The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 161 2 Conditions

Hahaha, Anne became a thief, no, a robber, a big thief for the first time in her two lifetimes. She laughed happily and left the museum briskly.

It was indeed an eye-opener to wander around away from her parents. Most of the cultural relics Annie stole were made of paper, silk, or wood that would be destroyed by soaking in water. She secretly thought in her heart that she was keeping it for the Federation, but when she passed by When she bought a large bronze cauldron, she realized that she was wrong, because she had seen this cauldron in the inner living room of the Wang family in Qingshan City.Regardless of the channel through which it arrived at the Wang family, it meant that the ancient tripod, which represented the civilization of Blue Star Daxia, finally fell into the hands of private individuals.

Who is not a private person anymore!

After that, Annie put away her things and ignored them. She put away everything that came easily. The luck method she realized on her own was really good. She moved tanks, cars, ships, and now she can move museums...

Lin Sen has never been so scared before on a mission. Really, this girl is so arrogant. She is still laughing at the crime scene?Are you afraid that you won't be able to attract others to catch the thief?

Fortunately, there was no danger and the group returned to the temporary camp.

Well, I want to take a rest, I’m so tired!
Annie dropped these words, got into her RV and closed the door.He made it clear that he didn't want to say anything and didn't want to see anyone.

Everyone was stunned, including Brother Ti and Xuanxuan who stayed at the base camp after hearing that everyone was back.

"Silver Fox, go and finish..."

This is already the third finishing team sent by Lin Sen.

"Young Master Zhou Qi, do you have any other instructions?"

Zhou Qishao patted his chest and shook his head: "I want to take a nap too, I'm too tired..."

After saying that, he dragged his tired footsteps to his own tent to rest.This night was so exciting, having a sister like this hurts my brother so much.Zhou Qishao vaguely felt that he had taken the wrong path.

Along the way, apart from the upturned corners of her mouth, Annie could not tell that she was nervous about doing something important.But Annie was actually nervous to death.The pendant that was as calm as waves in my mind actually showed its shape and was jumping in my mind.Annie knew the pendant wanted to come out!

After closing the car door, Annie pulled off the purple treasure from her shoulder: "What kind of monster are you? Do you know, it's coming out!"

Annie intuitively felt that this strange bird would definitely understand all these things that science could not explain.

"Don't worry, Girl An, everything will be arranged. You should have a method of luck, right?"

"There are people who move things!"

"Now, I'll teach you another way..."

"I won't listen to you anymore, a strange bird. Maybe you are really an artificial intelligence bird..." Someone who came specifically to harm me, that is to say, what else can the person who comes to my door do other than disaster?
"Don't be so unimaginative. The world is too big and too big. Not everything you see is everything."

"..." Anne looked at it with watery eyes and said nothing, but she expressed her intention to let it continue.

"There is no need to say too much, but I only have one thing to tell you. That man named Helan Jingzhou is the reason why I came to you. He is the only descendant of my Helan family. I have gone through so much trouble, that is I want him to be alive, a living person, not a demon.”

"Is he also a birdman?" Annie felt strange, because she couldn't enter the pendant space, and she tried to collect Maomao, but Maomao couldn't get in, but this bird could, and the zombie boss Okay, then, what other explanation is there except that they are all birdmen?

"Smelly girl, you're talking nonsense!" Zi Bao scolded lightly.Then there was a hint of helplessness in his tone, the helplessness of an elder facing a scoundrel: "Just wait a while, and you will understand everything. Remember, believe in what you dream about."

"Dream?" Annie thought of her own rebirth and her parents' prophetic dreams.

"Finally, you are a bird, it is fate, you must treat it well."

"What are you talking about! I'm not good enough to you? I listened to you and became a thief!" "It's not me... I just borrowed its body."

"Um..." Annie decided not to ask further questions and just watched how he acted.

Zi Bao took out the ring finger from under Annie's neck. Then, with a stroke of her wings and another wave, Annie saw that all the mountains of things in her pendant space were moved into the ring finger.Except for the stone Buddha statue taken from the museum.

The most terrifying thing is that the treatment vehicle went to the ring, including the zombie boss.

"I need three days. After three days, you can take the fountain of life under the original tree in the pendant and give him a bath..."

"what are you saying?"

"This is a mutual help condition reached between my ancestors and your Xiu family ancestors. My ancestors will help you go back to six years ago, and at the same time activate your Xiu family's treasure. Your ancestor promised to use the Xiu family's treasure to resurrect our Helan family. The only root seedling."

Annie saw the pendant that had been hidden in the sea of ​​consciousness reappearing in front of her eyes as the words "Xiu Family Heavy Treasure" came out.

"Remember? I don't have much time..."


"Tell me."

"Be kind to Zibao and use the water from the fountain of life to bathe your zombies."

"Be better to yourself. Cultivation lies in cultivating your mind. From now on, just follow your heart. Do you know, girl, you are the great benefactor of my Helan family..."

Zi Bao stepped forward and straightened the braid on Annie's head with the corner of his mouth.Then, Annie saw a golden light flying out of Zibao's body and sinking into the pendant.

But Zi Bao closed his eyes, leaned forward and fell on the bed.Anne reached out to caress it, but a wave of sleepiness came over her and she fell asleep.

The pendant circled around and sank into her sea of ​​consciousness again.

It's dawn, and because of the cold, everyone is greedy for the warmth of the bed.Lin Sen and his comrades were not among them.They got up, changing the guard, helping the cook.

Yes, Brother Ti and Xiaoguan have become chefs without knowing it.

The special forces soldiers, who could survive even by taking nutritional supplements, became disgusted with these two chefs.

Annie took away her RV, so naturally no one could get the food in the RV. In addition, Lin Sen told the three of them in private not to use their powers too openly.

So, now, the food that Xiaoguan can take out is instant noodles, self-heating hot pot and the like.These foods were bought by the three of them before, and Xiaoguan's portion was really not much.This morning, Annie didn't get up. The two of them listened together for a long time, but they didn't hear anything.

I know that Annie went to get things from Helan's family last night, but why are she so tired?Neither of them wanted to knock on the door to ask Anne to get food.

"Don't look for Nizi, let me do the math. The food she has brought out in the past few days should be almost the same. How much do you think can be packed in the RV?"

Yes, it has been three days since the 20 people from the second detachment came in to eat. It is estimated that Aunt Xiu did not have much to prepare.

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