Cannon fodder heroine online counterattack

Chapter 456 Plane Administrator

Chapter 456 Plane Administrator

Changing the host at will like this is not allowed by the system rules, otherwise it would be a mess, and in principle, even if it is changed, it must notify the plane administrator of the Star Alliance as soon as possible.

But because it was afraid, it planned to delay for a while, but it didn't expect that it would be delayed until now, and 009 still had a little hope in his heart.

009 feels that Shen Mingxi is the Chosen Daughter, and there is a Koi Immortal from another world. You must know that the world where the Koi Immortal comes from is much more advanced than the Interstellar Alliance. Maybe their Interstellar Alliance is so crazy about collecting things in the entire universe. Energy just wants to go to that place.

Moreover, it also felt that its situation was special, and maybe no one would be able to discover it in its lifetime. With this kind of luck, it gradually forgot about this matter.

But I never thought that this day would come so quickly.

It was discovered.

009 replied tremblingly, "Administrator, I am the cannon fodder female partner to counterattack the system."

"Then who are you bound to now?"

009 was stunned for a moment, but said obediently, "I am bound to the heroine of this world." Then he whispered, "Actually, I think my system must be a cannon fodder heroine counterattack system, otherwise how could I Will it bind her?"

Behind the distant star, the administrator was silent for a moment.

Then he said calmly, "According to the system rules, if you violate the rules, you will be recycled."

"It's unjust. Administrator, I didn't want it either. The situation at that time was so special. If I didn't bind the Chosen Daughter of this world, my system would not exist.

It doesn't matter that I don't exist, but you know what?The recycled garbage system Xingba No. 7 actually wanted to swallow me. If it swallowed me, its power would increase. Wouldn't the world suffer, so it was very helpless at the time. "

009 said a lot of reasoning in a hurry, and waited for the voice on the other end with fear.

On the other end, after a long while, he spoke again, "Number 009, giving you a chance to atone for your sins."

009's eyes lit up and he said in a nonchalant manner, "Administrator, please tell me, how can I make amends for my sins?"

"Assist the plane to recover Star Tyrant 7."

"Yes, Sir Administrator, I will work hard to recover Star Tyrant 7 as soon as possible, but it probably has no ability now. The host Shen Mingxi and I added negative energy to it. It can't even be upgraded now, and its... The host is lying on the bed again, unable to go anywhere..."

"Really? Is that how you feel?"

The plane administrator asked meaningfully.

"Yes, this is what we searched for before."

The plane administrator on the other end seemed a little impatient and said directly, "When you get to Cloud City and do a good search, you will know that you took it for granted."

Cloud City?

009 was pounding in his heart. Could it be that something happened in Yuncheng?

And what does it mean to take it for granted?
It didn't even think about it.

It's just that it has just come into contact with the plane administrator, so it naturally can't figure out the meaning of his words. But since it has been given another order, it means that it has given an order. When it arrives at Cloud City, it will start the system immediately. of the scanner.

"Yes, don't worry, Administrator. I will scan it as soon as we arrive in Cloud City."

At the same time, I suddenly felt a little happy. It was justifiable that it would recycle Xingba No. 7.

But I always feel like something is wrong.

It's just that it can't understand it, so it simply doesn't think about it.

However, the conditions should be discussed, so it opened its mouth and said, "My lord administrator, Xingba No. 7 is actually very domineering. I am worried that it will not be easy to recycle."

"As No. 009, which is perfect in all aspects, it will not be very difficult for you to recover Xingba No. 7. However, I will make slight changes to your program so that you can expand the scanning range."

"That's great." 009 nodded happily, "Thank you, Administrator. Don't worry, I will complete the task."

Then he remembered something and asked cautiously, "Can I tell my host Shen Mingxi about this?"

The other end paused and said calmly, "It's up to you."

After a few breaths, he added, "There seems to be something wrong with this world. Some evil spirits that shouldn't be in this world have appeared here. If your scanner can detect them, please get rid of them."

"Evil spirit? Is it the kind of evil spirit prohibited by the alliance?"

This shocked 009.

"Yes, this evil spirit came from the same planet as the energy you recovered last time."

009 turned around a few times and asked tentatively, "Administrator, do you know about the energy group we encountered on the sea last time?"

"Isn't that energy group at the edge of your space?" the administrator asked slowly.

"...Then did you see anything else in my space?"

"Others, what else is there in your space?" The magnetic voice on the other end had a hint of laziness and nonchalance.

Of course, there seems to be a hint of meaning.

009 kept his eyes straight and waved his hands quickly, "No, no."

The administrator of the Koi Immortal plane in its space cannot see it. Otherwise, how could he talk to it so calmly?

He was aware of this energy group, but he was only aware of it. He probably couldn't do anything at such a distance, but it had to carry out the instructions given.

"Perform your mission well."

Saying this, the plane administrator wanted to leave.

It didn't think of 009. It suddenly remembered something and raised its voice, "Administrator, can I ask you a question?"

"You ask."

The voice on the other end was still lazy.

"Master Administrator, your voice is exactly the same as the voice of the chosen one in this world, the male protagonist. Why is this?"

009 Then he remembered why this voice was so familiar. It turned out to be Feng Anyen's voice.

It really doesn't understand what's going on.

Is this automatic sound replacement?
But why is it not someone else's voice, but Feng Anyen's voice?
The other end paused for a moment, did not answer 009, but simply turned off the contactor.

009 touched its head, which is its spherical body, with its small hands. It couldn't understand this matter, so it simply stopped thinking about it.

Then, taking advantage of the time when Shen Mingxi was cleaning the lunch box, he hurriedly told Shen Mingxi about this matter. Shen Mingxi was stunned for a moment, unexpectedly, the administrator would contact 009.

It's really surprising.

There were still many questions, but she didn't hear what the administrator said, so naturally she could only listen to what 009 said. 009 was obviously very excited and didn't seem to find this task difficult.

But she was not as relaxed as 009 thought.

(End of this chapter)

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