The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 164 Small World

But Little Yuanshu won the bet, and when Annie held the Immortal Mansion in her hand, Little Yuanshu's spiritual consciousness penetrated into her body to test and confirm her bloodline. Little Yuanshu, who had been discouraged for nearly ten thousand years, was excited again. Yes, what the spiritual consciousness sent back was indeed the feeling of fusion that it had been looking for for thousands of years.

At the same time, the immortal mansion carrying Xiao Yuanshu was activated in an instant.

In fact, when Annie used the blood-dropping method to serve the bracelet space, Xiao Yuanshu confirmed Annie's bloodline and spiritual roots again, and it was a lie to say that he was not disappointed.

Annie's spiritual root is a single water spiritual root, but its quality is not of high quality. According to the grade of the immortal world, it is only middle-to-low grade.It belongs to the kind of existence that is spiritual root after all. If it is really cultivated, it will be extremely difficult to upgrade. To be able to cultivate the golden elixir, you have to meet a great immortal fate, otherwise it will only build a foundation!Wanting to shatter the void and ascend to the fairy world is just a dream!

Not to mention that this is the Dharma-ending era.Let alone spiritual energy, it is very rare to be able to breathe oxygen without harming the body.The reality is so cruel, and Anne's condition is here. Although the small element is unbeatable, it is not without a way out. As a weapon spirit, it can disappear and not recognize Anne as its master.

Even if it's because Annie used the Blood Drop Technique, Annie can only have the right to use the Immortal Mansion!There is no way to inherit the various immortal skills in the Immortal Mansion, become the master of the Immortal Mansion, and cannot embark on the path of cultivation. When a hundred years pass, Annie dies, and the cave will naturally return to the waiting state!
Even in the past hundred years, if a new master who meets the conditions appears, Little Element can take the Immortal Mansion to recognize the master again!
However, Xiao Yuan, who had been silent for thousands of years, was not willing to gamble anymore, and he didn't dare either!It doesn't know if it will have to wait thousands of years if it misses the current Anne. It is too difficult to wait for a master who meets all three conditions at the same time!
It is said that people become spirits when they grow old. After all, Jimo’s little tree has a life of tens of millions of years and is itself a spirit among spirits!Although it can only recognize Annie as its master, that doesn't mean it can't do something!
When Annie was about to drip blood to identify the main bracelet space, Xiao Yuanshu took action. It intercepted the blood halfway and also took a drop of Annie's heart blood. (This is what made Annie faint from the pain. The real reason.) is used to establish the master-servant relationship between Annie and the Immortal Mansion.

From the moment Annie raised her eyebrows, the trajectory of her life was completely different from her previous life.Even if she was lucky enough to be reborn in her previous life, her real life started from that second:
At the same time as Xiao Yuanshu took action, in a distant Great Thousand Realm, a great power used a secret method to burn thousands of years of cultivation. The energy used to reverse time and space also reached the water blue star. This energy made up for the lack of energy of the small elements, and the great power The fairy roots contained in it were also planted into Annie's spirit body. At that moment, the little elemental Annie was no longer Annie!
As for the reason why this energy directly found Annie, it was the same reason as Zibao found Annie.Let’s talk about this later.

When Xiao Yuanshu recognizes the master, he must first awaken the inheritance in the master's bloodline, and then the blood that has awakened the power of the bloodline is matched with the corresponding spiritual roots, so that the immortal mansion can truly recognize the master, forming a trinity of bloodline person, weapon spirit, and immortal mansion. , inspiring the traces of heavenly marks sealed by the Immortal Mansion.

When Little Yuanshu grows up, Little Thousand Realm will no longer be a place beyond the heavenly realm!Everything is promising in the future!
Although these two recognitions of masters have a sequence, they must be completed almost at the same time. However, with the addition of this elemental energy, when the bloodline is awakened, Annie's spiritual roots have already become the best water and wood dual spiritual roots. (The spiritual root that the little elemental dreamed of.) And because the level of the spiritual root is extremely high, the little Yuan Shu even condensed the weapon spirit entity immediately. When Annie awakened her powers, she used the wood spirit root to leave the fairy mansion. However, the water spirit root looks extremely cold because of its extremely high spiritual energy.

This is why everyone around Anne awakened their powers after drinking Anne's so-called superpower water.

Xiao Yuanshu always thought that it would take some time to evolve, but unexpectedly, a parrot with spiritual power suddenly came next to Annie. This bird was covered in golden light, and the light of full-level merit made Xiao Yuanshu feel comfortable all over. The two quickly became good friends.Then, Parrot Bird coaxed Xiao Yuanshu to use Yuanjing's energy to conceive a demonized person.

Although, that person also has a golden light of merit and good spiritual roots.But Xiao Yuanshu also looked down upon him, but Parrot Bird became friends with Yuanshu and reluctantly took action.

The demonic energy recedes quickly, and the person will be able to live back to before being possessed by the demonic energy in a few days, but Parrot Bird's request is not just that.He wanted more... Xiao Yuanshu said it was impossible. After the power of his Yuanjing withdrew his demonic energy, it would no longer benefit his body, as if he had antibodies.But the parrot bird said that he had a way.This descendant of his family is the inner demon on his journey to immortality.Cause and effect that must be resolved.

Until that day, Parrot Bird entered the Immortal Mansion in a spiritual body. This spiritual body was very powerful. He split open the stone Buddha and took out the two soul stones that the little element had always wanted to devour but had to take a big bite of it.There are two pieces, one large and one small. It can be seen that after experiencing various disasters, it is no longer the same as before.

As soon as the Soul Stone appeared, the entire Immortal Mansion trembled with infinite joy.

Xiao Yuan was shocked. The two soul stones were actually not soul stones, but part of the original body of the Immortal Mansion possessed by Xiao Yuanshu. They were refined into the other two pieces of the Little Thousand World in front of the Immortal Mansion.The goal that would take tens of millions of years to achieve has been achieved.

Xianfu warmly embraced a part of his body that had been separated for too long.The task that originally took endless time to complete was 99% completed immediately, and the broken Xiaoqian World has been completed to [-]%.

The small elemental tree in the Immortal Mansion also grew its divine personality and became a true Tianyuan tree.

The Tianyuan power of the Tianyuan Tree will continue to complete this small world, making it possible to cultivate immortality. With the growth of the Tianyuan Tree, this small world can also be connected with the way of heaven, recreate the passage of ascension, and achieve immortality. The power of the source!

The power of the Immortal Source will nourish the growth of the Small Tianyuan Tree. As the Tianyuan Tree matures, this Small Thousand Realm will form the Tianyuan Heart, grow into a new plane, and join the three thousand Great Thousand Realms.

In scientific terms, a new planet suitable for human survival will appear, allowing humans to migrate to it.

The Little Tianyuan tree stands in the center of the Little Thousand Realm, spreading its branches and leaves, and then growing long roots downwards. Among the roots, a sparkling godhead has gradually formed.
Xiao Yuanshu saw the spirit body in the parrot disappearing at the last moment, and divided the golden light of merit into two parts to protect Annie and the descendants he said.Then, he poured his last bit of blood spiritual power back into the parrot bird.

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