Cannon fodder heroine online counterattack

Chapter 594: Tell you another inside story

Chapter 594: Let me tell you another inside story

There are five brothers and sisters in their family, and their relationship with their mother is only average.

But it doesn't mean that she can pretend that nothing happened. This incident still had an impact on her. What she actually hopes is to put aside the past and make peace.

Even if she used money to compensate her, or even asked the five siblings to apologize to Mo Yunyan on behalf of their mother, she would agree to it.

But she didn't agree with sending her mother to that place at all.

Not to mention she hadn't even heard of it.

She didn't expect her elder brother to be so pedantic, so she gave Feng Anze a hard look.

Then he looked at his younger brother: "Xiao Wu, tell me, is there something unspeakable about this matter? Is it a misunderstanding?"

If it was a misunderstanding, that would be great. If the misunderstanding is resolved, nothing will happen, and everything will return to normal. She should go to work and practice.

Mr. Feng and Mrs. Feng originally had great objections to Zhao Suqin. Seeing that she would not let Feng Xiaowu speak, Mr. Feng said sternly: "Xiaowu, what is going on? Tell me quickly, don't hide anything."

Zhao Suqin wanted to stop her, but Feng Fan held her hand, glanced at his youngest son and nodded slightly. His youngest son said this was the most appropriate thing to do.

If he said that it would be good to have two achievements in credibility, maybe his old father would beat him with a cane and say that he was talking nonsense here to deceive people.

Sure enough, after Feng Anyen told all the ins and outs of this incident, the old man of the Feng family and several people in the room were a little shocked.

Even Feng Anze tensed his upright posture and clenched his hands tightly into fists on his knees.

What Feng Xiaowu said was beyond his knowledge and refuted the education he had received, but at this moment he did believe his brother.

Maybe this kid has some kind of problem, he has a violent personality and loves to get into fights, but he has never lied since he was a child.

Feng Qingyan was the one who had the biggest reaction.

She suddenly stood up from the chair, walked up to Zhao Suqin, looked at it carefully with wide eyes, and even stretched out her hand to touch her mother's face.

Zhao Suqin didn't know what her daughter was going to do, so she stretched out her hand and held hers: "Qingyan, don't worry, mom is fine."

Mother's hands were dry and warm. She had no memory of what her mother's hands looked like in her memory, but at this moment, Feng Qingyan's heart was extremely complicated, and her mind was a little confused. Suddenly, a white light flashed, and she remembered Yes, Feng Qingyan stamped his feet.

He said cracklingly: "I finally remembered, my classmate's mother told me a few years ago, she said that my mother seemed to be controlled by someone, and her behavior was so abnormal, she asked me to find a Taoist master Show it to my mother, she also said that my mother’s soul must be incomplete..."

"Who is your friend?" Old Mrs. Feng asked first.

"It's Jing Xiaobo. She has been to our house many times and lives in another compound. Her mother is from the Folklore Research Institute. She has met my mother a few times, but my mother ignored her at that time."

Then he continued: "I was quite angry at that time. I thought she was holding a grudge because my mother ignored her. I stopped playing with Jing Xiaobo for a long time."

Feng An suddenly stood up. He knew about this matter, but did not conduct an in-depth investigation. It is said that many of Zhao Lan's confessions were fabricated in order to clear himself up.

Now it seems that it was not groundless. It is necessary for him to bring up the case file again and take a closer look.

Thinking of this, Feng An rubbed his forehead, and said in a deep voice: "Don't tell outsiders about this for now, let alone Mo Yunyan, I'll check the file."

As he said this, Feng An left in a hurry. Mr. Feng did not stop him, but Mrs. Feng was the fastest to accept it among all the people.

Unexpectedly, he couldn't help but sit opposite Zhao Suqin and asked carefully.

Mr. Feng, on the other hand, walked around the room several times with his hands behind his back, and then waved to his eldest son and grandson to follow him to the study. In this case, only Grandma Feng, Zhao Suqin, and Feng Qingyan were left in the living room. .

Feng Anyen said it just now, and at this moment Zhao Suqin told the two people in front of him what he knew.

Although it was absurd and unbelievable, Mrs. Feng finally looked at Zhao Suqin with sympathy and understanding in her eyes.

Shen Mingxi didn't know what happened in the Feng family, and she was answering the phone at this time.

It was her grandfather who called her, and his voice was very brisk: "Xiaoxi, I have compiled and published those poems you read before. I published them at my own expense and printed 1000 copies. Just as your second uncle returned to the capital, I asked him to He brought you 50 books. You can send these books to your classmates and other friends for free. By the way, your grandma Mu also gave her a few books. She also likes reading about that era. Poetry.”

Shen Mingxi's clear eyes flashed with surprise. She didn't expect the book to be published so quickly, but she understood that it was self-publishing. After all, there was no market for such poems, and grandpa published it, thinking it could make up for it. Sorry.

But obviously, grandpa didn't know that Mo Yunyan had returned to China and had another identity.

Shen Mingxi wondered whether he should tell his grandfather about this.

Then I heard Shen Hongxiu on the other end continue to say: "Xiaoxi, when others ask you, you don't need to go into details, and you don't need to say that grandpa published it at his own expense. Just say that it was entrusted to you by a friend, and you are also saying goodbye to an old friend. wish."

"Grandpa, don't worry, I know what to do."

"Xiaoxi, your grandfather is very relieved when you do things. Don't be too stressed. Send 30 copies to your brother, and you can keep 20 copies."

Shen Mingxi said "hmm", and Shen Hongxiu on the phone asked with concern about her and Shen Jiawen's study status.

He was going back to Yuncheng in one month. Shen Hongxiu happily told Shen Mingxi that his family had ordered some electric fans. When they came back from summer vacation, the electric fans would arrive and be just for them to use.

After a long chat, Shen Mingxi's heart was spinning rapidly. Should Mo Yunyan tell her grandpa about this matter?
After thinking about it, I couldn't hide this matter. Mo Yunyan used his real name and made a high-profile return without any attempt to hide it.

I estimate that I will return to Yuncheng in a while.

Grandpa would definitely know by then, so Shen Mingxi said: "Grandpa, let me tell you something. Her pen name is Yun Mo, her real name is Mo Yunyan, who is the author of this poem. She has returned from abroad and is currently in the capital. "

(End of this chapter)

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