Cannon fodder heroine online counterattack

Chapter 693 Re-chaptering the past

Chapter 693 Back to the past
"Xiaoxi, I was born in 15. When I was [-] years old, your grandfather established a poetry club. That year happened to be [-]. These patriotic young students in Yuncheng used this poetry club to organize Various activities, launching initiatives, verbal and written criticism, calling on the people of the country to unite to jointly resist foreign enemies. It was a golden autumn for a long time. I remember it very clearly..."

"Then you want to go back to September [-], right?"

Shen Mingxi asked again.

Mrs. Mo nodded. The emotions in her eyes were very complicated. Tears seemed to be rolling down, but she reluctantly endured it.

Although Mrs. Mo is extremely convinced that Shen Mingxi can do this, after all, she has witnessed Shen Mingxi's supernatural ability with her own eyes. It is indeed impossible for ordinary people to do that.

But Mrs. Mo is more because she has no nostalgia for this world. She is willing to take a gamble. Even if there is only one percent chance, she will not give up. So whether she can go back to the past, for Mrs. Mo Speaking of which, it all depends on God’s will.

"If I could choose to go back to September [-], it would have been a year before something happened to me and before Luo Aofu and Lin Heng plotted against me, so there was still time for anything..."

"Okay, grandma, then we will set the time in September of [-]. The specific day is not sure, but it must be September..."

Mrs. Mo hid the look in her eyes and looked at Shen Mingxi with great trust.

"Just do whatever you want to do. Whether it succeeds or not depends on God's will..."

Shen Mingxi was noncommittal. She felt that since the system has such a function, it can definitely be done. After all, System 009 has appeared. She has space. Plants can be grown in the space, as well as the Koi Immortal from the Xianxia World. There is a system store, and everything means that this time and space reset is just a newly added function to the system.

Just like that special energy scan before.

Shen Mingxi took Mrs. Mo's hand, and Mrs. Mo was neatly dressed and sitting on the sofa. With a smile on her lips, she closed her eyes slightly and gave everything she had to Got Shen Mingxi.

Everything in front of me seemed absurd and unbelievable, but at this time, System 009 happily pressed the time and space reset.

When it pressed these four words, the air in the room changed.It was almost invisible at first, and then there was a slight tremor in the air. The tremor was like a stone thrown into the lake, causing ripples layer after layer, and then the ripples became bigger and bigger. The air also started to flow like water.

The flowing air was spinning at first, and then rushed towards the place centered on Shen Mingxi.

In the midst of the electric light and stone fire, the area where Shen Mingxi was located exploded with a bang, and a stone stirred up thousands of waves. The whole room was as if a thunderbolt was thrown into the calm lake.

Although the splash was not waves, it was just air, but it was like a shock wave. Wave after wave went crazy towards the place centered on Shen Mingxi. Time and space finally changed. In almost the blink of an eye, Shen Mingxi disappeared in this place. in the room.

The moment Shen Mingxi disappeared, Mo Yunyan slowly closed his eyes, leaned back, and his breathing gradually stopped. After the tremor ended, the room calmed down little by little, as if It's like a barrier has been set up, and people and things outside can't feel the changes in this room at all.

Quietness returned here, and everything was peaceful as if it had never happened. It was as if Shen Mingxi's arrival here just now was just a dream.

No one saw her come in or see her go out, but now there is no Shen Mingxi in the Shen family.

Fortunately, it is now ten o'clock in the morning, and everyone in the Shen family thinks that Shen Mingxi is sleeping well in the house. After all, she is a little girl. No matter how good the relationship between brother and sister is, there are always many inconveniences.

So no one knew that Shen Mingxi had left this time and space at this time, and Shen Mingxi felt that it was only in the blink of an eye. The only discomfort he felt was that his chest was a little stuffy, his eyesight turned black, and then there was a feeling of being squeezed, but Shen Mingxi 009 in his consciousness was chirping excitedly: "Xiaoxi, Xiaoxi, open your eyes and see, this is no longer the Foreign Affairs Hotel in Beijing..."

Shen Mingxi opened his eyes.

At this moment, she was actually in a suspended state, but the crowd on the ground was not high. She seemed to be wrapped in a balloon. Shen Mingxi was shocked. She didn't even have time to see what the people around her looked like and what the street looked like. An old bus tram was hit.

Fortunately, she was wrapped in the air, so there was no impact, but it also shocked Shen Mingxi and hurriedly hid on the side of the road.

Shen Mingxi was stunned at this moment, as if he was watching an old movie from the Republic of China.

It's just that the negative is in color.

The old streets of Yuncheng, which have lagged behind for decades.

The streets are full of rickshaw pullers.

A woman with permed hair wearing a cheongsam holding a bamboo umbrella.

A man holding a civilized stick, wearing a top hat and a gray and black gown.

Monkey entertainers, clay figurines, wonton stalls on the roadside, and barbers carrying burdens.

Everything clearly told Shen Mingxi that it was September [-], but she didn't know what day it was.

Shen Mingxi contacted 009 in her consciousness, and the two communicated without any barriers. Then 009 told her that although they appeared in this time and space as entities now, because she is the host of the system, the system can be said to exist dependent on her, and then she will also be included in her existence. If the whole thing is protected, you can become a free time traveler.

In this way, no matter which time and space she arrives, no one will see her, and it will not have any impact on them.

After arriving here, they also collected a wave of misery points.

This is not important. What is important is where is Mo Yunyan now?

Does she carry the memory with her?
Is she born again?
If she didn't have the memory, shouldn't she take the initiative to tell her?

There is also Mo Yunyan from [-]. She should be unconscious at this time, and it is not known if anyone has discovered her.

The most important thing is that she was in the capital in the early morning, and it was now noon.

If she stays here for too long, it will be bad. If the eldest brother doesn't see her not getting up in the morning and opens the door to see that she is not in the room, then the world will really be in chaos.

Shen Mingxi is a little anxious, after all, this is the first time to use time and space reset, no one knows what it is...

(End of this chapter)

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