Chapter 674
At this moment, Feng Anyen's dry and warm big hand was holding Shen Mingxi's soft little hand.

His heart also softened little by little.

Without immediately answering Shen Mingxi's words, he just shook her hand and walked forward for another 2 minutes before stopping on a hillside.

Standing here, you can see the buildings halfway up the mountain more clearly.

"Xiaoxi, those small white buildings in front are going to be used as the third scientific research base."

Shen Mingxi was stunned for a moment. This place was going to be a scientific research base. How did Feng Anyen know about such a secret thing? And did he really have nothing to do with her?
Will it violate any agreement?

Thinking of this, Shen Mingxi quickly looked up at Feng Anyen: "You won't break the rules if you tell me this. Don't worry, I won't mention it to anyone."

Then he looked around again. The summer wind was blowing lazily on the hillside. The leaves of the bushes nearby were all sunburnt, and they seemed to hang their heads feebly.

It has not rained in the capital for more than half a month. At this time, these bushes and low trees are eager for the nourishment of a heavy rain.

Obviously, apart from the two of them, there was no third person around.

Of course, the field further away is a wheat field, and it is probably almost time to harvest.

But that distance is so far that it can be ignored.

Feng Anyen smiled.

Then he took Shen Mingxi and walked dozens of steps to the side, and arrived at the foot of a large locust tree. This large locust tree has a huge crown, which is unique in the suburbs of Beijing. If you take the view from a distance, it can be included in the painting. Although the leaves were also wilted by the sun, they also blocked the hot sunshine.

Only the mottled light and shadow flickered vaguely under the trees.

The two people have their own cooling function, and it is very comfortable to stand under the shade of the tree.

Under such an environment, Feng Anchen became more courageous.

Gently stretched out his hand and hugged Shen Mingxi. His ears turned red, but his hand quietly exerted some force. Shen Mingxi naturally noticed it, but the two of them had been together for some time, so close contact. It wasn't like she had never done it before, but she still felt her face was hot.

However, she snuggled into his arms obediently. Feng Anyen raised the corners of his mouth, with tiny bits of sunshine shining in his eyes. He stretched out his left hand and pointed in the direction of the hillside in front of him and said softly: "It's not the third scientific research base there." What a big secret. After it is completed, a wall will be built and guarded by guards. What I want to tell you is side by side with it. On the other side of the hillside, construction has already started. After it is completed, it will be used as a geological research center..."

Shen Mingxi squinted her eyes, and looked in the direction he pointed. Her eyesight was pretty good, but she couldn't see whether there was anyone building a house in the distance.

Shen Mingxi originally wanted 009 to scan that area and show her the scenes of the two places clearly, but she didn't know why she didn't want 009 to come out when she was alone with Feng Anyen.

This feeling is a bit complicated, let's put it this way, as if the two of them are parents, and 009 is a child, when the two are so close, of course they don't want to be seen by the child.

No matter how powerful and defiant 009 is, its mind is actually that of a child, and after it is successfully upgraded, it will also be an elf, so Shen Mingxi doesn't want it to see this.

But it didn't expect that Feng Anyen would bring her to this place today.

She didn't tell her in advance that this guy has now learned how to conduct surprise attacks.

Shen Mingxi stretched out her hand and pinched his waist gently: "Why didn't you tell me in advance that I thought you were bringing me here to see the scenery?"

Feng Anyen actually felt that his whole body was numb. In order to cover up his unnaturalness, Feng Anyen hurriedly coughed slightly and said unnaturally: "I thought, wouldn't it be more intuitive to show you this way, little one?" Xi, you should understand what I mean. I have made a decision. I am going to study for a master's degree and a Ph.D. after graduation, I will go to the third scientific research base, Xiaoxi. I hope you can also go to the Geological Research Center. In this case , we can make our home here..."

Will you make your home here?

Shen Mingxi blinked, did this guy think so long-term?

And why does it feel like Feng Anyen said this in such a natural tone.

Shen Mingxi quietly looked at him from the corner of her eyes, and then realized that this guy was a little tense. Although he pretended to be calm on the surface, his fingers were trembling slightly, and Shen Mingxi laughed.

"Xiaoxi, what are you laughing at?"

Feng Anyen's voice was a little muffled, and he asked Shen Mingxi softly and softly.

"It's nothing, I just think it's a bit cute that you are talking about this issue so seriously, but it's not that easy to get into the Geological Research Center. We have to wait until graduation to talk about this..."

Unexpectedly, Feng Anchen was just embarrassed, and then confidently tapped Shen Mingxi's head with his fingers, with a smile in his voice: "It's very easy to get here based on your Shen Mingxi's grades, but I also I hope that next year you will prepare to study for a master's degree and a Ph.D., and there will be no end to your learning, especially since the industries we are engaged in require continuous learning..."

But at this point, Feng Anyen suddenly felt that his topic had gone too far. He discussed with Shen Mingxi seriously: "Xiaoxi, what I said just now is serious. There are only advantages and no disadvantages in settling our home here. Although It’s a bit desolate here, but there will definitely be construction nearby in a few years, and the transportation here is also very convenient..."

Feng Anyen wanted to say that it would not be inconvenient for their children to go to school in the future, but he felt that firstly, he was a little embarrassed to talk about this topic, and secondly, it seemed a little too early.

"Alright, if you join this scientific research base, I will try to get into this geological research center."

After Shen Mingxi thought about it clearly, he stopped being pretentious and agreed readily.

Feng Anyen's heart seemed to fly out of joy, and his whole body felt light and airy. In fact, Shen Mingxi's promise was also a disguised promise that they would get married after graduation.

He felt that the most important event in his life now should be to marry Xiaoxi into the door, and when he thought of this, his heart became hot again.

This situation, this scene, this mountain, this tree.

It seems really suitable for something.

He had been coveting those red petal-like lips for a long time.

He hugged the creek, and the two faced each other, with a pair of star-like eyes staring at Shen Mingxi affectionately.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little ambiguous, as if the surrounding air had stopped flowing.

But at this moment, Shen Mingxi felt something fall on his head.


Her expression changed drastically, and she jumped up instinctively...

 Thanks to Anxiang Gardenia and the little darlings of Like Water’s Life for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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