Chapter 386 One Year Later
After a pause, Shen Mingxi continued.

"At that time, we didn't have enough to eat every meal, and it was time for you to go to school, but that old lady from the Shen family wouldn't let you go to school at all.

She asked you and Yaya to pick up wheat ears and bake them for Shen Baozhi every day, and also asked you to hunt pigweeds and dig wild vegetables every day, but even so, the two of you clean up every day, and make up for any broken shoes Neat pudding, hair well washed, many children have lice on their heads, but we don't have any.

The house we lived in at that time was the shabbiest, we didn’t have enough food and clothing, and we were very pitiful, but you and Yaya wouldn’t cry in front of others..."

At the end of hearing, Shen Linfeng suddenly raised his head, his eyes sparkled, and the problem that had puzzled him all day was solved in one fell swoop.

"Third sister, I understand, the environment is the environment, and people are people. What you do depends on yourself."

"My little brother is so smart." Shen Mingxi praised without hesitation.

In fact, the smartest one in the family is the younger brother.

Then Shen Mingxi had another conversation with Shen Linfeng. After that, the child had completely figured it out and put aside the pitiful mood of Sanwang.

Shen Mingxi was relieved. Besides, back in the Shen family's old house, Sanwang often bullied his younger brother and younger sister.

At that time, they thought they were a family, but under the instigation of adults, those children had no affection for them.

No matter how pitiful they are now, it is their own business. Shen Mingxi does not want his little brother to get into unnecessary trouble because he pities them.

Shen Mingxi left the younger brother's room and returned to her own bedroom. Yaya had already finished drinking that cup of sour nutrient solution and fell into a sweet dreamland.

Shen Mingxi reached out and pinched Yaya's cheek gently before starting to write her homework.

Alas, she is still a student at the moment.


one year later.

Cloud City of China.

In the early years, the Shen family manor was divided into two parts, two-thirds of it has been turned into a park, and the other third is about more than 400 square meters, plus the garden in the front and the yard in the back and another The lotus pond on the side is almost more than 1000 square meters.

This lotus pond is not big, and it is full of green lotus leaves and lotus pods.

There are several lotus flowers still blooming on the edge of the pond.

Slim and graceful, it swayed slightly in the summer breeze, and waves of lotus fragrance filled the surroundings of the lotus pond silently with the breeze.

There is a pavilion not far away, and connected to the pavilion is a grape trellis, which is now full of thumb-sized grapes.

The road on the ground is paved with bluestone slabs, and is lined with low bushes with red chrysanthemums blooming on them.

The yard is not bigger than the former Shen family manor, but this yard is full of warm atmosphere.

Mr. Shen was sitting on the pavilion. Sitting opposite him was Shen Linfeng. An old man and a young boy were playing chess with serious expressions.

Yaya, on the other hand, was dancing rubber bands with two little girls under the shade of a tree.

Although the weather was very hot, because of the special geographical environment here, it is a good place that is warm in winter and cool in summer, so the three little girls had a lot of fun.

Chen Li was busy in the kitchen.

From time to time, the smell of food floats in the air.

Then a black car stopped in front of the Shen family's gate. The driver was Ouyang Xu, still dressed in a black and straight uniform, still handsome, with a pair of peach blossom eyes still shining with a smile.

He opened the back door and two girls got out of the car.

One is Shen Mingxi and the other is Su Xiaojuan.

In one year, Shen Mingxi has grown a little taller, her eyebrows are curved, and her watery almond-shaped eyes seem to be filled with the brilliance of sunlight.

Su Xiaojuan's size has not changed at all, but they say that women have changed over the years, and she has become more and more beautiful. The two of them have their own characteristics together, and they immediately attracted the attention of passers-by.

Shen Mingxi smiled and said, "Brother Ouyang, thank you for today."

Both of them were carrying bags in their hands, obviously going shopping.

"You're welcome, but we just happened to meet each other." Ouyang Xu's voice also had a smile, and then the topic changed, "Xiaoxi, have you received the admission notice?"

"No, but it will be soon."

Ouyang Xu nodded slightly and praised, "Yes, Uncle Shen's children are all so outstanding. I believe the old man is the happiest now."

After Shen Jiawen was admitted to Peking University, the old man's granddaughter was admitted to Peking University again. She was also the top scholar in liberal arts in Beicheng and the top scholar in the country.

It is estimated that Mr. Shen can talk about these two things for the rest of his life.

Not to mention others, even his great-grandfather was so jealous that he said sarcastic words.

Shen Mingxi didn't hesitate at all, "Yes, great-grandpa and grandpa are very happy. Brother Ouyang, it's quite hot today. Let's go inside and have a cup of herbal tea."

Ouyang Xu was not polite and followed Shen Mingxi into the Shen family's yard. Su Xiaojuan followed with a smile.

Today, Su Xiaojuan is studying textiles and design at Yuncheng Vocational Technical School, which she likes very much. Although she is not educated enough, Su Xiaojuan is smart and has various bonuses from Shen Mingxi's system and energy, so she can catch up in just half a year. course.

Although the results are not the best, they are not at the bottom either. This is already very impressive for Su Xiaojuan.

Shen Yu bought the yard of the Shen family in May this year. There are still many twists and turns and stories, but in the end the yard returned to the hands of the Shen family.

After all, the old man had lived here for a long time and had a deep affection for it, so he moved back after Shen Yu's persuasion.

The old man moved back first, and after Shen Mingxi's college entrance examination, the whole family moved here.

This place is also very close to Shen Zheming's family. The two girls playing rubber bands with Yaya are two girls from Zheming's family. One is one year older than Yaya, and the other is one year younger than Yaya.

The older one is called Shen Zishuang, and the younger one is called Shen Zitong.

Several little girls often play together, and their relationship is quite good.

Now they have only lived here for a month, but because Shen Yu bought it a long time ago, the place has been renovated very beautifully and warmly.

Many of the flowers, plants and trees outside have been transplanted.

The green bushes are full of flowers, and in August, the flowers and trees at the gate of the yard are at their busiest and most beautiful.

And Shen Mingxi was the last one to enter the courtyard.

She stood at the gate and suddenly felt like a light on her back. She couldn't help but turn around suddenly, and then her heart suddenly jumped.

He blurted out, "Brother An Chen, you are here."

Speaking of which, the two haven't seen each other for more than a year.

When they met for the first time, Shen Mingxi realized that Feng Anchen was a little taller. At this time, he was wearing a white shirt, black trousers, and carrying a travel bag in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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