Chapter 612 Found out soon
So the place he went to at this time was the hidden wall, and there were a lot of books there.

But standing at this place, you can push forward a little bit, which means you won't miss the books in the corners.

Shen Mingxi's heart was in her throat at this time, she was really nervous.

009 was also staring at the library warehouse in front of him without blinking at this time. He really didn't expect that things turned out to be such a coincidence.

It quietly said to Shen Mingxi: "Xiaoxi, do you think I should make some noise in that hidden compartment so that Feng Anyen can find it?"

Shen Mingxi thought for a moment, then slowly shook his head: "Xiaojiu, don't be anxious, wait and see."

If that doesn't work, let 009 make some noise.

But as soon as Shen Mingxi finished speaking, she saw Feng Anyen who was about to squat down to check the old books in front of him. For some reason, his foot slipped and his tall body fell backwards. Shen Mingxi was startled and couldn't help but cover his head. He stopped and almost screamed.

Of course, Feng Anchen's reaction is very sensitive. When he was about to fall, he turned over and pressed his hands on the wall very flexibly, so as not to fall on the concrete floor, but who would have thought that the wall was just a hidden space? The switch was pressed empty. This time Feng Anyen did not hide away, but threw himself into the hidden compartment.

Feng Anyen put his hands on the concrete floor in front of him, staring blankly at the wall that suddenly opened in front of him, and also blankly stared at the sudden appearance of the hidden compartment.

Even Feng Anyen was stunned for a few seconds, but then he reacted. At this time, the movement here attracted the attention of the other three people, who all looked here in unison.

They took in the scene before them at a glance.

But the strange thing is, why did a hole suddenly appear in this wall?
Director Xu was startled, put down the old book in his hand, and came in front of him in three steps and two steps at a time. Others also ran over quickly.

At this time, Feng Anyen had already stood up, waved his hands carelessly, and stared at the books inside. They were not of standard size, and there were dozens of large and small ones.

Several people looked at each other.I don't know why, but there was a light of surprise in his eyes.

There is a hidden compartment here with these old books in it. They have almost guessed what it means.

Director Xu did not take out these books rashly, but carefully reached out his hand and pressed the books gently. He was worried that other problems would appear in these books over time. The touch under his hands let Director Xu know, This book is the same old book as outside.

He also took out one of them carefully, there was no cover on it, it was just a piece of old kraft paper, which seemed to be stuck with paste, and there was nothing on it, but when he opened it, he only read a few pages, Director Xu's face became shocked.

When the other people saw this, they carefully picked up what was placed on it.

Feng Anyen didn't move. He stood by the secret compartment and looked around. There was nothing strange. When he was in the corridor just now, he felt that the air in front of him seemed to be vaguely cloudy.

This is abnormal. Why are there clouds and fog in the corridor?
And this cloud seems to be in the shape of a human being.

But he couldn't see what kind of person the shape looked like. It was just hazy. He even felt that he had an illusion, but the clouds could actually move. He saw these things with his own eyes and couldn't explain them. It just seemed that This cloud and mist were afraid of the sun. Just when Director Xu called him, sunlight shone in through the glass window, and the cloud and mist disappeared.

He could only suppress the doubts in his heart and follow Director Xu in.

But how did he fall? According to his physical condition, he should not have such an accident.

Therefore, apart from being shocked, Feng Anyen also had doubts in his eyes.

So he didn't pay attention to those things, but looked towards the place where he fell, just two steps away in front of him, and then he found a round wooden stick.

Feng Anyen knelt down and picked up the wooden stick. This wooden stick was very ordinary, a bit like the handle of a puppet that children liked to play with a few years ago.

It also looks a bit like the small wooden sticks at both ends of the skipping rope played by little girls. It is very smooth. It seems that this is not an accident. I don’t know who threw this thing here.

I didn't pay attention and slipped on it.

After knowing the reason, Feng Anyen turned around and looked at the hidden compartment.

The three people were already shocked and ecstatic but carefully took out the secretaries and notebooks placed in the secret compartment.

Place it on the clean ground with the same care.

Director Xu looked at Feng Anchen, his voice was a little trembling: "Feng Anchen, you fell so well, you can't even imagine how important books and materials these are."

Feng Anyen smiled and went over to get a notebook.

The fonts on it are neat and neat. The colors of the fonts include red and blue. It seems that the writing time is different.

But what is strange is that there is nothing on the notebook, not even a date, just four words... important information.

Feng Anyen tugged at the corner of his mouth. He couldn't explain what he was feeling. It was just a little weird, but others were really not as suspicious as Feng Anyen.

There are some things that even Director Xu cannot understand. Feng Anyen can understand 70% of them, but he cannot read every one of them. He just tells Director Xu that these things are very important. If these are handed over to our scientific research The team, after researching it, will produce something that will definitely fill the current gap, and it will also be the world's advanced level.

No more asking for help or being threatened.

Director Xu took a deep look at Feng Anyen. Of course he knew the meaning of this student's words. During this period, he had seen some things.

Isn't this Feng Anyen from the Feng family just entangled?

The other party is confident not only because they have these things in their hands, but now we also have them ourselves.

Director Xu really wanted to look up to the sky and laugh three times. His voice was a little hoarse. He told the three people not to move anywhere while he went to make a phone call.

So Shen Mingxi saw it in the corridor. Ten minutes later, two military jeeps without license plates drove to Beijing University.

Then, they entered the library's warehouse through another side door.

These people were wearing white short-sleeves and military green trousers. It was impossible to tell which part they belonged to, but one look at their walking posture and the determined eyes showed that they were definitely not ordinary people.

They carefully took out the books and notebooks, and Director Xu and Feng Anyen also left with the car.

No one knows what happened here, and everything is quiet again.

 Thank you for your life reward like water, thank you all for your continued support, I love you~
(End of this chapter)

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