The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 261 Beast King Fan Zhen

The black bear was obviously seriously injured. He lowered his head and spat out a mouthful of blood. The palm-sized black blood clots looked even more weird on the already dirty snow.

"Oh, this is an old injury." Xuanxuan also slid to stand next to Annie.

"Well, this spanking is good for him..." Anne commented calmly.

The little camel's leg is injured now. You can help it heal yourself. The four-legged camel will definitely become more invincible!

Brother Ti and Wenwen also slid over, and the three of them joined the crowd. The four of them had already approached the camel. Fan Zhen became anxious and shouted: "Don't get close to my thunderstorm, be careful, I will hit you!" "

"Don't worry, don't worry, I won't come close, I'm just taking a look!"

"Xiao Jian (bitch), if you dare to take advantage of others, be careful, I will capture all four of you and tear them alive!" A fat rabbit threatened the four of them.

"Alas, the cannon fodder died because of his bad words!" Anne looked at him: "Are you trying to rob this camel?"

"Mind your own business! Get out of my way, young master!"

At the beginning, the young master had some background. Anne motioned for everyone to step back.

"Nibao, let's fight. Both sides don't look like good people. Let's go!"

"No, I quite respect this big black bear! I'll wait. If I have a chance, I have to get to know him." Annie watched the ten-on-one battle at a disadvantage with great interest. She felt secretly in her heart. It's a pity. This group really can't help!

Suddenly, there was a sharp brake and a squeak, and a luxury bus skidded to a stop in the middle of the road. Fortunately, it was still three meters away, and it almost hit the trailer where the camel was sitting.

More than 20 people jumped out of the car, and they actually split into two groups. They were obviously going to fight on one side, but they actually attacked the camels on the other side!

It was too much, and Annie slipped out, sliding from behind the pillar to the other side of the road. In that moment, Xiao Yuan took action, and the little camel entered the fairy mansion.

"Xiao Yuan, don't worry about this camel for now. Let's talk about it after the fight!"

Kameda Taro's eyes were dazzled, and his hand that reached out to grab the reins fell empty. There was no trace of a camel on the trailer! Damn it.

He raised his head and stared at Annie: "You bitch, Xiaomi, are you?" Kameda Taro had never seen space powers with his own eyes, but he had heard of them and couldn't help but guess: "Are you a space power?"

Regardless of whether there is or not, if this person is caught, it will definitely be beneficial.

"Ba Ge, catch this little girl!"

Anne has never been scolded like this before. Sometimes she sees her, and sometimes she is like a girl. Her accent sounds a little impure. Who can start with a baqie? These little devils!

He raised his hand and shot out four ice picks! Annie raised her hand and patted Zibao: "Zibao, go up and scratch their heads for me~"

As soon as Xuanxuan saw it, she immediately let go of Maomao's leash! Except for Wenwen who hid behind the pillar and did not dare to join the battle, the three captains directly drew out their Tang knives and started slashing at the people coming from behind.

Treat this carload of little devils as zombies and kill them!

Fan Zhen also saw that his camel was gone, but he didn't know why it was missing. He only saw more than 20 people coming from the other side, and there was a car lying diagonally on the road not far from the trailer! Just pretend that you were robbed by these people! His eyes were red, and he howled like a beast from his mouth, waving the goalpost in his hand and sweeping wildly! If the goalpost passes, everyone, friend or foe, will be in trouble!

Wei Ruhai and the others stared at the four captains from a distance. As soon as they saw Annie approaching the battlefield, they began to approach faster.

Then draw your weapons and join the fight! "Jin Ao, get close to the captain and protect him!" Wei Ruhai threw a wall in front of Wenwen, blocking the knife that was hitting her, and then followed up, kicking the man away!

But obviously, there are people with super powers among these people, Xiaobai Asan and others, even though they tried their best, they still couldn't restrain the opponent.

However, Wenwen is not a soft persimmon. If she doesn't cause trouble, others will burn incense, and they dare to suppress her and beat her! She casually pulled out a very strange-looking weapon, pointed it at the people in the melee, selected one, pressed the handle of the gun, and a green dot was locked on that person. Pressed again, a red line shot out, no matter how the person moved. , even if they were separated by people, the red line and the green dot overlapped within a tenth of a second, and then, the target fell to the ground immediately!

Wenwen bravely hid behind a pillar and played the game of merging two points. Soon, four people died in her hands!

Lin Sen and Lu Bin saw this scene when they arrived. Both of them felt dazzled. The four captains defeated about ten people, and the five grown men only managed one person each. There was also a strange black man. A big man, he could defeat seven or eight people at once... This is not the point. The point is that this person went towards Annie!

"Have you seen my thunderstorm?" This was quite polite, but when it came out of this person's mouth, it sounded like a threat. The two of them took a few steps to protect her, but Wei Ruhai had already stopped in front of Annie. .

"Stop, say something nice, stop, don't come any closer!"

"Have you ever seen a thunderstorm?" Fan Zhen asked. Then he closed his eyes and fell to the ground with a thud. The sound was so loud that, okay, the sound was ignored, but the ice surface was covered by A large human-shaped pit was smashed half a foot deep!

Is this person unconscious?

Annie came closer to him, stretched out her hand and shook it: "Hey, wake up, wake up!"

Without shaking, Annie exerted her strength, and her hand felt like touching an iron pillar. Shujia arrived when Zhou Qishao arrived, and saw people from the 508th regiment cleaning the battlefield, while Annie was squatting next to a big man, as if studying something.

"Old man, what are you doing? What are you doing with the dagger, a last hit?"

Annie looked up and saw these two people. She didn't lie. With so many people watching, she couldn't do anything without quality.

"Let's see if his skin is hard!" After saying this, Annie pierced the back of Fan Zhen's hand with the dagger. It didn't break. With a little more force, it didn't break! Not daring (well) to try again, Anne stuck the dagger back into her boot. Then he said to Lu Bin:

"I want this person, Uncle Lu, let's take him away!"

"What do you want? What are you going to do like a savage?"

"Well, it's pleasing to the eye. I'll train him and be my bodyguard!" Anne said seriously, but the three group leaders all exclaimed: "No, this person is too dangerous!"

"What's dangerous about this? Don't you think he looks like Hagrid?"

"But you are not the wizard Harry! Let's not do this, okay? If you don't have a magic wand, don't say the magic spell!"

"I am Fairy Anne, and I have fairy magic to protect my body! Anyway, I have accepted this bodyguard!"

"The person can stay, but it cannot be a bodyguard. If you want to keep a bodyguard, I will let him go to see God now!"

Shouga looked at the big man on the ground and didn't understand why Annie would accept such a person into the team, but it didn't matter. Shouga felt that he could control it.

Lin Sen became curious about the unconscious man on the ground. The people Captain An wanted to recruit were not mortals!

Because Du Juan has now awakened her space powers! And successfully promoted to level two. Wei Ruhai, whom she wanted to get close to, was a dual-lineage boss!

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