The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 184 Temporarily Living in the Bustling City

Chapter 184 Temporarily Living in the Bustling City
Seeing the happy look on Silver Fox's face, he couldn't help but feel something in his heart:
"You are quite fluent now, what kind of group is your group?" He Lan asked with a smile.

"The 508th regiment! I think it's pretty good. We haven't made any achievements since we got here. An Tuan saved our lives first! There are also the captain, the seventh young master, and..."

Silver Fox looked at the captain and didn't dare to finish.

"Yes, there is also me as the captain, so the 508th Regiment is indeed our 508th Regiment!"

After receiving Captain He's approval, Silver Fox couldn't help but feel happy. He couldn't help but let himself go. Putting aside the previous tightness in front of Captain He, Helan Jingzhou then asked:

"Who is the person An Tuan is talking about?"

"That man has also returned to the imperial capital. He is a chef from the Wang family. An Tuan said that he had several chef certificates on him and said that he must be taken down!"

"The Wang family, isn't it the Wang family?"

"No, I hired foreign aid. The contract expires at the end of the year!"

"This girl is really outgoing. Not long after we broke off the engagement, she started poaching people from the Wang family. But I like it!" Helan Jingzhou smiled.

Turning on the phone: "Fourth brother, check where Wang Jieming is staying!"

"What are you doing? Seventh Young Master and I are trying to hire a chef!" An Tuan was so soft-hearted that he was tricked into getting a phone call.

"Who please?"

"Wanghailou...that chef is a master at roasting sheep!"

Roast lamb?I thought about Annie's list of cuisines and confirmed that they were not included in the requirements.

"This is postponed. There is a chef in the Wang family. An Tuan asked Yinhu for it. You two first checked the Wang family's location, and then asked people to find the chef. I asked Yinhu to come over. He has seen it. this person!"

"Yes, boss, let's go find some supplies..."

"Wear a mask, gloves, and pay attention to protection!"

"I know, the two of us will try our best not to make a fuss."

Now, these people who are apparently dead wear masks and gloves when they appear in public, so that people cannot easily identify their identities. Captain Che is still looking for contact lenses and is preparing to equip everyone with them to prevent iris recognition.

Thank you again for the cold weather now. Masks, headgear, and gloves are a must. Everyone dresses up like this and goes out without feeling out of place!

The three group leaders just watched this man leave with his cell phone, looking at each other in confusion.

"Nier, is this man sick? Is it true that he can't hear good words?"

"This person is obviously innocent. I'm afraid he's just pretending to defraud us of our mobile phones."

"I don't know, I can't see through this person anyway, but I'm sure, I get irritated when I see this person!" Annie's irritability was similar to scolding Tom.

Brother Ti and Xuanxuan finally knew that she really hated this person.They couldn't help but look at each other: "Nier, we found that you just hate this person for no reason. Why?"

"I don't know, it's like I naturally hate stinky tofu, but I like to drink soy juice. It's not about the taste itself, it's about instinct!"

The three of them had been busy for a long time without even eating dinner. It was natural for them to be hungry. So, the three of them went down to the first floor and set up shop in the living room to have dinner.

The villa looked new, but the kitchen was really unusable. Annie and the others didn't worry about it. They just looked at the facilities and equipment in the kitchen and gave up the struggle.

The small white card is released and the food starts to be heated in the garden.The weather is cold, and although I wear good clothes, the cold air is everywhere.

Black Bear is on duty today. To put it bluntly, he is a follower of the three group leaders. He immediately comes out to increase his presence.

"I'll do it, I'll do it, I know how to make hot food, I know it!" This is true. Black Bear has the highest kitchen skills among this group of people. Annie also recognized this person. He has actually helped cook several times. .Really helpful!At least the reason why the cooking machine tastes bad is because he discovered that the ingredient bag was put into the wrong feed port. "You didn't go out?"

"There must be someone to watch the house. We work in shifts, and there are six people left behind in each shift!"

Annie looked at him and smiled: "You are so smart!"

So, the group leaders went into the living room and sat down to wait for the ready-made food. Black Bear and his people quickly heated up the food that Xiaoguan took out and brought it in. Then he called the six people who stayed behind to carry the same food to the side and start eating!
Xiaoguan was moved by the black bear's help on such a cold day, and took out a bottle of his father's wine for the six of them to drink.

Black Bear's name has the word "bear" in it, but he really doesn't have the heart of a bear. He doesn't care about eating while on duty. He doesn't dare to drink or even be beaten to death!
"Guan Tuan, I'm on duty, don't dare to drink!"

"Then you can keep it for now and drink it after get off work. This is a gift to thank you for helping us heat food."

"Thank you Guantuan!" The six people stood up and thanked them, and took the wine with a smile. Good wine, X Taiwan wine, the key is old wine, it has been a few years.

This bottle of old wine, when Zhou Qishao came back later, he was so hungry that he was completely defeated. He chased Xiaoguan and quarreled for a long time, thinking that he was the seventh brother, and he had to eat all the good food and drinks for himself in the future.

"..." Zhou Qishao couldn't compare to Captain Che, and Xiaoguan still had a slight fondness for him, because the cars sold by Zhou Qishao were both good and cheap.Be sweet in return.

"Here, stop arguing, you have a headache!" Xiaoguan handed over two bottles of wine.
"This bottle is not as good as that one!"


"The year is different by five years!"

"Oh." Xiaoguan calmed down and took out a few more bottles. When he was about to take back the previous ones, Zhou Qishao was happy!

"Do you know what your seventh brother's favorite thing is besides exploring?"

"Spend money!"

"Spending money is my purpose in life. My second favorite is drinking! Drinking good wine!"

Then, the whole person retreated.I left Xiaoguan dumbfounded.It is indeed true love!Why are you running so fast?
That night, Zhou Qishao had the best sleep, if only for no other reason than that he was drunk. So when he got up the next day, although he didn't have a hangover headache because he was so drunk, he still slept on his own. What the hell?Such a broken bed!

"Lao Ba Zhou!" Zhou Qishao shouted and rushed to the third floor!

Anne then remembered that the furniture promised to this man had not been fulfilled, but there were many reasons: "Where is your chef?"

Zhou Qishao immediately shut up: "Eighth sister, give me the prize first, I promise to complete the task."

"Okay!" Annie was very generous. When she went down to the second floor, Zhou Qishao called his team members to move the bed, and then stared at Annie throwing furniture out.


The Lone Wolf members, unlike Lin Sen's soldiers, had previously been the masters of fine clothing and food, but now they were not happy to see An Tuan being so partial.

"An Tuan, we want it too!"

My bed is extremely dirty!

I don’t even have a bed!

Don’t worry about scarcity, but worry about inequality!Annie has always heard Anshan say this.At the moment, he was in embarrassment: "The furniture is really gone. Even if there is, there won't be enough room to install it. Let's see if you like this!"

"What is this?" A 20-inch suitcase was placed in front of everyone.

"Space capsule, military quality, latest model."

(End of this chapter)

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