anything, his fists were clenched and rattled, Old Madam Shen was startled, her hand holding the fire stick trembled.

In this world, the most indispensable thing is people who bully the weak and fear the strong.

This was the case with Mrs. Shen in front of her.

She took a few steps back and stared blankly at the tall twin brothers, thinking in a daze that Chen Li, a useless prodigal woman, would have such a big child...

She was in a dilemma, and at this time, Shen Baozhi came. She smiled as if she didn't know what had just happened. She winked at the three brothers and sisters with unpredictable expressions in front of her, "Big brother, second brother, sister, I will take care of you." Grandma, go back to the house. You should also take a rest. It’s been a tiring day today, it’s been too hard..."

Then, without waiting for them to speak, he hurriedly pulled Mrs. Shen, "Grandma, you should go back to the house and rest, let's go, there are a lot of mosquitoes outside..."

Mrs. Shen finally found her way to the bottom of the steps. Her eyes were full of her precious lucky star Shen Baozhi. This child was the little fairy sent by God.

She followed Shen Baozhi quickly.

There was nothing she could do about it. Shen Jiawen and Shen Qingshan, who had always had no sense of existence, suddenly became tall and scary. She needed to think about it carefully.

Chen Li was a little confused, why did Mrs. Shen leave so easily.

She murmured, "Baozhi is a good child, thank you to her, otherwise, your grandma would have done something again today..."

Shen Mingxi glanced at the lights in the main room and said rudely, "Mom, you have forgotten that when you were beaten and scolded by my grandma many times, Shen Baozhi was watching from the side. My grandma was afraid of my eldest brother and second brother. What does it have to do with her!"

Shen Qingshan, who originally thought Chen Li was right, suddenly understood. He smiled happily, "Xiaoxi, I almost thought so if you didn't tell me."

"You silly boy, you have to think more about anything in the future." Shen Jiawen, who had been silent for a long time, spoke up.

Chen Li was ashamed and a little overwhelmed. Shen Mingxi did not blame Chen Li too much. Her mother had lived too hard these years, and she was the most powerful one who accepted everything.

The road their big house has to take is actually very difficult.

She took Chen Li's arm and said, "Mom, go inside and rest. By the way, you can get up tomorrow morning and serve the vegetable garden. Don't do anything else. My eldest brother and my second brother are responsible for everything."

"Yes, Mom, we have everything..."

Shen Jiawen spoke lightly but seemed to be promising something.

In the main room, Old Man Shen looked at Old Mrs. Shen who looked wrong and frowned, "What happened to the boss and his family today? If you have nothing to do tomorrow, find out if someone is instigating them."

"Who can instigate it? Isn't that damn girl working with two kids from the city and three others these days? By the way, I heard in the afternoon that Feng Anyen's leg was cut with a sickle... "

Mrs. Shen said angrily.

Shen Baozhi's eyes flashed on the side, Shen Mingxi and Feng Anyen working together?
Hearing the words "Feng Anyen", Old Shen glanced at Shen Baozhi and said nothing, while Shen Hai beside him said impatiently, "Father, mother, you just let them ride on your necks and show off their power. You can’t get used to this, otherwise, you won’t be able to control them anymore…”

(End of this chapter)

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