Chapter 523
The corner of Shen Mingxi's mouth curled up.

Feng Anyen brought these people directly to the dean, probably because he wanted to seek justice for Ye Ling. After all, the dean was known to be selfless and upright.

With him here, the truth of this fact will definitely be found out.

Everything was exactly as Shen Mingxi thought.

The question of whether Shen Mingxi and Ye Ling were accomplices was simply untenable and was quickly overturned.

The two of them didn't know each other at all. Today was the first time they met. However, it was just a kind act but was slandered by Ouyang Ruo. Shen Mingxi also had a reason for beating. She said that she should teach the two children a lesson and speak to their mother. of a person who speaks foul language.

You know, no matter what Zhu Jiangang said about Ye Ling, whether it was contempt or disdain, so what?

Because after all, these two people were once married and had two children.

But if you, Ouyang, have any position to accuse others of being disgusting and shameless, can you be worthy of Zhu Jiangang?

Not to mention other nasty and mean things.

The little girl named Niu Niu was very smart. When everyone looked at her, she said in a timid voice that if she were as tall as her elder sister, she would also beat anyone who scolded her mother.

Then she bowed to Shen Mingxi solemnly to express her gratitude.

I didn't expect that this little girl was not only smart, but also polite. I didn't know whether it was Zhu Jiangang who educated her or Ye Ling.

At this time, Ye Ling, even if she couldn't react, could no longer remain silent about this matter.

Rural women have the wisdom of rural women. Not only did she thank Shen Mingxi, she also told Ouyang Ruo that this had nothing to do with Shen Mingxi and that she wanted to take revenge on her.

No matter what happens between her and Zhu Jiangang, this is not the reason for Ouyang Ruo, a contemporary college student, to insult her in front of her children...

Ouyang Ruo's face turned purple.

But this is in the teaching office. No matter how powerful the Ouyang family is in the capital, they cannot cover the sky with one hand.

I had to endure this breath for the time being.

Of course, my hatred for Shen Mingxi deepened.

The dean looks down upon such people the most.

Since ancient times, Chinese people have paid attention to the word filial piety.

That is to say, these two children are small. If these two children were older, I am afraid there would be a murder.

Moreover, in ancient times, it was not illegal to kill anyone who insulted their parents. Although this was only in that specific era and is not possible now, it also reflects the status of mothers in the hearts of their children to some extent.

Besides, if Ouyang insulted and slandered him first, no wonder Shen Mingxi would take action.

Of course, the dean also had to educate Shen Mingxi. Shen Mingxi promised that he would try to be reasonable when encountering such things in the future, and would not do anything if he could, making Ouyang Ruo so angry that he was about to go crazy.

And that's not the end of it, I have to apologize to Shen Mingxi through the loudspeaker that can be heard by the whole school and clear Shen Mingxi of the unwarranted charges.

This was the school's decision and it was made for everyone to see. Ouyang Ruo couldn't bear it anymore, picked up the canvas bag, pushed everyone away and ran away angrily.

In fact, the most difficult thing to deal with is the matter between Zhu Jiangang and Ye Ling. Regardless of whether Zhu Jiangang was deceived or not, the facts are there. The two of them do have divorce certificates, and the division of property and children is also very clear, but they did not expect it. Zhu Jiangang had such deep calculations that he took all these things with him. Maybe it was not safe for him to put them in the dormitory.

Ouyang Ruo seemed to be mad and rushed out, and Zhuo Meilin couldn't stay here. Although she wanted to hear what was going on, she still chased him out in the end.

So now Shen Mingxi and Feng Anyen are left with them.

At this time, Uncle Zhang asked another employee on duty with him to deliver a notebook to the teaching office.

This book is used to register these students to collect letters and remittance orders. It is very detailed. You can find out who signed the name on the year, month and day.

Indeed, every month Zhu Jiangang receives letters from their hometown, where Ye Ling is currently located.

It's just a pity that not only the remittance slip, but also the money order is put in a cowhide envelope. According to Ye Ling, sometimes there are five yuan or ten yuan or several kilograms of food stamps in it.

Without the remittance slip, there is no evidence, but there is a letter that was brought along with the record book. This letter was mailed by Ye Ling to Zhu Jiangang.

It was a coincidence that he hadn't had time to get it yet.

It was also delivered by the postman just this morning.

After getting Zhu Jiangang's consent, he opened it on the spot and found five kilograms of national food stamps worth three yuan inside.

This also confirmed that although they were divorced, Ye Ling still sent him money every month.

This is a very hateful person.

On the one hand, he abandoned his wife, and on the other hand, he exploited his impoverished wife and children.

You must know that Zhu Jiangang is very generous. Now the dean also knows the reason for this generosity. He looks at Zhu Jiangang with cold ridicule.

I have almost made a conclusion about him in my heart. Even if such a man is promising, he will trample his own face under his feet and sow good karma and bear good fruits. Such people will get retribution sooner or later.

Although Zhu Jiangang argued in every possible way, the fact was that he did not dare to deny that the two children were his. You must know that the younger son looked so much like him that he knew that this was Zhu Jiangang's child without any identification.

Zhu Jiangang also lost his face. He quickly returned to the dormitory and handed all the hidden money and food stamps to Ye Ling.

Shen Mingxi glanced at it and saw that it was almost more than 100 yuan.

He asked Ye Ling to take the money and food stamps and take the children home quickly.

This was really a shame. He didn't give up any face, just to send the three of them away.

At this time, Ye Ling actually still held on to a glimmer of hope.

This silly woman thought she could maintain such a relationship forever by doing this.

I couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

Ye Ling's body was shaking as she cried, and she could only sit on the sofa.

She stared at Zhu Jiangang with resentment and despair.

The dead air in her body became more and more serious, Shen Mingxi frowned, logically, she should leave with Feng Anchen at this time.

Because the dean, who has a lot of experience in this family dispute, has already arranged for people to take the mother and son to a guest house to stay temporarily.

The dean will definitely be able to arrange the next thing, and will safely send them to their hometown to resolve the matter.

But what if this woman died and her two children died?
Even if he dies, it should be Zhu Jiangang who dies, not Ye Ling.

Why do the perpetrators live so freely, while the victims can only choose death?

Although Ye Ling's behavior is very disdainful, but if you think about it, she is almost desperate now.

(End of this chapter)

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