The uncle of the He family was not angry at all. It was normal for him to be criticized by his ancestors! Who knows that the most painful thing is an old man who keeps pace with the times and knows everything about the past and present?

"He Lan had a box that fell from his body. It suddenly fell out. He took it and tried to put it into a small cloth bag, but he couldn't put it in. When he opened it, he saw that it was a pair of glass rings, which should be of ice type. Then his face changed. Change and run away!”

"You are still doing all those tricks at your desk, and you have to monitor every move of your nephew. How afraid of death do you have to be?"

"That's the office infrastructure! Am I afraid of death? I'm afraid of not dying!" I'm afraid of being scolded to death by you!

"Come, show me, ancestor, what kind of box it is!"

The uncle of the He family sent a screenshot.

Then, Patriarch Helan's roar rang through Yunxiao: "This damn grandson! Call that second son of yours over! His son still doesn't care!"

The second child of the He family: What does it have to do with me? Did your ancestors take my son with you and educate him personally since he was a child?

Ancestor Helan actually knew very well that this had nothing to do with He Laoer, so he immediately went to find the culprit.

Xiu (the culprit) Jia (the culprit) had a headache when he saw the incoming call. He wanted to cut off the call but did not dare to. He answered the call immediately: "Ancestor,"

"What happened to the ring I gave you?"

It’s hard to say anything around my uncle! But after thinking about it, I realized that the uncle himself was responsible for the incomplete guarantee. Thinking about the seat I was sitting in today, I can imagine it.

"Ancestor, I don't know. I swear, it suddenly fell out on its own. When I opened it, it looked like glass!"

"now what?"

"What now?"

"Look at those rings again"

"Okay!" Xiujia thought to himself, just take a look and see if he can change back again? He stopped, took out the small box, opened the lid and took a look. He was shocked and said into the microphone: "It's green again, not the green before, but light green..."

"Come on, look at An Yatou's bracelet!"

"I'm outside and she's in the safe house!"

"You are a dead person, you won't go back?"

"Okay!" Xiuga thought of Annie's dark circles this morning and said she wanted to sleep...

He was no longer calm now, and hurriedly called to Silver Fox and others who were following him: "Go back!"

One of the advantages of Silver Fox and others is that they follow orders in all their actions. They immediately turned around and went back to the safe house without asking why.

When Xiujia went back, it was almost noon. Xuanxuan and others were preparing lunch. Fan Zhen was sitting in the corner of the living room, communicating with his precious little camel.

"Jiang Tuan, haven't Tuan An risen yet?"


"Go in and have a look, I have something to ask her about!"

"She's sleeping. Are you in such a hurry?"

"It's urgent!"

This has never happened before. Brother Ti looked at Annie's door and felt something wrong in his heart.

"Wenwen, go and have a look."

Wenwen went to open the door after hearing this, but...

"The door is locked..."


So she knocked on the door and called, but to no avail. Fifteen minutes passed, and there was still no response from Anne in the room.

Xiu Jia took out a key from his body. This is the master key equipped by each team leader of the 508th regiment. He opened the door and saw Maomao, Zibao and Annie sleeping on the soft princess bed. With Xiu Jia's eyesight, the first Time saw the ups and downs of three breaths.

It's good to be alive, but if you look closely, you'll see that he's fainted. Dogs, birds, and people are all unconscious. Jiang was collecting crystal nuclei outside. When he heard the news, he rushed back as soon as possible.

Xiu Jia saw that although the person was unconscious, his expression was normal, so he looked at Annie's wrist.

The sleeves were covered, so Xiujia couldn't pull them off, so he had to say to Wenwen: "Take it up for her, and wait for your brother to come and treat her with supernatural powers!"

"Okay!" Jiang Wenwen responded and then pulled the quilt covering Annie. There was nothing to tidy up. Annie's pajamas were cotton pajamas, tight and extremely conservative. Immediately, he followed Shujia and retreated to the living room.

Xiu Jia glanced at Maomao for the last time, and when he saw Maomao, he scooped up Maomao and took her out: "Fan Zhen, look at Maomao's situation..."

Fan Zhen is a doctoral student in the Department of Veterinary Medicine. No one would believe him if he told her. If you judge a book by its appearance, no one would believe him if he said he was literate.

"I'm going to hold Zibao!" Xiaoguan jumped up.

"I'll go!" Xiuga stood up, no one followed him, he really treated him as a family member. Brother Ti and Wenwen only looked back and then turned their attention to Fan Zhen.

This was the first time that Fan Zhen used supernatural powers to treat Maomao.

Xiu Jia went to hug Zi Bao, but when he saw no one was following him, he lifted up the corner of the quilt and pulled out Annie's right hand. He saw that the bracelet on Annie's hand was only a little greener than the green ring before. He thought for a moment, I took out the box I was carrying and opened it to see, yes, there were two kinds of green!

Covering Annie's hand, she grabbed Zibao in one hand and strode towards the living room.

Fan Zhen has already contacted Maomao: "Maomao is very tired, he wants to sleep and rest!"

"Brother Fan, is it awake? It didn't even open its eyes!" Xiaoguan didn't believe what he said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Maomao raised his eyelids, rolled his eyes, and went back to sleep. It was too disrespectful to his master, so Fan Zhen smiled and put Maomao into Maomao's nest so that he could sleep well.

"Fan Zhen, look at the purple treasure!" Xiu Jia handed the purple treasure to him.

Fan Zhen took the purple treasure, put it on his lap, and reached out to stroke the purple treasure's feathers. Later, he said with a wry smile: "It's the same thing. It says it's tired and wants to sleep. It also says it will hit me when I wake up!"

Beat you? Everyone laughed, because it was difficult for Zi Bao to fall asleep by the fire. Fan Zhen handed it to Xiu Jia: "It wants to go back to sleep with its master!"

"It's all good!" Wenwen stood up and took it: "I'll send it in." Holding the purple treasure in both hands, Wenwen sent the purple treasure to Annie's side and placed it.

Then he closed the door and returned to the living room.

"Is it possible that Annie is awakening her powers? I am sleeping when I awaken!"

"Awakening?" Xuanxuan and others rushed in again, took out the ear thermometer and pinged. There was no fever. Everyone felt that awakening must be synchronized with high fever, so they overturned the theory of awakening.

"Then why are Annie taking the two little ones? Watching TV shows together?"

The three of them found it a bit funny.

After Jiang Zheng came back, he used his supernatural power to treat Annie, but it was rebounded. Everyone didn't understand, so he could only let Annie fall asleep. Wait until she wakes up naturally.

Zhou Qishao proposed to use the treatment vehicle for inspection, but was stopped by a key question. The treatment vehicle was in Annie's space.

"Where did you collect this car? If you have one, I'd better prepare a few more!"

Brother Ti... I want it too, but unfortunately I can't do anything about it.

"Host, upgrade, upgrade..."

I also wanted to upgrade Brother Ti, but her check-in system upgrade was very boring, just opening up a new map! If Brother Ti is asked to go to every place she has never been to, she will light up a check-in point, and a hundred check-in points will upgrade her level. She has only been promoted two levels now.

How many maps can be opened with the body of the current fighting scumbag? upgrade? Thinking about it is all a dream.

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