Cannon fodder heroine online counterattack

Chapter 562 Who you marry and who you raise has nothing to do with us.

Chapter 562 Who you marry and who you raise has nothing to do with us.

Although the time when Aunt Zhu Xiaoyun fainted is not accurate, there is an approximate time.

It's literally within an hour.

This cannot be said to be a coincidence.

When Zhou's uncle questioned and pressed Zhong Chengzhi word by word, Zhong Chengzhi's hand when he answered the phone was already trembling, his heart was in turmoil, and his face was green and white.

Although he didn't want to believe it, these words came from the Zhou family's uncle's mouth, and he had a vague feeling in his heart that these things must be related.

The uncle from the Zhou family on the other end of the phone was almost gritting his teeth, but he still tried to maintain a calm tone, just a little sarcastic, "Zhong Chengzhi, why do you think you are doing this? My Zhou family never wanted Yiyi to go back and destroy your Life, who you marry and who you raise has nothing to do with our Zhou family.

For so many years, you have not fulfilled the responsibility of being a father. Yes, I admit, you have never stopped sending money every month, but what about your emotions?So why do you let Yiyi suffer such a big crime now, do you know?She almost..."

Speaking of this, the uncle of the Zhou family choked up and couldn't continue. He knew the situation most clearly at that time, and it was indeed only a little short.

There are some things that everyone understands tacitly. Maybe Granny Ma is right. The good fortune of the Shen brothers and sisters, especially Shen Mingxi, must have affected Yiyi, otherwise they would not have woken up so quickly.

According to Granny Ma, such a lucky person is something that can only be met but cannot be sought. She has only just seen such a person in her lifetime.

Therefore, Uncle Zhou's uncle was almost certain that it was this old lady who had done this ruthlessly.

When there is more evidence, the Zhou family will never let her go. Regardless of whether she lives or dies, they will give the Zhou family an explanation.

Zhong Chengzhi's mind was pounding. For a moment, it was even blank. His lips were trembling. He felt that his life was already rough and bizarre enough. Why would something like this happen now?
"Brother, please believe me. I really have no intention of getting married again. I love my daughter and her mother. There will never be anyone else in my eyes and heart except them. Ying Dahai's father wanted to save his life. I sacrificed, that child is my responsibility, as for the rest, I don’t want to have anything to do with it, maybe maybe..."

"Maybe what it is, it seems you know it in your heart."

Uncle Zhou's voice was extremely cold, as if it was covered with ice.

Zhong Chengzhi closed his eyes, with a trembling voice filled with endless regret, "Maybe I took care of Ying Dahai and made some people think things they shouldn't have, but I..."

The uncle of the Zhou family at the other end didn't want to hear his explanation anymore, so he interrupted him neatly, "But what are you, don't make excuses for yourself, isn't your behavior the best reason? Needless to say What, you have to know, you are single now, and that woman is also single, how could she not have any ideas?

But these have nothing to do with us, and I don’t care about your rubbish. Now you should investigate this matter immediately and give Yiyi an explanation. And if you think about it carefully, Yiyi is obviously not the obstacle between you and that woman. Yiyi, why does she want Yiyi's life? "

Uncle Zhou became much calmer at the end, and he reminded Zhong Chengzhi like this.

Zhong Chengzhi, whose face was pale, calmed down little by little from his chaotic mind. He answered the phone in the study room, and then his eyes involuntarily fell in the direction of the safe in the dark room, and his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

There was silence on his end. Uncle Zhou on the other end seemed to notice something, and then asked, "Did you remember something? Tell us and let's go over it together. If this evil is not eliminated, Yiyi may appear again in the future. Such a thing may be a fluke this time, but next time, I tell you Zhong Chengzhi, if Yiyi has any shortcomings, I swear, I will let your Zhong family and the Zhu family be buried with Yiyi. I am not kidding to you!"

The last sentence, Zhou's brother-in-law said extremely harshly, and Zhong Chengzhi also believed that his brother-in-law was a man of his word.

Although she was unsure in her heart, after all, the place where she kept her things was extremely secret. Zhu Xiaoyun could not know it anyway. Although she had been to his house several times, she had never been to the study. However, what happened today was not common sense. can be inferred.

He said in a hoarse voice, "Last year... on Yiyi's birthday, I made a will. The will stated that after my death, everything in my house, including my patents for my works, will be My daughter Yiyi’s…”

The uncle from the Zhou family on the other end suddenly fell silent. He stopped talking about the house and only talked about his writing patents. As the times develop, their value will become greater and greater. What this means is very clear to the uncle from the Zhou family.

He couldn't explain how he felt, and he really didn't expect Zhong Chengzhi to make such a will.

However, not many people make wills now, and it is very rare. Why would he do this?

After being silent for a long time, Zhou's uncle finally asked, "Why are you doing this? You are of the right age now, and you will also get married and have children of your own in the future. In this case..."

Speaking of this, the Zhou family's uncle suddenly couldn't continue, because he had realized that Zhong Chengzhi really had no plans to start a family again.

If he had plans to start a family, he would not leave nothing for himself.

"...Little brother, I won't hide it from you. My health has not been good in the past two years. If it weren't for this matter, I wouldn't have told you..."

"What do you mean by bad? If you suffered a lot in the early years and your conditions are better now, you can recover a little bit. Are there any other problems?"

But Zhong Chengzhi didn't want to talk about it anymore, he took a deep breath and promised to Zhou's uncle, "Little brother, please believe me, I will find out about this matter even if I die, if someone really Harm Yiyi, I will definitely not let them go..."

Zhong Chengzhi said this with a ruthless voice. Although he seemed to be a gentle scholar, at this time, his eyes still had murderous intent.

Uncle Zhou believed Zhong Chengzhi's words because he saw with his own eyes that Zhong Chengzhi hit him on the head with a brick in order to save his sister Zhou Yuchun.

Back then, back then...

Uncle Zhou's eyes were also a little red. He thought that love and marriage would last forever, but he never expected that it would end in such a tragic way.

It's just that he is not a real person involved. Only his sister and his former brother-in-law know many things.

 My dear readers, Yishui's new book has been released. Now I really hope to get everyone's support. The collection of recommendation votes is really needed now. The data of the new book issue is also very important. Don't worry, this story is very exciting and sassy. good-looking.

  For those of you who have recommendation votes, please give some encouragement to Yishui's new book.

  Book title: I woke up and became a max-level boss.


(End of this chapter)

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