Cannon fodder heroine online counterattack

Chapter 696 Life is like a dream

Chapter 696 Life is like a dream
After hearing this, not only Mr. Mo and Mrs. Mo, but also Shen Mingxi breathed a sigh of relief.

Obviously, there is no need to question it. Mo Yunyan came back with memories. She clearly remembered everything that happened in the next few decades, but she did not tell her parents.

Shen Mingxi was not impulsive and was very rational. Shen Mingxi's heart was slightly relieved.

At this time, Mr. Mo and Mrs. Mo were dumbfounded and pulled their daughter up, comforted her angrily for a long time, and then told Mo Yunyan that they were discussing things with the old man and the old lady in the hall, and asked her to go find other little sisters to play.

Mo Yunyan didn't stop him.

She knew that her father and mother's position was very important in the hearts of her grandparents.

However, she said that she did not want to look for those little sisters for the time being. She had just had a nightmare. Although she was relieved now, she wanted to rest in the garden for a while. The sun was just right at this time, the breeze brought a faint fragrance of flowers, and the flowers were blooming all around. , lush green trees, the Mo family’s courtyard is noble and elegant.

This was indeed a good place to rest. Mr. Mo and Mrs. Mo didn’t force themselves any further. Seeing that their daughter was indeed fine, the two of them returned to the hall with relief, while Mo Yunyan sat alone on a long wooden chair. But after being dazed for a few seconds, she stood up and looked around seriously.

It was obvious that she was looking for someone. Shen Mingxi was wrapped in a bubble. Looking at Mo Yunyan's expression, she knew that Mo Yunyan was looking for her.

So Shen Mingxi shouted loudly in the bubble: "I'm here, I'm here, can you see me? I'm right in front of you."

There is a 15-year-old girl in front of her. The two of them are no longer related, so Shen Mingxi, the aunt, cannot be called out no matter what.

Then I saw Mo Yunyan's eyes widened in surprise and she looked in the direction of Shen Mingxi. However, it could be seen from her eyes that she heard the sound but did not see Shen Mingxi.

"Xiaoxi, you are right in front of me, right? I heard your voice, but I didn't see you. Are you okay now?"

Sure enough, even Mo Yunyan couldn't see her, but she could hear Shen Mingxi's voice.

"I'm fine now. I'm ready to go back. Do you have anything else to say to me?"

"Thank you Xiaoxi, I'm really happy. How can I have such an opportunity? Don't worry, I will definitely cherish this hard-won life. I also ask you to rest assured that I will use my Life is guaranteed. Even if I know everything, I will not abuse this right. I will treat my family and friends rationally. Don’t worry, Xiaoxi, I will never do anything to disappoint you and feel it is not worth it."

At this time, Mo Yunyan's voice was clear and sweet, with a soft voice unique to Yuncheng people.

But Shen Mingxi knew that this was her guarantee to herself. In fact, without these guarantees, Shen Mingxi had nothing to do even if she was worried. After all, she had already sent the person here, but she didn't expect that this heaven-defying system could really do this. .

Shen Mingxi's thinking was a little divergent, and he couldn't even imagine what kind of existence the Interstellar Alliance was.

After a few breaths, Shen Mingxi exhaled a long breath: "Then you should cherish this hard-won opportunity. I wish you good luck and happiness. Mo Yunyan, I will leave here soon. We should meet later. There’s no time limit.”

After saying that, Shen Mingxi asked 009 to start the return process and asked for Shen Mingxi's opinion. 009 set the return process to 3 minutes, and there was no need to make any preparations. After all, she had been assimilated by the heaven-defying system and used special air. in this world.

This world is exactly the same as it has never been.

Whether she comes or goes, she will not have any impact on this world. Of course, if Shen Mingxi uses this system to send someone to somewhere, just like he did to Mo Yunyan, then this Mo Yunyan can hear her voice But it was impossible to see her.

Mo Yunyan was like this at this time. She looked hard in the direction of the sound, but in front of her there was nothing but air, and then there was the fragrant osmanthus tree not far away.

It's very quiet here.

The autumn wind blows slowly, the green trees are lush, and the flowers are blooming. This is a scene she has dreamed about countless times in her dreams. Every time she wakes up, she will suffer for a long time, but this time it will not happen again. As long as she lives a good life, she will never There will be no more pain.

Mo Yunyan's voice was choked with sobs, because Shen Mingxi's words would never end, and Mo Yunyan's tears flowed down.

At first, she could connect her words into sentences, but in the end, even she didn't know what she was talking about. Shen Mingxi looked at Mo Yunyan who was so excited, and felt something unspeakable in her heart. Although she had her own selfish motives, I have to admit that my emotions have been ups and downs since I learned about Mo Yunyan's existence until now.

Fortunately, these have been resolved.

Regardless of whether Mo Yunyan can change her miserable life in this time and space, whether she can save the lives of her relatives, whether she can do what she wants to do, whether she can live a happy life, these have nothing to do with Shen Mingxi, everything has nothing to do with her. She can only look at herself, and the world is like this. No one is God, no one is the creator, no one is the creator, and no one should underestimate ordinary people.

In short, it’s just four words: take care of yourself.

At this time, the time has come. Although the two people can hear each other talking, Mo Yunyan cannot see Shen Mingxi, which is always a pity.

Then, Mo Yunyan felt that the air gradually became quiet, and she pressed her hand on her chest. At this moment, Mo Yunyan was 100% sure that that little girl, that little girl named Shen Mingxi, that Shen Hongxiu My granddaughter has left this time and space.

Just like she said, we will never see each other again!
Mo Yunyan stood under the osmanthus tree, looking a little dazed and a little hesitant, but more of a happy person.

After she calmed down for a while, her eyes were full of joy. She looked up at the blue sky and took a breath of fresh air. She thought that she would be willing to come back, even if she was only given 10 years to live.

At this time, the servant of the family came over in a hurry and said respectfully when he saw Mo Yunyan.

"Miss Sixth, Miss Luo Aofuluo is waiting for you in the courtyard in front. She said that you have made an appointment to go out to play in the afternoon. She asked you to go out to meet her now..."

Luo Aofu!
She was his mother's niece, and she was very close. Her mother was his aunt, and she and her mother were biological sisters.

But Luo Aofu never took these family ties seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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