Cannon fodder heroine online counterattack

Chapter 484 Characteristics of the Period

Chapter 484 Characteristics of the Period
Team members who retreated, "..."

Well, now in the team, the master chef has the final say.

No one can shake his position.

Whatever he said was what he said.

Besides, for such a young girl, of course such beautiful flowers are given to her.

Shen Mingxi stared at the flowers. Not to mention, they were really beautiful. This unknown purple flower was really rare here.

If it weren't for the discovery of two large resources, I believe this would definitely become a general research direction for the exploration team.

After all, it was the first time for everyone, including her who grew up in the north, to see such a magical place.

So, let alone getting rid of the bushes here, even the weeds may not be enough.

But now compared with those two resources, this place is not important.

The team members watched for a while and then left.

Chef Liu is preparing to get rid of all the bushes and weeds here, and he happens to have a few vegetable seeds with him.

It was intended to be used in the spring of next year, but I never expected to use it now.

What a surprise.

So now Master Liu is very motivated.

As a qualified exploration team member and a chef who is often in the field, he has all the tools.

However, before he opened up the wasteland, he moved the unknown purple flowers to the edge. After all, the flowers would not survive for a few days even if they were picked. Then Captain Cao sent a few people to prepare to move the base camp to this nearby area.

They would set up camp near the hot springs.

Although it is said that the exploration team has to go to the most difficult places through wind and rain, but since there is such a place, it is natural to make use of it.

And this month passed in a blink of an eye. Before Shen Mingxi left, the land had been planted and the seeds were sown by Master Liu.

They are grown with a relatively fast growth cycle, such as Chinese cabbage, which has high nutritional value and grows quickly. It can be used to make soup, which can also increase a lot of nutrition.

Then there are spinach, lettuce, green onions, etc...

As for others, we cannot plant them because the growing season for some is too long.

Then, when no one was paying attention, Shen Mingxi diluted the spiritual spring water in the space and poured it on the small piece of land.

After finishing it, Shen Mingxi started packing his luggage and waiting for the supply truck to arrive.

The supply truck delivers daily necessities and also brings other news and letters.

This time, a very important person came with the supply truck.

When Shen Mingxi reluctantly said goodbye to the exploration team and got on the supply truck, several more vehicles came here.

Then the supply truck that Shen Mingxi was riding in left here.

This mountain road was temporarily built. Although it was not flat, there were no vehicles. Shen Mingxi glanced behind him. Overall, he was very satisfied with his trip to Beichuan.

When he came here, he brought so many pickles, Shen Mingxi gave all the empty bottles to Master Liu, and then taught him a few ways to pickle pickles.

They are all Chen Li’s exclusive secret recipes.

Of course, the exclusive secret recipe mentioned does not mean that no one will pass it on, because it is researched by Chen Li herself. It tastes really good and the ingredients are simple. Just a few cabbage, some salt and pepper. Make delicious pickles.

There is no fresh chili pepper, but there is no shortage of dried chili pepper exploration team. After all, in such a climate, chili pepper is indispensable.

Unfortunately, there were so many supplies in the space, as well as the fruits and vegetables on the space land, that Shen Mingxi could not take out anything except a few apples.

Although it was a pity, there was nothing we could do about it. Fortunately, we found a hot spring. The terrain there is magical. Without special research, we can intuitively explain why it is like spring here all year round.

Then grow some small vegetables in this spring-like place all year round. A dozen or so exploration team members can improve their food occasionally. If they stay there for a long time, they can also grow some other vegetables.

The ancients believed that as long as the troops and horses are not moved, food and grass go first.

Therefore, the supply of living materials is also a strong support for the work of the exploration team.

Needless to say, Shen Mingxi's internship results this time were the best. Captain Cao wrote many words of praise for the first time. After handing in this report, Shen Mingxi joined the student union.

Shen Mingxi is currently a sinecure, that is, an errand boy.

The student union in this era is not that easy to get into.

Therefore, when Shen Mingxi joins the student union, it is naturally impossible to give her a real position, but this is already great.

However, Shen Mingxi is not from the student union of the school, but from the student union of the School of Geology.

Now Feng Anyen is the vice chairman of the Beijing Student Union, and Shen Jiawen, who is extremely talented in literature, is the director of the Propaganda Department. The student union of the college is under the leadership of the Beijing University Student Union.

So Shen Mingxi, Feng Anyen and his eldest brother became superiors and subordinates.

Of course, this superior-subordinate relationship is different from that in a unit. It is just a component of the school.

At this time, snowflakes were already flying in the capital, and winter was coming.

The second day after Shen Mingxi came back, it happened to be Saturday afternoon, Feng Anchen took her to the Feng family compound, and she also happened to see Zhao Suqin.

It was obvious that the atmosphere in the Feng family was completely different now than before, but Shen Mingxi felt that something was wrong. When she was about to communicate with the little koi in the space, the little koi did not wake up immediately, so she returned left school.

And this week she is going to organize activities with several classmates from the student union.

It was Shen Mingxi's first time to participate, so naturally she couldn't be absent without reason. She originally wanted to go to the Feng Family Courtyard with Feng Anyen and her eldest brother to eat dumplings, but she had to postpone it to next week.

As someone who has just joined the student union, everything is still in the process of learning, and to be honest, Shen Mingxi has not gone to school for a few years, has not held any position in the class, and is not a big deal. adapt.

But even if he didn't get used to it, Shen Mingxi did a good job, wasn't he just running errands?
She is in good health and fast, her brain is very responsive, and she has the 009 ability to accurately lock onto targets.

Naturally, doing these things becomes easy.

In the early 80s, the most activities in schools were to do good deeds, which is very characteristic of this era.

This time, many students were organized to go to a nursing home in the suburbs of Beijing to show their love.

After taking a few buses, a group of students arrived at the nursing home.

The nursing home is an old building, but the surrounding environment is very quiet. The gate is clean and some uncles and aunts can be seen strolling in the yard.

The weather is really nice today.

Although it snowed twice, most of it had already melted when the sun came out.

They had notified them of this event in advance, and the director of the nursing home was certainly happy to see so many young girls and boys coming.

The nursing home is short of manpower, so it would be great to have their help.

There was a leader for this event, Shen Mingxi was just coordinating.

And they were doing good deeds, so everyone had smiles on their faces, but when Shen Mingxi saw someone, the smiles on his face faded little by little.

That was Zhao Suqin who was supposed to go to other places.

Next to her is Zhao Yahe, whom she hasn't seen for a long time.

Shen Mingxi frowned slightly, why were these two people together?

Moreover, Zhao Suqin's expression didn't seem quite right.

 Thanks to book friend 150216203529689, happiness is a reward from the flying baby, I wish everyone peace and safety~~~
(End of this chapter)

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