Chapter 396

Those who own the original stocks of Shen Group are all small rich people, waiting at home to receive their dividends with peace of mind. For them, Shen Group is like the God of Wealth.

Of course, this is just one person's achievement and his own pride.

The Shen family in Yuncheng has no connection at all. When his father rose to power, the Shen family in Yuncheng almost disappeared, and later it was even submerged in the city.

With the help of her heaven-defying space in this life, her father accumulated funds at an astonishingly fast speed.

And she also left her small assets to her father to take care of. I believe that the number of assets in a few years will definitely be beyond her imagination.

There were also vegetables in the space, as well as jade and gold bars and nuggets bought from the consignment area. Shen Mingxi kept half of them and gave the remaining half to his father to deal with.

Big rivers have water and small rivers are full.

In the Shen family, Shen Mingxi is the second rich man. Of course, he is invisible. Only Shen Yu knows about it. Mr. Shen vaguely knows about it, but he never asks about it.

And Shen Hongxiu spent all his energy on teaching his grandson and granddaughter, so naturally he would not pay attention to these. Besides, he was not interested in doing business. If he was interested, how could it be Shen Zhehan's turn?

So although Shen Yu is not the head of the Shen family now, he has become the second most important person besides Mr. Shen.

Shen Mingxi had a polite smile on her face, and Shen Shaocong was familiar with her. However, Shen Shaocong was one year younger than Shen Mingxi. He would take the college entrance examination next year, and his grades were neither high nor low. If he worked hard, he should be able to get into Yuncheng University, but This Capital University is also a sacred place that students yearn for.

To be honest, no one dares to look down upon Shen Yu's family who recognized them halfway.

This natural family banquet was full of joy, unprecedented harmony and laughter Yan Yan, although Mr. Shen was putting on airs like a patriarch, the upturned corners of his mouth still revealed his mood at the moment.

But Shen Mingxi couldn't be happy at this time, because she found that Ouyang Xu's profile picture had faded.

According to 009, this is a symbol of a slight weakening of vital signs.

No idea where they are or what they have been through.

The Shen family's family banquet was held outside.

Not far away, Feng Anyen, who was standing under the grape trellis, stared at Shen Yunxi quietly, his brows slightly wrinkled. He knew that Xiaoxi had something on his mind, but Xiaoxi didn't say anything, so he could only rely on speculation.

However, speculations and speculations came to no result. Nothing happened to the Shen family at present, and all the familiar friends of the Shen family were calm, except of course the missing Ouyang Xu.

It has been more than a week since Ouyang Xu disappeared, and many people thought that there was no possibility of him surviving.

Although he is young, he also has his own channels for getting information. He also knows that Mr. Shen sent many people from the Shen family to search, but found nothing. They searched all possible sea areas, so it is very likely that they were in the typhoon weather. The boat capsized and sank into the sea.

If that was really the case, he would be very sad, but that didn't mean that he could accept Shen Mingxi's sadness and current uneasiness.

Thinking of this, Feng Anyen was not in a good mood. It could be said that he was in a bad mood. However, today was Xiaoxi's home court. Although most people were paying attention to Shen Yu, it didn't matter. After all, it was all to celebrate Xiaoxi's passing. She came from college, so he didn't go to Xiaoxi, because when he came to her, he couldn't help but want to ask her what was wrong.

But if he asked the answer he didn't want to hear, he would definitely become very anxious, so it would be better not to ask anything, but just making random guesses made him feel worse.

Feng Anyen looked back and lowered his head to prevent others from seeing his face. After a while, he simply walked to the garden behind with his long legs.

He secretly thought, Shen Mingxi should be able to notice, she should follow up, right?

But he was disappointed. Xiaoxi was obviously uneasy and his thoughts were not on him.

In fact, in the world of lovers, just like the eyes, they cannot tolerate a grain of sand. Before the relationship is confirmed, he can even tolerate everything about her. But after the relationship is confirmed, he can still tolerate everything about her, but this does not include his daughter. Friends can worry about other men.

Feng Anchen grabbed a leaf in his hand and crushed it fiercely, then let out a long sigh of relief, leaned lazily on the back of the chair, looked up at the blue night sky, and slowly closed his eyes.

Xiaoxi still didn't come, and she didn't notice his mood. Xiaoxi had never paid attention to her emotions like him. In Xiaoxi's heart, was he not as important as Ouyang Xu?

But how many times have Xiaoxi and Ouyang Xu met?

Feng Anyen's eyes became sinister.

In the early morning of the next day, the sun once again enveloped the land of Yuncheng.

The sky is still blue and the wind is still carrying heat.

Even morning is not immune.

Many people were hiding under the shade of trees to enjoy the coolness.

And Shen Mingxi finally made up his mind, because Ouyang Xu's avatar seemed to be disappearing soon.

In other words, he was about to die.

But his contribution value is just there, and it has been added to the total contribution value of the system.

You can even click the upgrade button at any time.

But for some reason, Shen Mingxi couldn't order it.

Then I knew from 009 that as long as Ouyang Xu and the ship he was on were still in this world and did not go to another space or other plane, then it could accurately scan and locate it.

Its scanning and positioning ignores space, magnetic fields, and other elements that can interfere with signals. It can be said to be a god-like existence.

In other words, as long as the ship is still on the sea, or even if it has sunk to the bottom of the sea, 009 can locate it accurately.

But first, the premise is that she has to go to sea, otherwise this distance is simply impossible.

And if she, Shen Mingxi, wants to go to sea to find Ouyang Xu, she can't hide it from her family. Who knows how many days it will take, and there can be no delay. If the delay continues, Ouyang Xu will really die.

Although the two of them had not met several times, such misery and contribution made Shen Mingxi feel uneasy and guilty. If Ouyang Xu and the others could be found and rescued, then the debt between the two would be written off. , she can also upgrade boldly with confidence.

After weighing it again and again, Shen Mingxi communicated with 009. Then, after breakfast, Shen Mingxi looked at Mr. Shen and said, "Grandpa, help me prepare a boat and someone who can drive it. I want to go find Ouyang Brother."

(End of this chapter)

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