Chapter 590

But nothing could happen to her at this moment.

Extending one's head is a knife, and shrinking one's head is also a knife. Today, Mo Yunyan just wanted to reveal the past decades ago in public.

Because she also knew that the law could no longer punish her. Only by making everyone despise her and condemn him could the bad breath in her heart be vented.

This was what she owed her. When her life was stable in this world, when all the truth was revealed, Zhao Suqin was actually prepared for the scene in front of her.

As Zhao Suqin, as these three words, has she not been scolded by people openly or covertly for so many years?
As long as she is the daughter-in-law of the Feng family, today's scene will be inevitable, no matter it is Zhao Suqin before or Zhao Suqin now.

"Aunt Yunmo, what happened back then was all my fault. If you don't have the patience to listen to my explanation now, I don't want to say any more. Do whatever you want to me, as long as you can vent the bad anger in your heart, Just do it.”

Mo Yunyan smiled coldly. After so many years and so much experience outside, she has long been hard-hearted and unmoved at all. "Is it hard to hide it? I don't want to hear it now. I just ask you, what on earth have you done? I'm sorry." my business?"

At this moment, Feng Fan, who had received the news, came over with his face ashen as if he were running, and there were beads of sweat on his forehead.

Zhao Suqin knew the inside story about this incident back then, and he never thought that something like this would happen to him just after he went out for a walk. Obviously, the other party did not want to let Susu go.

Seeing his wife kneeling there, Feng Fan's heart ached, and he quickly pulled Zhao Suqin up with all his strength.

Mo Yunyan glanced at Feng Fan coldly, knowing that this was Zhao Suqin's husband. She really didn't expect that this woman was so lucky to marry into such a family, and he had such a good character.

God always says that evil will be rewarded with evil and good will be rewarded with good. Why is it not reflected in Zhao Suqin?

So God is sometimes unfair.

When she thought this, the hostility around her involuntarily surged toward her, not surrounding her, but not far away.

So not only Mo Yunyan, but also other people felt that the atmosphere at this time was particularly depressing.

Zhao Suqin stood up straight. It was impossible to hide what happened back then.

She looked at Mo Yunyan and said in a hoarse voice, "Aunt Yunmo."

Mo Yunyan, who had been calm all the time, suddenly had a distorted face and scolded in a sharp voice, "Don't call me Aunt Yunmo, you don't deserve it!"

Feng Fan gritted his teeth, but remained silent.

Zhao Suqin had a bitter smile on her lips, "Yes, I don't deserve to call you Aunt Yunmo. What I did back then was worse than an animal. When I was 15 years old, my mother Zhao Lanshi told me to call you Aunt Yunmo next door. Come here, because we have to make dumplings tonight, Aunt Yunmo has always taken good care of our family, she is quite pitiful for being alone now, let's eat some dumplings together, it will be lively, and it will prevent her from missing her relatives."

Suddenly there was silence, only Mo Yunyan clenched her hands tightly. She didn't know whether she was right or wrong. The dusty past was revealed, and she didn't feel as happy as she imagined. She just felt uncomfortable and uncomfortable, very uncomfortable.

Zhao Suqin's voice continued.

"Aunt Yunmo has always been very kind to me. She never goes when others call her. She will come over only when I call her. Then I brought Aunt Yunmeng to my house and personally gave her a cup of tea mixed with medicine. After bringing it over, Aunt Yunmo fainted after drinking the tea. After she fainted, two people came in from outside and put Aunt Yunmo into a sack. It turned out that my mother, Zhao Lanshi, had already found a buyer and wanted to sell the jade. Aunt Mo sells it!"

At this point, everyone around looked at Zhao Suqin in disbelief.

Everyone knew that this was a woman who cared about her parents' family to the point of risking her own life, and even wanted to use her own children to please the Zhao family.

But who would have thought that she had done such a crazy thing before? Involuntarily, other people instinctively kept a distance from her.

The old man's face seemed calm, but in fact it was not good at all. He really didn't know about this matter.

If he had known earlier, even if Zhao Suqin was a fairy in the sky, he would not have let her in.

He felt a wave of fear in his heart. This woman was vicious and had no bottom line. Even though she was only a teenager back then, why didn't she feel a little guilty and sad after so many years?

She lived as a matter of course, as if she had never done this before.

Mr. Feng gritted his teeth and held back his anger.

Zhao Suqin finished the whole thing with difficulty, tears covering her cheeks, her voice choked and hoarse, "Recently, my muddy head finally woke up, and I also remembered this matter. I have been looking for you, and I also know that you are Who is it, but there are no clues. You may not believe it when I say this, so no matter how you punish me, I will be willing to do so."

Mo Yunyan clutched Qu Lina's arm beside her, as if she could get some strength from her.

She gritted her teeth and said, "Zhao Suqin, I regarded you as my dearest person back then. I had no defense against you at all. But how could I have imagined that you would sell me out with your vicious mother when I turned around? If I hadn't happened to meet a classmate, I don’t know how tall the grass is on my grave now, and I don’t even know which muddy pond I’m in. I can’t even find the bones. After so many years, I just want to ask you, have you ever felt a little guilty? ? You said you were confused before, but now you understand, this is just an excuse you made for yourself. I just ask you now, Zhao Suqin, I just want you to die, do you want to die? "

There was silence all around, and everyone's eyes fell on Zhao Suqin's face. Zhao Suqin's anxious heart actually dropped, and she nodded without hesitation, "Yes, I will, as long as you feel like doing this, don't let this matter happen again." I’m willing to die for bothering you!”

Mo Yunyan sneered, "Don't say it so nice. I really want you to die. I am the murderer. After so many years, the law can no longer punish you. If you die, won't I be the executioner? Everyone Everyone will accuse me and insult me, especially your children. How can they let me go? You are very vicious, and you want to harm me again in this way. You are indeed a member of the old Zhao family."

Feng Fan finally spoke with difficulty, "Ms. Mo, if you can calm down, you will hear another story about this matter."

"What's the point? Zhao Suqin has said it clearly just now, and it's impossible for you to quibble. I'm the person involved, and I'm just here now to seek justice for myself before I die."

(End of this chapter)

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