Chapter 253

Maybe this is the favorite question asked by elders, especially during the winter vacation.

Goudan was not afraid, he raised his little head proudly, "Shuangbai, I am No. 1 in my grade."

Shen Hongxiu glanced at his bloodline with a pleased look.

He is a top student.

But Shen Zhehan was terribly stupid. Whether he taught in person or hired a tutor, his results never satisfied him.

At that time, he didn't know the truth, so he would be suspicious wherever he went.

This is a normal thing. Ordinary parents can give birth to genius sons, but the children born to genius couples may not necessarily be geniuses.

But now it seems that his genes have continued. He is very proud and very proud, but at the same time, when he thinks of Shen Yu who has been delayed, his heart hurts so much that he can't breathe.

He lowered his head hastily and gritted his teeth bitterly.

Of course Mr. Shen knew what Shen Hongxiu was thinking, and he sighed. It was too late to say anything now. His eldest grandson was already 40 years old, so he could only do his best to compensate him.

He praised Shen Linfeng, "My little great-grandson is so smart."

Of these children, Shen Linfeng was very close to him, and the little one's words were also listened to, which made his heart warm. He held Shen Linfeng in his arms and looked at the older ones with loving eyes, "I listen. I said, you didn’t even go to school before, it was your father who taught you, but now your grades are among the best in the No. [-] Middle School. You are worthy of being the descendants of my Shen family. Your great-great-grandfather and your grandfather were very worried when they found out. You are proud."

Then he looked at Shen Qingshan. This was the boy who was so strong that he could smash a big bluestone with one punch.

He asked with concern, "Qingshan, have you thought about what you will do in the future?"

Yaya is too young to see it. Among the five children, it seems that Qingshan really doesn't like reading, but that's not good. In the future, whether you study literature or martial arts, literacy is the most important foundation.

Shen Hongxiu let out a long sigh and said kindly, "Qingshan, no matter what you want, as long as grandpa can do it, I will definitely help you."

Shen Qingshan scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

Except for Goudan and Yaya, almost everyone in the family has talked to him about this issue, and now there are two more people.

"...I haven't thought about it yet. I'll tell you when I think about it."

We just met each other, but actually there are still many things to say and many things to do, which need to be said and done bit by bit.

Old Shen and Mrs. Shen were dealt with by two police officers from Beicheng. The relevant laws on sentencing would provide standards, but the punishment must be severe. Otherwise, wouldn't Shen Yu's 40 years of suffering be in vain?
Moreover, such a simple recognition is not enough.

The Shen family's headquarters is in Yuncheng, where the Shen clan members live. If he wants to tell the clan members, it is naturally impossible for the eldest son and his grandson's family to still live in this remote mountain village thousands of miles away.

All kinds of things have to be solved bit by bit.

Shen Yu knew this very well, but he could also see the exhaustion on Mr. Shen's face more clearly, as well as his own father, whose eyes were scarlet in pain.

Not to mention grandpa, he is not young anymore.

Especially when I heard that these children couldn't even go to school, I almost cried.

In fact, it's not their fault.

He looked at Shen Jiawen, "Jiawen, you and Qingshan go carry some firewood for your grandma Mu. Xiaoxi, go to the kitchen and call your mother over."

After the arrangements were made, Goudan and Yaya were asked to go back to their houses.

There were only three people left in the Shen family's west room, and Shen Yu added another cup of hot tea to the two of them, but Qing Jun's eyebrows were now filled with guilt, "...Grandpa, Dad, don't blame yourself, after I get married, I will I'm an adult, but I'm not a good husband, nor a good father. I've read so many books in vain. I don't know what I should understand, and I don't understand what I shouldn't understand, but I stupidly regard it as the truth. These children have suffered a lot following me... This really has nothing to do with you..."

Shen Hongxiu listened blankly, a layer of water vapor slowly appeared in his eyes, and his voice was choked, "I am not like that, I am not a good father, I don't even know whether my son is my biological son, and you... …”

He wanted to say "mother" to you, but he couldn't say the word "mother" because Luo Aofu didn't deserve it at all.

After a pause, he continued, "I have also read poetry and books, but I have also been deceived for so many years. In the final analysis, I am sorry for you. If you were all in the Shen family, you would all live together regardless of whether you understand the truth or not. No worries about food and clothing."

"Yes, Ayu, your father and I are sorry for letting you live outside for so many years and suffer so much."

Mr. Shen's voice was hoarse, and his face had a look of guilt and pain.

Then he raised his head and looked at his eldest grandson, "Ayu, you are a sensible and good boy, but you should blame us and hate us. You left the Shen family when you were a few months old. What do you know? You are passive in everything. The Shen family owes you so much... In the future, grandpa and father will compensate you even if they risk their lives."

Shen Yu's hand holding the cup tightened. At this time, her heart felt like a ball of cotton. If she said she didn't hate or complained, it would be a lie.

If they hadn't failed in their duties, how could I have ended up here?

It's okay to live here, but he really suffered a lot when he was a child. Since he can remember, he has never worn a piece of well-fitting clothes or had a full meal.

While he was working, he also had to look at Shen Hai and the others.

Even so, I still have to be beaten and scolded every day...

If he hadn't been so talented, how could he have stumbled through high school.

Thinking about it, my father and grandfather already knew this, otherwise they wouldn't have gone directly to Shen Mancang's house.

But it's too late to say anything now.

It's not necessary either.

But it’s hard to get over it after all!
Shen Yu's face was a little pale. Although the corners of his mouth were still slightly raised, he became a little indifferent and distant.

Mr. Shen was very sad, but with his sharp eyes, he gave an accurate evaluation of Shen Yu.

His eldest grandson, as long as he has a suitable platform, he will soar into the sky if he has an opportunity.

If he becomes the head of the Shen family, he believes that the Shen family will definitely get better and better.

It's just a pity that this child has no sense of belonging to the Shen family.

The time we met was so short that I didn't have time to ask him what he was thinking, and I didn't even dare to ask him. I was worried about hearing a negative answer and not knowing how to step down, so I just pretended to be confused and didn't ask.

The room fell into embarrassment and silence, and at this moment, Chen Li opened the door curtain and walked in.

Shen Mingxi stood in the outer room, paused for a moment, then turned and returned to his room.

Dad called Mom over, something must have happened.

Chen Li felt very uneasy.

Although she has little knowledge, it doesn't mean that she doesn't know that her husband's identity is different now from before...

(End of this chapter)

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