The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 206 Flying Guests

Among the three, Ti Ge spends most of the time making up her mind, and it is she who arranges accommodation at this time.

"Master Bai, why don't you stay in the car with us?"

"Okay, thank you, Captain Wei!"

After working in the service industry for a long time, Magnolia has also developed some quirks, such as not living with her boss and living in a car, which is even more unacceptable.But looking around, there were only four female surnames, and it seemed that the mercenaries were all sleeping in Datongbu.I had no choice but to follow him and get into the RV.Brother Ti pointed to the small room in the middle: "You can live here."

It's actually a single room, and the conditions are really great.Magnolia happily agreed, put her backpack in and started to organize it.

Annie and Ti Ge Xuanxuan still lived in the bedroom behind the car.

Seeing that they were about to leave, Helan took a few steps forward and said, "Guan Tuan, I need a dagger."

"Nier, let's go up and clean up. You can come back later." Xuanxuan waved to her, and they got in the car, closed the door, and left.

Annie looked at both sides, but had no choice but to walk back to the rest area, then took out a handful from her backpack (finger space) and handed it to him.

"There are still fifty sets of clothes missing!" Annie looked up and looked at him: "Can I take out this backpack? What else is missing? You said it in one go!"

"Fifty sets of military uniforms, as well as equipment, they are all..."

"Dead?" This word must be taken literally.

Helan smiled sheepishly: "Time is tight, this is the only way, otherwise it will be difficult to operate."

Anne was silent in her heart, and used her spiritual consciousness to prepare a hundred copies of the weapons, special clothing, and individual space capsules she bought in the fairy mansion, as well as a survival backpack. The weapons she bought at that time were purely for amateurs, (now Even though I’m an amateur at buying it, I don’t know what to get out of it now.

Stopping her hand, Annie took out a piece of paper from her bag and handed it to Captain Che: "Look at these types, which one should you take first?"

He Lan took a look and thought, this is really a big deal.Now he asked carefully: "Can you tell the difference clearly?"

“There’s a name on the package!”

He Lan was also convinced, convinced by the terrible habits he was accustomed to. The firearms he was thinking of were ones that could be used as soon as they were picked up, but in An Tuan's case, they were guns that came with packaging and had not been wiped with gun oil.

He immediately clicked on a few and said, "All of these will work!"

Then, he saw Annie's eyes were slightly dull, which you wouldn't have noticed unless you looked closely. After 3 minutes, Annie handed him a storage bag.

"It's all here, clothes, space capsule, weapons, look at it, what else is missing?"

"The same way to use it?"

As he asked, his consciousness had already reached into the storage bag.Smiled with satisfaction: "Thank you!"

I must thank Annie for putting all the ammunition for all the guns in it.However, it was not the batch I took her to get.This little girl bought a lot of dangerous goods!

Annie returned to the car, washed up and went to sleep. Xuanxuan was still struggling with the question of whether Maomao should come out, but Ti Ge denied it with his strength: "If you dare to bring Maomao out, I will use my four legs to come out." Three People spent the night noisily,
The next day, Magnolia opened the door and took a look, and saw a big yellow dog head, a cute golden retriever, Magnolia's favorite dog (no one, ranked second among all dog treasures! All pets in the world can be classified into dogs and others, and there are only two types of dogs, golden retrievers and others!)
The peak of Maomao's dog life begins where he is!I had fresh boiled eggs for breakfast!Mix chicken leg meat with dog food (chicken breast is too bad!) and look at Magnolia who is washing the breakfast fruit (apple) for Maomao.They were all a little dumbfounded.

So, our white water eggs and fruit salad this morning are just a borrowed money?

Early the next morning, everyone at the rest stop had left.

Annie and others were the last group. After tidying up, Fat Chef, Magnolia, and Brother Ti got on the helicopter and left!After Annie saw that the plane was out of sight, she turned around and collected the containers, kitchen carts, etc., then got on the return helicopter and flew to the other side.

"Let's fly farther this time and release these cars!"

"It's really crazy. Everyone has normal cognition. You can't hide it from others!" Annie was so funny!
“Just don’t tell the truth when you see it, just don’t admit it!”

So, Annie took away the helicopter, and then released all the previously collected cars one by one!Then RVs, kitchen cars, and all kinds of cars!

After waiting for everyone to walk over, Annie got into the car and went to sleep.

"Captain, ahead, there's a group of people coming ahead, zombies to be exact!" Annie pointed to the front of the highway!No worries at all!What are you worrying about when you are on the road with Gao Zhan?
Helan concentrated and didn't notice it, but he admired An Tuan and immediately synchronized the position on the intercom!

"Speed ​​up, there are zombies ahead, I'm worried that I won't be able to cope with it with two people!"

The former special operations team members who were skating and climbing down the mountain wished they had wings. Some teams had not yet reached the bottom of the slope, and the leading troops were climbing halfway up the slope.You can only climb up quickly.

It's really flying, the zombies are in front, and there is our leader in front. Although the captain is there, it is difficult to defeat four hands with two fists!I'm going to die...speed up!
The leader of the 508th regiment cannot make mistakes!The security team leader has become a major concern for all team members!
The zombies are coming. I wonder which car the zombies will like?Annie liked the car that was just laid out, so she raised her hand and took back the space!I accidentally showed off too much and just waved my hand, and the cars disappeared one by one!Helan had seen it before and was used to it, so it didn't matter, but neither of them saw the pilot, the pilot Jin Yao.

After collecting the cars, to be precise, there was only one car left outside, and we went to the RV.Originally, it was definitely best to use a tank, but there were so many fighting scum that I couldn’t sit down!
Helan watched the man get into the car, thought for a moment, followed, and opened Xiao Zi's various protections, and also pulled up the windproof steel fibers.Then he got out of the car and took Jin Yao forward to explore the road.

Jin Yao is wandering between science and theology!The three views are completely destroyed, everything is desolate, and when the wind passes, they will all come back to life. The problem is, there will be no wind, rain or sunshine in ten days!
"What are you doing, cheer me up!"

"Okay, I'm fine, nothing happened at all." That's weird.

The two drove a car and explored the road ahead.really……

An Tuan is An Tuan, this sixth sense, this spiritual power!
Helan looked at the numb zombies in front of him and ran away for the first time in his life!
"Antuan, Antuan!"

"Open the door, let's come up and hide!"

"Hiding? That's not your style."

"What is my style? Who doesn't know how to save your life?" He Lan took the lead in getting into the car, and the two of them sat down. Jin sat with his hands and feet shrunken, as if he was a hairy son-in-law who was having sex with his father-in-law for the first time.

"What are you doing?" Helan was quite surprised. The team members he recruited were all people he knew well.Jin Yao is actually a very active kind.I don’t understand how you behave at this time.

"It's okay, there's nothing wrong with me."


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