The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 298 How to open the superpower

Where the arteries and blood vessels were located, he was still awake and did not dare to move at all. He held his neck motionless and stared at Anne with big frightened eyes.

He couldn't speak, but the confusion and disbelief in his eyes didn't need to be repeated at all, it just hit him!

"Uncle Zhao, this is the correct way to activate the power! Your foot was injured and your brain was injured!"

"Hey, little girl, let go of my boss!"

It was the power user who said this. As soon as Annie raised her finger, the ice spikes on his neck pierced his neck.

"Your skin is much thicker than others, but it's useless!"

"No harm is allowed in the base!"

"You said it, inside the base!" Annie replied sincerely, and then she gently raised her slender hand in front of Zhao Junfeng!

Only then did Zhao Junfeng remember that the area he had specially occupied for convenience was outside the base. Therefore, even if he was the captain of the superpower team registered in the Green Water Base, if he was killed outside the base, he would be killed. !

Annie flicked two fingers, and Wei Ruhai's eyes fell down. Ice layers began to appear on these people, which were transparent, semi-transparent, and then absolutely transparent, as hard as iron!

"Oh, God, my eldest lady, no wonder, no wonder..."

No wonder your father dared to let you go out on the street without anyone to follow you. No wonder Lu Bin is getting busier and busier...

The door was violently opened, and naturally it was Shujia and his party, the best combat force of the 508th Regiment! As soon as he entered the door, Xiu Jia only stayed for a moment, then took Annie's sleeve with one hand and turned her around in a circle, and breathed a long sigh of relief: "Very good, An Tuan, you can protect yourself! "

"After all, I am already An Tuan!" Yes, I am no longer Annie, the eldest lady of the An family, and no longer the prospective daughter-in-law of that family... I am already An Tuan!

Wei Ruhai came to his senses and asked immediately: "An Tuan, what should I do with this woman? And this..."

Not far behind Wei Ruhai was an earth pillar as tall as a person! It's that space superpower, Mr. Guan.

Annie looked at Yang Mei: "Ms. Yang, I wonder what you think of your marriage?"

Yang Mei looked at Annie, with a bitter smile on her lips: "I am suffering the bitter consequences of unclear understanding of people, but my father, my father was given medicine by them..."

"There is nothing that healing powers cannot do. If there is, Professor Yang, believe in yourself! You can do it!"

Healing power, classmate Jiang Zheng personally demonstrated the correct operation method of the power... Professor Yang was rescued. He didn't know that he had been poisoned with chronic toxins. With his old life, Zhao Junfeng controlled Yang Mei's body.

When Yang Mei was a student, she crushed the scumbag Zhao Xuefeng with her brilliance as a god of learning, married the god of learning as his wife, and controlled the mind and body of the god of learning with a superior attitude. This was his dream. Thanks to the end of the world, this dream has come true!

When he entered the arms of the Ice God, there was a charmed smile on his lips.

When Wei Ruhai untied the soil pillar, Annie finally confirmed that the space power was dead and the equipment would not explode!

"Fortunately, he didn't take my rice back to his space!"

The Yang family father and daughter gained their freedom and moved into the Green Water Base. When Xiu Jia found out that this woman was actually a chemistry professor, he was a little confused as to why Annie didn't bring up the idea of ​​recruiting her. After hearing that Yang Mei was going to Lushui Base, he enthusiastically suggested that she apply for housing based on her major, so that the conditions would be much better and she could live in Area B!

Anne's enthusiasm made Xiujia shut up. Of course, he only invited the chemist to think about the possibility of poaching others in the future. Come to think of it, he had just killed her husband and 11 people, big and small, and recruited his own team. Come here? What you should worry about still needs to be taken into consideration. Yang Mei talked about Zhao Junfeng's previous business, and then Annie realized that the bed was someone else's goods, and they had swallowed up both the person and the goods.

"There is some furniture upstairs, which is said to match the canopy bed. I don't want this. I don't want any of their things. We will only take away the Yang family's things that we brought with us."

The Yang family doesn't have many things, just two suitcases and two backpacks. The suitcase was very heavy, and when Anne's mental energy swept away, it turned out that it was not gold or rice noodles that she thought, but books!

They don’t even support the wall, so they just obey the Yang family!

"Professor Yang, intellectuals are respected for their nobility, but some arrogance cannot be eaten, especially now, in the last days! Nobility is a necessary and sufficient condition for dying first."

"But you also want... Aren't the superpower teams all looking for supplies?" Yang Mei replied in a low voice.

"We are not short of supplies, and if we were, we wouldn't trade rice for this antique bed."

"Yes, thank you very much. My benefactor, please take all these antiques away. We can't keep them. If the weather gets colder, we might chop them down and set them on fire..."

Burning antiques to keep warm is a bit hurtful!

Annie and Wei Ruhai looked at each other, then took away the antique bed, and then went upstairs. When they saw it, it was indeed amazing. All their wishes came true, a set of furniture, hahaha, they didn't leave anything behind. All taken away.

Then he kindly left 300 kilograms of rice, and also gave me a box of salt, a bag of 250 grams and a box of 100 bags. Various canned meats, canned vegetables, and kindly left ten bottles each of soy sauce, vinegar, and cooking wine. I took out a few bags of seasonings such as Sichuan peppercorns, grass fruits, star anise, etc.

"Sister Yang, I'll give these to you. I took away all the antique beds. Let's just pretend that what happened today never happened."

"Miss An, my life-saving grace must be remembered forever. I will definitely repay you when I am able."

"Sister Yang, don't worry about this..."

Annie couldn't even think about repaying Professor Yang of Chemistry, and she really didn't dare to ask for it. She followed Wei Ruhai and got into the elevator in a flash. When she got out of the elevator, her father was standing next to the car.

"Annie, time," Anshan couldn't continue. What could his good daughter do? The only thing to do is to deal with the aftermath.

"You shouldn't leave any witnesses..."

"Her surname is Yang, she is a chemistry professor in Imperial Capital, her surname is Yang..."

Anshan's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but be stunned when his daughter said that this person's surname was Yang. "She is also a pitiful person. Her father was drugged by the man surnamed Zhao. Even if she knew that she did not know people well and was deceived, she would not be able to save herself."

Anne gave a superfluous explanation, and Anshan immediately stopped thinking about it. He also admired this female chemist!

Wei Ruhai followed Lin Sen and Lu Bin, and the three of them found a desolate community in Qingshan City. The zombies had snatched it back half a month ago. The casualties were too great, and the community was being gradually cleaned up.

Therefore, Wei Ruhai found a flower bed here. It should have been a flower bed before. The feng shui was very good. It would be a good idea to use this place as Zhao Junfeng's burial place.

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