Cannon fodder heroine online counterattack

Chapter 514 Characteristics of the Period

Chapter 514 Characteristics of the Period
Shen Mingxi deserves to be calm and collected, even calm all the time.

After all, she knew the final result of the competition. With her help, Feng Anyen was even more powerful. It was impossible to even think of being ranked first.

Besides, I have to admit that Feng Anchen is really talented in this aspect, even she admires it very much.

After the last subject exam was finished, it was just past three o'clock in the afternoon.

Another year of winter, another year of winter vacation, many people are going home for the New Year.

Some of them had bought their tickets in advance. Although it was not the official holiday time yet, the entrance to the university was very lively at this time. Of course, this was different from the liveliness of later generations.

Decades later, besides the parents, all the people standing at the gate of the university are young and beautiful boys and girls.

At the age of seventeen or eighteen, he is in his prime and full of high spirits.

Parents who dote on their children are also waiting at the door early.

Although it is now the first month of [-].

But by the end of the month, the first batch of college students will graduate.

Therefore, the Peking University campus is the busiest this month.

It is no exaggeration to say that he really takes care of his children.

Many of the candidates from the 78 batch and even the 79 batch were very old.

Some husbands see their wives off, and some wives see their husbands off, so at the school gate I see many people wearing big cotton-padded jackets, holding children in their arms, eagerly waiting for their husbands. There are also men riding bicycles, with children sitting in front of the car and preparing to carry their wives behind. .

Of course, this refers to local and suburban areas.

This is a unique characteristic of this era, and these people can be called the backbone when building this country.

On the contrary, people as big as Shen Mingxi are actually rare.

The girl who came in behind their dormitory was married, but she was really hardworking.

So we don’t communicate much at ordinary times.

The reason why Shen Mingxi came to the gate of the university was because the guard office asked the teacher to inform her that someone had called her and said she was from Beicheng Backer Village.

Shen Mingxi didn't know what was going on, but she hurried over.

When I arrived at the school gate, my steps stopped.

About 100 meters away from her, at the school gate, stood a woman with a sallow complexion, her brows furrowed tightly, holding a child in her arms, and another child standing next to her legs.

This child is wearing a floral cotton-padded jacket that is worn by children in the countryside nowadays, but the cotton-padded shoes are covered with layers of patches. It is obvious that the child’s feet are very cold, and his feet are constantly moving back and forth. He is a little nervous and a little uneasy. He is a little girl and is not wearing any clothes. He was wearing a scarf and his face was red from the cold. He looked about seven years old.

It's very cold in Beijing in January, and the wind is a bit strong today. It's really uncomfortable to blow on the face. Even with Shen Mingxi's physical fitness, he is still wearing a thick scarf.

Except for the one in the woman's arms, they were all wearing very thin clothes.

Shen Mingxi lived a poor life, and she could tell at a glance what kind of life the person in front of her lived.

The cotton shoes worn by women are actually thin and not newly made. They have been worn for at least four or five years.

There were a few patches on it, but it had been worn away and only a layer of cloth was left. It was no different from wearing single shoes, but she still stood tenaciously at the school gate, holding the child in her arms, and the girl beside her tightly Next to her, I felt a little uneasy about such an environment.

The boy in his arms was wearing a hat.

The reason why Shen Mingxi stopped was not because of what they were wearing, but because Shen Mingxi, who had come to this day, was already very keenly aware of a person's aura. If someone paid attention to her, she could also immediately detect whether they were interested in her or not. Good intentions or malicious, if no one pays attention to her, she can see what kind of aura this person looks like with such an unintentional sweep.

The middle-aged woman in front of her, this woman whose age could not be discerned, was lifeless and seemed to have lost the will to survive.

Who could a woman with two children waiting for at the school gate?
Except her husband is her husband.

But who is her husband in this university, and why hasn't he come out yet?
Shen Mingxi looked in that direction and thought to himself that since he noticed it, he couldn't just sit back and ignore it. He quietly gave his luck energy to the mother and son, hoping that it would be helpful to them.

Shen Mingxi couldn't delay either, and walked quickly towards the guard room.

Uncle Zhang in the guard room really knows Shen Mingxi.

His son used to work as a guard for Mr. Feng.

They were naturally familiar with Feng Xiaowu and Shen Mingxi. Of course, in order to avoid trouble, they just nodded.

Shen Mingxi knocked on the door, and the guard said quickly, "Please come in."

Shen Mingxi opened the door with a smile. The doorman, Uncle Zhang, was also unambiguous. He pointed at the phone next to him and said, "Wait a minute. In about two minutes, the phone will come back. You stay in this room while I go out." Look at those three poor mothers and children, standing there this early in the morning. It's okay for her not to eat. How can the two little ones hold on? They are so stubborn that they don't even drink the water..."

Shen Mingxi was still stunned for a moment. Before she could ask, Uncle Zhang had already left the guard room with wind at his feet. She was the only one left in the room. Then Shen Mingxi came to her senses. What about those three people? It turned out that Zhang The uncle has already paid attention to them.

This has been coming since morning. Since it is here, why not go to school to find the person she is waiting for?
She is not afraid of suffering for being so stupid at the school gate. What about the two children?

Even if the children in the countryside are tough, they can't bear this kind of torment.

You must know that this is not summer, this is a real winter.

But at this moment, the phone rang. Shen Mingxi quickly picked up the phone, but he didn't expect it was Mr. Shen. Shen Mingxi said hello continuously. Although there are bad memories in Kaoshantun, most of the villagers are very kind. of.

Now Shen Yu has established a special acquisition point in Kaoshantun.

No matter what he collects, he has channels to sell it, so the per capita income of Guashantun last year increased several times compared with the previous year.

Shen Yu's promise is being fulfilled bit by bit.

The people in Kaoshantun are naturally grateful to the Shen family.

Mr. Shen is still the captain of the brigade. He wanted to resign, but he couldn't find the right person, so he had to continue working. At least he is in good health and has a thorough understanding of policies, so he has done a good job. Now he has a strong supporter. It has become a model village for ten miles and eight towns.

Mr. Shen spoke loudly and with a smile. After exchanging pleasantries, he asked Shen Mingxi in a serious voice, "Xiaoxi, have Mrs. Shen and Shen Baozhi been looking for you recently? Or have you heard them? information?"

(End of this chapter)

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