Cannon fodder heroine online counterattack

Chapter 402 Isolate Signals, Isolate Sunlight

Chapter 402 Isolate Signals, Isolate Sunlight

But this thing cannot be taken out. 009 learned how to operate it after reading the instructions, and then started the navigator. At this time, he saw a red line, stretching from the front of the hull to an empty sea area in front. Like lines on a map.

But that area was obviously empty, with nothing there. Thinking of the weird energy body mentioned just now, Shen Mingxi looked cautious and asked 009 in his mind, "Will we be involved?"

There are quite a few people on her boat.

"Don't worry Xiaoxi, you won't be able to do it if I'm here."

Shen Mingxi stopped talking to 009, and quickly came out of the space. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a slightly curved red line in front of him, which was very conspicuous.

Then he saw the upright young man beside him, who was also frowning and looking in that direction.

He seemed to have noticed something was wrong.

It's just that Feng Anyen only noticed that there was something wrong with the atmosphere there, but he didn't know the specific situation, but this was already very shocking.

Shen Mingxi didn't know how long she could keep the secret of possessing so many heaven-defying treasures in front of Feng Anyen, but she was not sure at all.

But these thoughts were fleeting, and these issues were not what she should consider at the moment. Shen Mingxi pointed forward and quickly said to Yuan Feng who was driving the boat in front, "Brother Yuan, drive towards that place."

Yuan Feng didn't ask why, but the direction Shen Mingxi pointed to was too general. He asked, "Is it going straight?"

Shen Mingxi said simply, "Go straight for a while, and then I'll tell you when you need to turn."

At this time, Feng Anyen's deep eyes fell on Shen Mingxi again.

Then he pursed his thin lips and looked at where Shen Mingxi pointed just now.

He didn't know why, but he had a hunch in his heart that there seemed to be something different there.

At this moment, suddenly, the atmosphere on the ship became a little strange. No one spoke. When Shen Jiawen came out of the cabin, he noticed it immediately. However, by this time, the ship had already sailed into the thick fog. edge.

Of course, this kind of heavy fog seems to mean nothing to others, including the sea area, which is also empty, with only constant rolling waves.

But in the eyes of Shen Mingxi and 009, this heavy fog is gray, and there seems to be a little bit of golden light in the gray, a bit like dark clouds rolling in the sky, and then the golden light is like the sun that is blocked by dark clouds. of light.

Such dark clouds are like substance, like cotton balls splashed with gray color, blocking other people's sight and preventing a boat trapped inside from getting out.

And this energy group is not just an energy group. It blocks signals and sunlight, and also absorbs the vitality of people. It is a very terrifying existence. It can be said to be a miracle that the few people on the ship can survive until now.

But just now another person left, and Shen Mingxi felt very sad. She felt that she should be able to save these people, but she missed the best opportunity because of too many worries.

But some things are beyond her control.

Do your best to obey destiny.

Shen Mingxi thought that after she went to college, she would be relatively free, and there would be no restrictions on what she could do. After all, how could she slip out from under her parents' noses now?
But at this moment, Yuan Feng found that the ship seemed to be unable to move forward, and seemed to have encountered some barrier. This made his heart suddenly sink. The most feared thing on this vast sea was this kind of thing.

But as an experienced crew member, he was very calm at this time, with no expression on his face, and was about to turn to the right. Although he didn’t know what was going on, any possibility would happen on this vast sea, because The sea is so mysterious.

But at this moment, two voices sounded at the same time, one was from Feng Anchen, "There is something wrong here."

The other one belongs to Shen Mingxi, "Brother Yuan, park the boat here."

Shen Mingxi's voice was relatively urgent.

At this time, 009 was a little excited and gearing up. It told Shen Mingxi in its mind, "Xiaoxi, I can absorb this energy group."

Then at this time, Feng Anchen was already standing next to Shen Mingxi. He felt that it was very dangerous here, so he quietly protected Shen Mingxi's body, and then whispered, "Xiaoxi, don't get close to the side of the ship. There are some problems with the magnetic field here. .”

Shen Mingxi also said anxiously, "Brother An Chen, don't move forward, Brother Ouyang and the others are right here."

This was actually said without even thinking about it. After saying it, the two of them stared at each other and were stunned.

Feng Anyen was stunned, with complex emotions swirling in his eyes, like two bottomless black whirlpools.

He looked at Shen Mingxi intently, his thin lips moved, as if he had a thousand words to say, but after a few breaths, he finally did not ask, but looked seriously at the sea in front of him, frowning slightly, it was obviously empty. , but he could feel that there was something inside.

This is unscientific and abnormal, because in front of him is a vast sea with rolling waves, not to mention anything, there is not even a seabird, but why does he feel that there is a boat here, and there are still people on the boat? Someone.

Suppressing the weird feeling in his heart, Feng Anyen whispered a few words to Shen Jiawen beside him, and then Uncle Liu also came out of the cabin. The meal was ready, but no one went to eat it, because now he encountered Arrived unexpectedly.

This boat, even if it didn't stop, was suddenly forced to stop.

Then when everyone was stunned for a moment, 009 in the space began to absorb the energy group here, and Shen Mingxi also stared nervously in front, and could no longer hear other people's voices in his ears. After all, 009 is sometimes unreliable. It said it could absorb it, but if it couldn't, she would have to call out the little koi.

Then Shen Mingxi stood quietly not far from the side of the ship. After all, it was not safe. Feng Anyen refused to let her get close to the side of the ship. Then Feng Anyen and Shen Jiawen discussed with Uncle Liu how to leave the sea.

The engine stopped working, and another crew member was doing maintenance. Shen Jiawen also knew a little about it, so he followed him.

Feng Anyen and Yuan Feng were still standing on the deck, searching the surrounding sea area. Feng Anyen's sight, in particular, was very sharp.

After looking around, he landed on Shen Mingxi and found that the little girl had entered a sluggish state again.

A dim light flashed across Feng Anyen's deep eyes. He didn't know what Shen Mingxi was doing, but he knew she was doing this, something he might not be able to understand or would never know.

(End of this chapter)

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