The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 123 Bloodline Awakening

Chapter 123 Bloodline Awakening

The zombie horde is passing through like a typhoon. There are almost no zombies on the highway. There are abandoned cars and fallen corpses on the roadside.

This road was full of sparks and lightning. The three of them stopped to fight monsters and drove at top speed. They left Lin Sen and others far behind and became the pioneers who opened the road.

After the three people left, Deputy Director Li said nothing more about reporting to his superiors.

Lin Sen also remained silent, and the team of bodyguards in suits followed Lin Sen and the others at a short distance.

The team led by Lin Sen was large enough, and it also had heavy trucks.Naturally, the speed cannot be improved.Even if the zombies were all lured away by Annie's car, they still couldn't speed up.It made Lin Sen feel depressed.

Seeing Annie and the others disappearing in a while.The tail of his motorcade had not yet set off, and Lin Sen was convinced.

Seeing that it was almost 8 o'clock, Annie called her father.

Members of the 508th Group, after receiving a call from Annie and others, Dad An immediately synchronized his geographical location.The difference between the two teams was actually 170 kilometers before, which shows how fast the 508th Regiment was.

Another good news is that Xiaoguan's parents and their party have arrived safely in Qingshan City and have now reunited with Xiaoma. The bad news is that Xiaoguan's brother is not with his parents because communication is cut off. Currently out of contact.

After knowing the news about his parents, Xiaoguan couldn't wait to talk to Xiaoma on the phone.After waiting for a few minutes, they finally contacted their parents successfully. The two of them had not awakened their powers, but luckily they rushed to Qingshan City after receiving the call. They encountered countless zombies on the road, but they were unscathed.Anne next to her thought that maybe Uncle Guan and Aunt Zhong had awakened her lucky power.The two were driving a car, but they didn't even bump into each other.You must know that the journey from W City to Qingshan City is not easy.

Currently, the two extremely lucky people are leading the workers at Anjia's villa renovation site to complete the finishing work.

Are there still people doing peace work these days?Xiaoguan's eyes widened and he couldn't figure it out.

"Mom, where do the workers come from?"

"Director An hired me. They have been working hard."

"..." Xiaoguan was stunned for a moment before asking: "Is Qingshan City in chaos now?"

"Fortunately, there is still order now. There are many military pickets on the streets. They have the final power to enforce laws and disciplines. Now those who rob supermarkets will be imprisoned every time they are caught."


"How can there be such a good thing? Let them eat for free. These people are being detained to clean up all kinds of garbage..."

"What?" Anne who was listening wanted to laugh. The garbage at this time was not easy to clean. It was nothing more than zombies or corpses that died under the mouths of zombies.Definitely a chore.

Xiaoguan and his parents talked on the phone, and they felt more at ease with each other. Then he contacted Xiaoguan's brother, and everything was settled.

Driver Lu ignored the words of the two eldest ladies around him, and he was now inexplicably panicked.But I didn't dare to say it, for fear of scaring the two young ladies around me, so I could only put my feet into the gas tank and drive with all my strength.

The further away from Lin Sen and his party, the nervousness relaxed a little, so he naturally drove as hard as he could and accelerated. The speed was so fast that the scattered zombies on the roadside had no time to react. The little white pickup truck rushed past, and even some of them were on the road. The zombie in the middle who was thinking about life was also knocked away by the little white pickup truck.Zhou Qishao's modified car factory was once again praised by Driver Lu!It's no longer normal for a pickup truck to be this strong.

Annie gradually realized that something was wrong with Driver Lu, but she didn't dare to say anything for fear of scaring Xuanxuan in the back seat.He just stretched out his hand to hold on to the handrail beside him to prevent himself from hitting the glass in a sudden moment.

She looked at Zibao, the crest on his head was blown around by the wind, but Annie could see the excitement on his feathered face.

As if feeling Annie's gaze, Zibao looked back at her and then spread its wings and flew out. Then, it started air attack mode.

Zi Bao showed off his extraordinary attack power for the first time within Anne's field of vision.It scratched the heads of almost 180 kilograms of zombies and dragged them to the roadside. When Annie looked back, she saw that the skulls had been lifted open.

The current zombies haven't evolved crystal nuclei yet...have they?Annie was thinking this, but she saw that Zibao had already taken something out and flew towards her.Subconsciously, he pressed down the car window, stretched out his hand, and a slippery crystal core that was still warm fell into the palm of his hand.

The zombies have actually evolved, and it’s only been a few days since the end of the world?Water formed in the palm of Annie's hand, and she rinsed the crystal core. It was an earth crystal core. None of the three had any use for it, so they threw it into the storage compartment.This can be used by Brother Ti.

Driver Lu naturally saw it and asked, "Miss, what is this?"

"It should be the crystal core mentioned in the book. We can't use the earth type."

"Is there a crystal core? Do I really want to see it?" Guan Ningxuan was excited.

Annie lowered her head to find the crystal core and handed it to her. She was careless. They had never seen each other before. Unlike herself, they had not seen each other for more than a month.

The two of them took a look at the crystal core. Guan Ningxuan looked excited as her curiosity was satisfied. Driver Lu, as a grown man, gave up and concentrated on driving after taking a look at it.

The speed of the car continued, and Zibao flew low from time to time outside, bringing back several crystal cores.

Anne always rinsed it and gave it to the two of them for viewing.

The cold crystal core brought a sense of reality to the end of the world, making the three of them extremely sober.

After running so fast for 4 hours, we saw the convoy in the distance. The 508 RVs all had the same color scheme. The four large RVs were very easy to recognize. They finally caught up with the large group. The three of them looked relaxed. a bit.

Driver Lu's speed also slowed down, not because he didn't want to go faster, but because there were more cars (driven by people) on the road, and there were people fighting zombies on the roadside.There were also cars with their doors open on the side of the road, which was obviously a car that was on strike.

The three of them looked at each other. Don't tell me, these people are very good at every move.

"Miss, it seems that everyone has made great progress. Look, everyone is in good shape."

"The people who can run here, no matter how bad they are, must be [-]%."

"Survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest." Xiaoguan made a concluding speech.

It was not far from the main force, but unfortunately there was no parking space between the two teams, and the reality did not allow them to stop and stage a happy encounter.

While he was talking, the car was forced to stop. When Driver Lu saw the zombies on the road, he realized that he couldn't get through them without fighting. He immediately took out his bat and said, "Miss, I'll go down and fight. You guys are on top. Keep the car running and don't stop." "

Parking is not possible. Zombies can't climb cars, but people can. There is a car broken down on the roadside, and there will be a scramble for usable cars.

"Xuanxuan, you come up and drive, and I'll get down too."

"An, you drive, I'll get down!"

"No, you don't have enough physical strength to keep up, so drive first..."

Xiaoguan thought for a while and agreed. Compared to Annie who had awakened the ice power, her physical fitness had not increased much.If anyone has to drive, it must be me.

 Is there any treasure stuck in the way home?Can you tell me your thoughts?I'm just purely curious.

(End of this chapter)

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