The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 290 People’s hearts are fickle

An extremely simple mission, less than two kilometers away from Mr. Jiang. When he met a familiar face, Xiujia even thought it was so funny. This familiar face was Zhuang Ziqiang, the personal bodyguard of the boss of the Jiang family. He was a foreigner and stayed with him 25 hours a day. Don't give up on that. Even if Boss Jiang is sleeping, he is separated by a wall. The Jiang family security team calls him "Brother Qiang".

Jiang family, Brother Qiang is easy to talk to! There is nothing wrong with this sentence. Anyone with eyes in the Jiang family knows it. However, his appearance made it clear that the son had killed his father. Mr. Jiang has a great reputation throughout his life... Jiang Jianuo's family fortune is so large that it can be considered a big family in the Federation.

The head of the family is being hunted down by the heir he single-handedly selected and trained, which is hard to say.

The driver was Yin Hu, and he knew about Brother Qiang. Xiu Jia behind him whispered one word, "Detour!" His hand pointed the direction and led him to another path. A silky smooth turn, but not around.

Brother Qiang was just guarding them, and he immediately turned into a roadblock. Xiu Jia took out his mobile phone and called Mr. Jiang: "Old man, something happened on the way to pick you up. Is it quiet over there? I have to come over and I'm in a hurry. Can you please go away?"

"It's quiet here now. Don't rush me. I'll go find you."

"Take everyone together. The person I met is a bit strong. Old man, keep in touch. I will locate your location now. You lead people to the location I gave you. Where is Miss Jiang and Master Jiang..."

"Okay!" Mr. Jiang's hands were trembling, not because of cold or fear, but because he understood that he was his son.

Fortunately, Mr. Jiang really hid it well, and his carefully cultivated son did not find him. He took a few bodyguards who had never appeared in the Jiang family, quickly went downstairs, and drove to find his granddaughter and grandson.

Xiu Jia patted Boss Long on the shoulder again: "Put on your mask. The person in front knows you!"

The car was forced to stop by the roadblock arranged by Brother Qiang. One of Brother Qiang's men ran over quickly. It seemed that he was here to check people.

I regret bringing Long Wu here...

"What are you doing, blocking the road..."

Silver Fox's voice didn't stop, and with a bang, the bullet hit the windshield! If it hadn't been bulletproof, it would have shattered!

Brother Qiang saw that the glass of Xiu Jia's car was hit by a missile from charging at Mucang. There was no mark at all. He pointed at Mucang's mouth in his hand, and then at least ten Mucang were aimed at the car of Xiu Jia and the others.

Ordinary people and ordinary people's cars have been damaged long ago. This level of anti-injury protection clearly tells others that the car owner is different.

"Brace yourself, this strong guy is too outrageous. The container he's in is full of zombies!"

"This bullshit is even better than me, Mr. Fox!"

"You think your practice is very exciting, but you see, this is a master!"

The rosacea who approached Xiuga and the three of them's car, gestured with the wooden warehouse, and asked the three of them to get out of the car!

Who is afraid of whom? Silver Fox opened the door and got out of the car: "Why, no one cares about it now? I called Asher!"

"Just scream and see if Uncle She will care about you now!" Rosacea didn't care.

"What do you do? Where did the car come from?" "Hey, what do you do? It's very lenient!" As Yinhu spoke, he fired two barrels at once, one barrel towards Brother Qiang, and Another Mucang was on the head of the bodyguard next to Brother Qiang. At the same time, Shujia, who got out of the car from the right door, had already shot several big men and fell to the ground.

"You can't tell, it's Lian Jiazi. It seems we finally bumped into each other!" Brother Qiang's fight back was quite tough, with sparks flying from the black customized off-road vehicle! But not hurt at all.

Brother Qiang’s face was filled with joy, I also like this nice car!

"Brothers, work harder, we will confiscate this car!" After saying that, he took the lead and strode forward, directly towards the car. Xiujia aimed at him and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

With a bang, a man blocking Brother Qiang gave way with a tilt of his head. Zi Gongdan wiped his ears and flew over without batting an eyelid.

The silver fox on the side raised the wooden warehouse: "Bang bang bang bang bang," five shots were fired, and the five people around Brother Qiang fell down in response.

The Mikigang that Xiu Jia fired immediately after was aimed at Brother Qiang's head, but was accidentally dodged. Brother Qiang seemed to be able to predict the trajectory of Zi Gongdan, so he shook his head and got out of the way! The kind of taking it easy!

Xiu Jia narrowed his eyes slightly.

He didn't know that the powerful brother in front of him had awakened the strongest superpower on the surface. It was a spiritual superpower with the function of exploration, and it definitely restored the radar to a high degree.

Now that his power level is only level three, he can already predict the trajectory of his subordinates. If it were to be upgraded again, it would be really hard to predict.

Absolute Radar Benda!

Shujia Shuangmucang fired volleys, one at the head, and the other at an inch from the head!

He got out of the car! He closed the door and Long Wu, who was in the car, moved to the driver's seat and reversed the car according to Xiu Jia's instructions, preparing to leave this intersection!

Brother Qiang still perfectly avoided the sub-contract!

While fighting, Silver Fox scanned around to see if there were any reinforcements. But Xiujia rotated the wooden warehouse in his right hand and put it back into the wooden warehouse cover. Then, with the palm of his right hand forward, he swung towards Brother Qiang's Yintang point!

Brother Qiang is like a chicken whose neck has been pinched, his face is red, his eyes are protruding, and they are about to bulge out!

Brother Qiang felt the breath of death. His lungs were already hollow, and there was no air at all. Strong air pressure, strong vacuum, and then, he heard two slight sounds: Chuchu

Brother Qiang’s eyes fell out of their sockets and exploded!

A spiritual realm formed by Xiu Jia's powerful mental power. In this field, a circling tornado rose from between Brother Qiang's eyebrows, and then sank into Xiu Jia's palm!

"Interesting, it actually detects supernatural powers."

Shuga put away the little tornado. After casually throwing down the incendiary bomb, Brother Qiang's body started to burn on the ground. In less than five minutes, a pile of loose carbon ash was burned out.

The silver fox has filled the wooden warehouse with all the people on the street, and filled the brains with superpowers. The octagonal prism crystals inside have been collected by the silver fox one by one!

Then, he and Xiujia arrived at the door of the box truck!

The two looked at each other in tacit understanding, and Silver Fox stepped forward and opened the carriage door!

The sun shines into the car, and hundreds of zombies densely packed inside open their dead fish eyes with only white eyes!

"Boss, anyone with level 5 can see their pupils!"

"Stewed indiscriminately!"

The latest submachine gun appeared in Shujia's hand, and he fired at the zombies who were still awake. Not a single bullet was wasted. Mucang Mucang entered from the top of his head, blowing away the skull, and the crystal cores of the zombies with better luck were all blown away. Visible at a glance.

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