Cannon fodder heroine online counterattack

Chapter 445 The Man in the Picture

Chapter 445 The Man in the Picture

Shen Mingxi looked at Feng Anchen fixedly, so she was really self-righteous before, there are really many smart people in this world.

She nodded solemnly, "Don't worry, I will never tell the third person again."

Feng Anyen's face gradually turned into a smile.

Unparalleled satisfaction surged into her heart. Apart from her closest father, he was also Xiaoxi's dearest and dearest person.

He was so honored.

Then Feng Anchen remembered something, and suddenly asked in a low voice, "Xiaoxi, the identification device you took out and the little robot for Dongfang Yao were all bought from your so-called space."


Feng Anyen stretched out his hand to tuck the broken hair on Shen Mingxi's cheek behind her ear, and involuntarily touched the red mole on the lobe of her right ear with one hand, and then whispered, "Dongfang Yao started yesterday. She has not come out of the laboratory until now. As you can imagine, the things you took out were not accessible to her, so I think Dongfang Yao will find a way to protect you, and she will not let you suffer..."

That girl Dongfang Yao is not an ordinary person.

Her tenacity is extraordinary, and even her grandfather praised her highly.

Today's Dongfang Mingyuan can be said to be troubled internally and externally, and has become a joke among people in the industry.

Shen Mingxi didn't expect this. She was planning to cover up the past. Anyway, she didn't know how to avoid it, and there was nothing they could do to her.

And she has so many ways to protect herself, no one really dares to do anything to her.

But I didn't expect Feng Anyen to analyze it like this.

A warmth arose in her heart, and she whispered, "Brother An Chen, I will be careful in the future."

Feng Anyen chuckled lightly, but then asked, "Xiaoxi, is this one of the reasons why you studied geology?"

"Almost, part of the reason."

Shen Mingxi pointed at the ear again, "But with this, we can be in touch no matter how far away, so if you really encounter something, you must tell me, maybe I can help you."

"Silly girl, I don't need your help anymore. Don't worry. If I can't even solve these things, how can I be your boyfriend?"

"But your girlfriend is not weak, why don't you let me help you when I can help you?" Shen Mingxi said with a smile.

Feng Anyen stared at Shen Mingxi, feeling a warm feeling in his heart. After thinking for a moment, he nodded solemnly, "Okay, I will come to you if I encounter any trouble that I can't solve."

Then he stretched out his hand and rubbed the top of Shen Mingxi's soft hair, and then sighed and said, "It seems that I really want to marry you early, Xiaoxi, can we get married as soon as we graduate?"

Speaking of this, there was a flash of light in Feng Anchen's eyes, and his whole body seemed to be shining brightly.

It seemed that he really liked this sudden suggestion.

"Why so early?"

"I'm worried that one day you will abandon me after becoming an immortal, so I want to keep you by my side as soon as possible."

Feng Anyen joked half-seriously.

"Don't worry, even if I become an immortal, I will take you away." At this point, Shen Mingxi winked mischievously, "Isn't there a saying? It's called for a person to achieve enlightenment, a chicken or a dog ascend to heaven..."

Feng Anyen couldn't help but chuckle, "You little girl, you are just cursing at me."

Shen Mingxi chuckled, and Feng Anyen was also extremely happy. Anyway, as long as he and Xiaoxi were together, his heart was full of joy, "Xiaoxi, call Jiawen later and let's go out to eat."

"Where are you going to eat?"

Although it is now [-], there are not many private hotels, even in the capital, and there are only a few in front of the university.

Unexpectedly, Feng Anyen smiled slyly, "Xiaoxi, don't you know? There is a house 500 meters away from our school. It is a private restaurant, but it doesn't have a sign, but the food it cooks is super delicious."

"Have you ever eaten there?"

"How is that possible? If I go there, I will take you and Jiawen with me. I also heard from Li Qing last night that there is a contact code for going to his house."

Feng Anyen's voice was filled with a smile, and he looked at Shen Mingxi without blinking.

The two people were very close and their voices were very soft.

But that faint emotion surrounded the two people, forming a world of its own. If anyone saw them at this time, they would be amazed. This is simply a beautiful picture.

And these two people are just like the people in the painting.

At this time, Shen Mingxi really admired Feng Anyen.

Not only could he restrain his curiosity and not ask questions, but he actively brought the topic to eating out, but never asked her a word again.

If it were her, she might not be able to bear it.

Shen Mingxi was moved by Feng Anyen's thoughtfulness and nodded happily, "Okay, let's go out for lunch together."

Feng Anyen was very happy, so he wanted to rub the top of Shen Mingxi's head with his hands. Shen Mingxi avoided it neatly this time and tidied his hair. He said with a hint of embarrassment and anger, "Okay, don't go on endlessly. Hair You are all messed up. Go and tell your elder brother that I am going back to the dormitory. When I came back just now, I saw Ouyang Ruo. She seemed to be afraid of me. Did you scare her? By the way, you forgot to talk to her. You said, Ouyang Ruo came back last night and said that Mr. Ouyang wanted to see me, but I refused..."

When she said this, Shen Mingxi stepped down the steps step by step, and Feng Anyen followed closely. The two of them held hands, jumping down the steps step by step like two children.

Shen Mingxi really didn't take the Ouyang family's affairs to heart.

Then I heard Feng Anchen say slowly, "I saw them just now, and after saying a few words, Mr. Ouyang went back. Don't worry, he won't bother you in the future."

"You really won't bother me?"

"Well, Xiaoxi, don't worry."

Feng Anchen said firmly.

For Mr. Ouyang, reputation is more important than anything else.

Otherwise, he would have sent his second grandson in. You know, that is the life of his favorite grandson.

Zhang Xiaoying was also released because Ouyang Sheng was an extremely face-saving person. Such a thing was a huge stain on him, and of course he would not let others know about it.

What's more, his illegitimate son is now full of children and grandchildren. It's really a big joke to talk about it. Of course, he doesn't dare to fight with him.

He Feng Anyen is not like his grandfather who does things in a measured manner.

He is just a reckless young man.

I was in a hurry, but I dared to say anything.

Of course, old man Ouyang would be afraid of this.

Shen Mingxi smiled and said, "Brother An Chen, you are still the best."

At this time, the two of them had already walked to the bicycle. Feng Anyen got on the bicycle and patted the seat on the back, "Xiaoxi, sit on it and I'll take you back to the dormitory."

(End of this chapter)

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