Cannon fodder heroine online counterattack

Chapter 280 It’s not easy for you to still remember me

Chapter 280 It’s not easy for you to still remember me
In fact, he has not seen Aunt Su and Juanzi in the past few days.

There was a lot of gossip in the village, and he heard it too. Although he didn't take it to heart, he also knew that the nights were long and the dreams were many.

Shen Qingshan divided the ribs and pork belly into eight portions according to his father's instructions.

The advantage of having such great strength is that it can be divided neatly, with one cut, even the skin and bones, not even the flesh or tendons.

A family weighs almost ten pounds.

Aunt Su's house has a lot more than other houses. There are only two ribs fans, plus a big pig head...

Shen Qingshan happily hooked a straw rope to the ribs and pork belly, put the big pig head in a sack, carried it easily, and ran to Su's house.

When she saw Shen Qingshan's smiling face as usual and the things he was carrying, Aunt Su's heart almost dropped in her throat.

Although Mr. Shen was quite polite to her that day, she still felt a little uneasy.

It can be said that they were well matched before, but after Shen Yu recognized his ancestor and returned to the clan, the difference in family status was really huge.

My daughter is young and foolish enough not to worry at all, but as a mother she always has to prepare for a rainy day.

But no matter what she does now, it's obviously inappropriate.

Just when he was restless, Qingshan came in carrying ribs, pork belly and a sack.

There turned out to be a big pig's head inside.

As a rural person in the north, cooked five-spice pork head is a great dish to go with both wine and rice.

Moreover, this pig head will be eaten on February [-]nd.

It is also called eating the dragon's head. I don't know how it got associated with the dragon.

However, this custom also varies from place to place.

She was extremely happy, not for the things, but for Shen Yu's thoughts and attitude. She quickly brought people into the house, poured water and got melon seeds.

Look at him with a loving smile.

Shen Qingshan remembered that this was similar to how his mother looked at Feng Anyen.

Shen Qingshan's ears turned a little red.

Juanzi stood by the wall, slim and graceful, smiling...

His heart was pounding like a drum. He turned around quickly and walked out of the yard with quick strides. Aunt Su was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that Shen Qingshan would just leave, but when she saw him chopping firewood with an ax in the yard, At this time, the corners of his mouth curled up with satisfaction.

However, he still felt distressed and pulled the person away, and then Shen Qingshan had lunch at Su's house at noon.

This was a common occurrence, and Chen Li and Shen Yu didn't take it to heart at all.

In the afternoon, Zhu Youcai, who sent Mr. Shen and Shen Hongxiu away, came back from the county town. At the command of the old man, he bought the rented yard and planned to transfer it to Shen Yu, so Shen Yu wanted to stay with him in the afternoon. Go through the formalities.

However, the house was originally rented to facilitate close contact with Shen Yu and the others, so the area was not large. There was a small yard, but it was a lot crowded for such a large family to live in.

The current situation in Yuncheng is still unclear. The eldest young master's son cannot go to Yuncheng immediately, so it is beneficial to buy a house in the county.

But after Zhu Youcai walked around the spacious and bright courtyard of the Shen family, he felt that this might not be possible.

The children don't know, but Shen Yu and Chen Li may not be able to go to the county seat.

Honestly speaking, except for the good location and convenient transportation, the houses in the county cannot compare with the Shen family's blue brick house with large tiles.

Speaking of transportation, it is indeed a worry. Nowadays, even if you want to buy a car, you still need special approval from the Ministry of Economy and Trade. This is on the one hand. Wherever you put the car after you buy it, the car will freeze if the temperature is low.

If you buy a carriage, the horse needs to eat grass and be taken care of, so it's inconvenient no matter how you think about it.

And when he came back from the county town, he took someone else's ox cart or donkey cart back.

I found Shen Yu and told me the things that I was worried about. Shen Yu said nonchalantly, "I don't always go to the county town when I have nothing to do. There is a carriage at the brigade headquarters. In the next few days, there will be Spring Festival couplets with the word "Fu" in the warehouse. It’s time to sell out. At that time, go to the brigade headquarters to apply and pay some food, fodder or money according to the regulations.”

Oh, it's okay.

“Aren’t you going to live in the house in the county?

Zhu Youcai was older than Shen Yu. Shen Yu smiled and said, "Brother Zhu, that house is too small, but you can put the goods there temporarily."

Shen Yu didn't refuse and accepted it happily.

"Then you can go through the formalities with me this afternoon."

Two days ago, Gutian Commune allocated two horses to Guoshan Tun. They were much faster than the old ox, so the old ox was laid off with honor. The structure of a horse-drawn carriage and an ox-cart are similar. After being hitched, the ox-cart becomes a horse-drawn carriage. , it runs much faster than an ox cart.

So in the afternoon, Shen Yu handed over a large bundle of wheat straw and five kilograms of soybeans to the brigade. Shen Yu drove the carriage and pulled up all the goods in the warehouse. Although there were still twenty days before the Chinese New Year, it was time to prepare. It's time to get ready too.

With his two sons and Feng Anyen in tow, Shen Yu raised his whip and headed to Lanbei County with the clatter of horse hooves.

Everything is as usual.

Even if nothing happened to the Shen family in Yuncheng, he was not ready to leave here with his grandfather and the others right away.

Even though he was very poor, moving was not as easy as he imagined.

Jiawen alone must be cautious because he will take the college entrance examination in July this year.

The time is too short and there is no need to transfer schools, so it is natural to do it bit by bit. This has nothing to do with whether something happens to the Shen family in Yuncheng.


Mrs. Shen and the others are still on the road. The Shen family in Yuncheng seems to be peaceful on the surface, but in fact it is already a mess inside.

Luo Aofu in the hospital finally knew all this. She was sitting on the bed blankly, her eyes were dull, and her hands were clenched tightly. She was already numb.

At this moment, the door was gently pushed open, and a tall man of about 60 years old with graying sideburns walked over step by step.

Luo Aofu was shocked when she saw the person coming, and a hint of fear flashed in her dull eyes, "Fourth brother."

The man came to Luo Aofu's hospital bed and looked at her condescendingly.

After a while, he said calmly, "It's not easy for you to still remember me."

Luo Aofu's lips moved and her voice trembled a little, "Fourth brother, I haven't seen you for many years. How are you doing now?"

Pulling up a chair and sitting opposite Luo Aofu, Lin Heng curled his lips and asked, "How do you think I am doing?"

Luo Aofu looked at Lin Heng in front of her. She had not seen him for ten years. Although she was old, her face was still cold and handsome, but her eyes seemed to be sharper and more sinister. It seemed that she could see through everything in just one glance. Everything left her unable to hide, and Luo Aofu lowered his head in panic.

Biting his lip, he didn't speak.

(End of this chapter)

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