The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 309 I am from Daxia

"Xiao An, come on, you can decorate again, we are ready to leave!" Gao Gang and his people prepared to leave.

"Okay, you guys go ahead and I'll bring some vitamins!"

Annie smiled at Song Yushu: "Sister Song, please leave quickly. There are dead people in the mounds over there!"

Song Yushu knew it. She saw the sound of fighting from a distance, so she thanked them immediately, put on her hiking bag, put the child on her chest, and left in a hurry.

"Team Xu, you go first. I'll wait for Sister Xiao An. When she gets her things, I'll seal the door!" Ah San advised everyone to go first. Everyone had to carry their belongings on their backs. When they got to the car, they had to pack themselves up. Put all the people and goods in the car, you know, the cargo box can't be loaded at all!

"Okay, hurry up!"

Xu Wei also knew that it would be difficult for everyone’s personal belongings to be loaded into the car. He had to go to the car to find a way... and left with everyone!

Annie went in and filled her backpack with baby milk powder: "Ah San, it's a miracle how there is baby milk powder, this is a pharmacy!"

"This seems to be a special formula for babies..."

"It should be edible, right?" Annie also didn't know whether Sister Song's baby could eat the special formula!

"You should be able to eat it. If not, she can use it to exchange for points..."

"this is a good idea!"

After Annie filled a backpack with milk powder, she moved the entire warehouse into the space with a wave of her hand.

Ah San had known for a long time what was going to happen in the end. The two of them withdrew, and he meticulously blocked the door with an earthen wall!

"An Tuan, let's go!"

The bag on Ah San’s body contained the same stuff as Captain Xu’s, including some anti-inflammatory drugs, bandages for trauma, etc.! The two caught up with the main force.

Sure enough, it can’t fit in. People can sit on it, but backpacks and boxes can’t be stuffed in! There are still quite a few that have to be left outside.

If you rent a car, you definitely don’t dare to make a fuss about the passenger compartment!

Gao Gang is very powerful. He jumped on the top of the closed car and fixed everyone's backpacks one by one with golden power straps. They fixed them in a circle and pulled each other!


"When you get close to the base, stop the car, take it off, and stack it in the back row, and we will walk into the base!"

This brain works so fast!

Along the way, the goods are crowded with people, and the people are overwhelming the goods, which is called a burden! Fortunately, everyone’s personal belongings were brought back to the base!

At the intersection, the guys got out of the car and moved all the goods, leaving six people to guard them. Four people drove the truck back to the Lushui base. Xu Wei and Xiaobai went to hand in the task, exchange points, and contribute points. Annie and Xiao Su and the two went back and drove a car to pick up the six people back to the base!

It would be too ostentatious to bring back so many medicines privately. If you can, try not to let anyone know about it.

There was nothing wrong with Xu Wei's arrangement, but both Ah San and Fan Zhen disagreed. In the end, Fan Zhen and Xiao Su went back to drive.

"Sister Xiao An can't leave my sight. If there is trouble, her cousin will kill us!"

"Is Xiao An's cousin very powerful?"

"Of course! I haven't seen my sister being so..."

Xiaobai and Xu Wei drove their cars to hand in the mission. Fan Zhen and Xiao Su returned to the base by car and went back to pick up their cars.

The two of them picked up the car and rushed to pick up the person. Not to mention, Xu Wei and Xiaobai drove to the parking lot of the mission hall where they handed in the mission.

The two of them came down and queued up to register and submit tasks.

At this point, there are naturally a lot of people handing in tasks. The two of them lined up, with a group of people in large and small cars in front of them. The two of them were not in a hurry, parked the car, locked it, sat in front of the car and listened to the number being called!

"Captain Xu, this stance will take two hours, right?"

"Yes, you haven't handed in many missions, right? It's been two months since I came to the base, and I haven't seen you much!"

"I haven't been here a few times..."

"Then where do you live? It's not cheap to rent a house and eat here..."

"I..." Xiaobai looked at Xu Wei. He didn't know why An Tuan was very interested in this person, but this person seemed to have powerful abilities, so he got interested and started to tell the truth. .

"We live in Sister Xiao An's house. Her family had real estate in Qingshan City before the end of the world. We followed Sister Xiao An's cousin and came directly from Dijing to set up camp here."

"Is that so? I heard that the base in Imperial Capital has the most complete facilities and a large area. There are many people with superpowers. You guys are still leaving?"

"The forest is big and it's hard to mix in. We feel okay in Qingshan City, mainly because the climate is good!"

"We were going to the Imperial Capital. We felt okay after walking here, so we stayed!" Xu Wei said as if he was recalling something.

"Is there only six people in your team?"

"There are only four permanent team members. Xiao Su and the others are temporary. Xiao Su has water powers. Our team cannot afford to support her! Her powers are too low and she has no combat power. If we have more team members, we can officially register With a small team, we may be able to support one or two low-competition players."

"Sister Xiao An's cousin said it, but I don't know if it's accurate. He said that a team must have members with water powers, so that food safety can be guaranteed when going on missions."

"That's the truth. I also want to keep her as much as possible, but there are too few like-minded people now..." What Xu Wei didn't say was that he originally thought Xiaobai and these people were good, but in the end, they did so. black……

"Captain Xu, I haven't done many missions to collect supplies, but I have done a lot of fighting zombies. I have a suggestion. In the future, if you still encounter a situation like today, you will not be finished until you are dead. You must do it." Cut off the nerves in the spine, otherwise... We were attacked before, and we ignored them until we were beaten. Later, we met each other again, and they all turned into zombies. There are also zombies with special powers. If we kill them again, it will be too much. It’s hard to fight...Have you ever fought a zombie with supernatural powers?"

"We have been beaten, but not many times. There are few of us. We just encountered them on the way here..."

Xu Wei thought to himself, I see, I have really learned something. If we encounter this kind of situation in the future, we will have to be ruthless! Before, he thought that Xiaobai, a foreigner, didn't know the culture of Daxia.

Xiaobai explained his behavior calmly, and also indirectly told Captain Xu how to fight zombies in the future!

"Oh, you are lucky. Just thinking about those zombies with super powers makes my scalp numb. They are invulnerable and can spit out fire and hidden weapons. It's really..."

"Xiao An's cousin is pretty cool, right? What did he do before the end of the world? Why didn't you form a team?"

"We? We formed a little-known, bottom-ranked C-level team, not worth mentioning!"

Xiaobai sighed...

"You are a foreigner, but you can speak the idioms of our country very well!" Captain Xu said to Xiaobai with a smile.

"Look, you should judge a book by its appearance. I am a real Daxia native. I was born in Daxia. My father is an immigrant!"

"No wonder you don't have an accent. I thought you were foreigners. Is that Ah San also from Daxia?"

"That's natural. He is just like me. We are serious Daxia people. Captain Xu must have made a mistake this time!"

Xiaobai smiles!

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