Chapter 366
Why can't she do it when it's her turn? Besides, who is in her natal family? There are only three sisters at the top and one brother at the bottom. What's the use of their family seal? They all seem to avoid it.

The more she thought about Zhao Suqin, the angrier she became. She gritted her teeth and said irritably, "Today is the Primary Five exam, and getting you out is the most important thing. Okay, don't mention him, and go home first."

Zhao Yahe's eyes flashed, and she wondered in her heart, is her aunt and fifth brother angry?That's not possible. If the relationship between aunt and Xiao Wu is bad, how can she get together with Xiao Wu in the future?

She quickly pretended to be sensible and said, "Auntie, let's go see Brother Xiaowu now. We have enough time. I'll be fine."

Zhao Feng frowned at the side and scolded unhappily, "Why go and see? Your grandma has been waiting for you at home. Go home quickly."

Zhao Suqin was a little embarrassed because the unit's car could not be used for a long time. After sending Zhao Yahe home, the driver had to drive back. .

If Zhao Yahe went to school according to what he said, this would be another big detour.

I had to persuade him softly, "Yahe, be obedient. Let's go home first."

Besides, if this happened, she would feel uncomfortable when she thought of Feng Lanxuan's gloomy and mean expression. She didn't want to ask for trouble.

She continued to coax Zhao Yahe patiently, "Yahe, listen to your aunt. Let's go home. You can go to your fifth brother's place tomorrow."

Zhao Yahe pouted unhappily.

She had been locked up in there for nearly a year, and what she missed most was Brother Xiaowu. She wanted Brother Xiaowu to know that she was doing very well in there, so she was released early.

She can't let Brother Xiaowu misunderstand her. Just like what her father said just now, if you want to do something, if you are not sure, don't do it, so as not to get angry and burn yourself. These few times are a profound lesson.

Zhao Yahe's eyes flashed with a hint of sinisterness.

The hands in her pockets clenched. She knew that she had to ask for forgiveness from Brother Xiaowu, and she had Brother Xiaowu's forgiveness.Then Brother Xiaowu would take her out for a walk, and no one would dare to mention her going to the juvenile detention center.

In fact, she was full of hatred in her heart.

He hated the Feng family for ignoring him, hated his aunt for being incompetent, hated his father who only had his son in his heart.If they had the skills, why would they stay there for so long? Maybe they would go home after being educated. In the end, they suffered for nearly a year in there. If she hadn't behaved obediently, I can’t get out yet.

What she hates even more is her classmate Liu Fenfen.

If it weren't for her, she wouldn't have been able to go in, so as long as she had the chance, she would definitely take revenge on the past, and she would let her know what the consequences would be if she offended her.

So, Zhao Yahe softened her voice, pulled Zhao Suqin's arm and acted coquettishly, "Good aunt, you can take me there now, I want to see Brother Wu and him apologize as soon as possible, when I was in Lanbei County This matter, I really don't know that it was Mama Li's own decision, and it really has nothing to do with me, but it was caused by me after all, and I have to apologize to Little Fifth Brother."

Zhao Suqin was very pleased after hearing this.

He looked at his little niece lovingly, she was so beautiful no matter how she looked, how much she liked her. If she became his little daughter-in-law in the future, then she would have someone of her own in the Feng family.

Besides, this kid is so sensible, he should really let that damn kid Xiao Wu take a good look at him.

Zhao Yahe is very handsome. Before she came out, she took a shower and changed her clothes. Her jet-black hair was combed into a ponytail, and a beautiful headband was tied on her hair. She was wearing a white dress with lace trim, and her feet were a pair of new sandals……

Therefore, Zhao Suqin felt very satisfied and could not resist her little niece's nudges. She also enjoyed such intimacy, which made her feel needed.

No one in the Feng family treated her like this.

While feeling resentful, I also liked Zhao Yahe even more.

Nodding in a hurry, she said dotingly, "Okay, aunt, I just promise you, but don't shake it anymore, if you shake it again, aunt will lose her airs."

Zhao Yahe smiled sweetly, "Auntie, you are so young. If others don't know, they think we are sisters. You are not old."

Zhao Suqin was so flattered by the praise that she had long forgotten the unpleasantness of the morning at Feng's house, so she took her younger brother and Zhao Yahe into the car.

The driver who drove the car belonged to Zhao Suqin's work unit.

Everyone knew in their hearts that the car could be lent to her just for the sake of the Feng family, but Zhao Suqin only thought it was her own credit. The driver who witnessed this whole scene was named Du, and everyone called him Lao Du.

Sitting in the driver's seat, he picked up the cattail fan, fanned himself a few times to remove the heat, and then the corner of his mouth twitched undetectably.

As a man, if such a daughter-in-law belonged to his own family, he would have driven her back to her parents' family long ago.

You must know that today is the first day of the college entrance examination for Zhao Suqin's youngest son.

Everyone knows how important this first day is.

Knowledge changes destiny, and going to college also means great changes in life.

It means becoming a glorious college graduate, and it also means that you will have a golden job after graduation.

You will never have to worry about food and drink for the rest of your life.

So if a family wants to have a college student, it is a matter of celebration for the whole family.

Even if you are rich and powerful, the same is true.

But Zhao Suqin was lucky enough to leave her youngest son behind to pick up her niece.

Is her niece coming out of this place something worth showing off and celebrating?Shouldn't they take the person home quietly?

Why does it seem like they have done something big and big here? People who don’t know better think that this is a great scientist from a certain academy of sciences.

Especially the little girl actually wanted to see her cousin.

If it were him, and he came out of this place to see his son, he would hit him with a big stick. Others would not think it was bad luck, but he would think it was very bad luck.

But each family doesn’t know their own business.

This Zhao Suqin is really weird. Although no one really said anything in front of her, everyone has been talking about her behind her back.

Look at the old Zhao family, this girl is really not in vain. She wants to subsidize the entire Feng family to support her parents' family.

And this Feng family is also strange, how can such a daughter-in-law be accommodated?
If ordinary people are worried about not being able to marry a wife, and they already have five children, they can just muddle along.

However, Feng Fan of this Feng family needs character, character, appearance, job and job, and family background.

Even if you are middle-aged, to be honest, if you want to marry a grown-up girl, it is not a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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