The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 311 Empty the Warehouse

Chapter 311 Empty the Warehouse

Annie didn't go up the mountain. She made an appointment with Team Xu to form a team to collect supplies together today! There were heavy-duty military trucks in Wenwen's shopping mall. Annie immediately ordered two of them. These trucks were awesome and worthy of being used by the military! It's actually equipped with machine guns and cannons! You can shoot planes, tanks, vehicles on the road, and roadside fortifications.

Xiaobai and Asan got in the car, and with Jin Yao being a mechanical expert, they quickly mastered all the functions. There was nothing to be afraid of when they went out to collect supplies!

Jin Yao joined in, and for safety reasons, everyone put on the ordinary team uniforms from Wenwen Mall!

The ordinary model is already very good. It only has some minor details that are inferior to the one Anne bought. However, there is one biggest advantage that the special battle suit Anne bought cannot compare with!

That is, no one on Aquamarine would think that this ordinary team uniform was a military-specific uniform, but would think it was some kind of uniformly customized sportswear. It has nothing to do with the military anyway!

"You said you should have come up with such good things long ago..."

When Xu Wei and Gao Gang saw Sister Xiaoan leading the team in two cars at the meeting place, they both felt numb. There were still 6 of them, and they were still thinking about renting a car again. Xiaobai said proudly : "It's not cost-effective to rent a car from the base, we have our own!"

"But how could..."

"It doesn't matter, just rent my car!"

Above the car, two team flags of the Wuji Team and the 508th Regiment were hung, fluttering in the wind.

Jin Yao introduced himself generously.

"You are Mr. Jin. I almost thought you were Xiao An's cousin, Cousin Xiu!" Xu Wei said with a smile. Yesterday, he heard Xiaobai say something about Cousin Xiu. When he saw Jin Yao today, he also I thought it would be better to be famous than to meet, but it turned out not to be the case!

"What Mr. Jin? There are so many heretics. Call me Xiao Jin. Jin Ao is fine, but don't call me Xiao Ao. I'm not a little baby!" Jin Ao laughed at himself for a while, removing everyone's unfamiliarity. It was all temperament. The man in the middle, of course, was called Xiao Jin, and everyone got to know each other very quickly!

Today I still go to that super mall to collect supplies!

Anne felt a little regretful, how could she survive in that empty medicine warehouse!

However, when everyone reached the underground warehouse, she breathed a sigh of relief. Asan's earthen wall door has been destroyed, so it is normal for the warehouse to be empty!

"What a pity. This must have been done by a team with space powers!"

"Really?" Annie asked weakly.

"I've seen it a few times before. It's a pity that those with space powers don't save too much effort when collecting supplies. It's a pity. Space powers are all fragile support types. We don't dare to keep them if we encounter them, for fear that we won't be able to keep them. His life!"


If there is no more medicine, just look for other supplies. Annie used her mental power again and checked around, and she couldn't help but feel happy!

The person who designed and built this supermarket must have a childlike heart! Why is it that his warehouse is not only inconvenient for various supermarkets or stores to get goods, but also is like burying treasures, and is arranged several underground floors?

Xiaobai came out again and said that he had delivered the goods!

Looking through the points (contribution value) redemption details in his hand, he asked Captain Xu: "Do you want any materials for various extreme sports? Yes, food. Although this can only be exchanged for points, the points are given high! "Xu Wei and Gao Gang watched numbly as Xiaobai flipped through the stack of papers, picking and picking, and still disliked that some items were not directly redeemable for contribution points, but only gave points.

Green Water Base, points can be exchanged for contribution points, and there are some discounts. It doesn’t feel very cost-effective, but the contribution points are quite crucial. For example, if you want to redeem the crystal cores in the base, rent a house, you must contribute points, and there is also a superpower team. To register and upgrade, you must have enough contribution points!

"We can do it. As long as there are enough supplies, we don't mind it!"

Xiao Su: "Sister Xiao An, this novice in your team must have done it on purpose. He knows a lot about the warehouses. I reasonably suspect that he is showing off!"

"I think so too!" Annie echoed her!

So, everyone led the way and found the warehouse! This large shopping mall has been searched by various people for two days. Today is the third day, but no one has discovered such a large warehouse!

People from all walks of life: Who knew there were no signage signs outside this warehouse, such as the important warehouse area, be careful with fire, and the outbound and inbound areas! A scale or something. There is nothing in this place. ]

There are several warehouses found upstairs!

This warehouse with hidden attributes is really rich in materials. The key is that there are some expensive goods inside, such as hovercrafts, assault boats, etc. Not to mention the big wooden boxes are packed, which is quite considerate, and the pneumatic forklift is placed underneath!

"This is a warehouse specially arranged for us!" Ah San was speechless. Jin Yao and Gao Gang had relatively good tempers. They both didn't say a word and just started!

Follow Xiaobai’s example and choose expensive ones to move!

This is a warehouse set up in an underground parking lot, so the military heavy trucks came directly to the gate. Everyone picked up the points-worthy items and loaded them into the vehicles. They listened to Xiaobai's friendly reminder and gave up on the assault boats and the like!

This takes up too much area. For the same area, if we move these, we will get twice as many points!

While points are given priority, it’s also what Jin Yao said: “Their cars are just vans or something like that, they can’t pull them!”

Two cars were quickly filled, and everyone closed the warehouse door disguised as a wall! Drive the car and run to the Green Water Base!

Annie was thinking about two cars of good stuff, and didn't want to take advantage of the Wang family, but the 508 Base was still laying the foundation. After thinking about it, she secretly said something to Jin Hao. Jin Ao raised his eyebrows: "It's not cost-effective. These things are not as valuable as arms!"

"That's why we changed it. We have so many munitions that we can't run out of them no matter how much we use them!"

"No, the repair team will definitely not allow it! An Tuan, you really don't understand. It's okay to give arms to friends, but if they are really sent to the hands of opponents, we are asking for trouble!" Jin Yao almost said "self-excavation" grave. He swallowed it back, but Anne heard it!

Unfortunately, it was not convenient for Anne to tell him that there would be floods in many plain areas next. After listening to Jin Hao's words, the repair team was not allowed, so Anne gave up her mind!

When we arrived at the Green Water Base, Captain Xu learned his lesson this time and led his people to drop off the things in the playground where the mission was handed over. Xiao Su was left behind to guard the place, preparing to drive back immediately and prepare to load a few more cars!

Xu Wei and Gao Gang ran to rent a large truck, but the four vehicles rushed back.

Anne sat in the car and sighed regretfully. The four cars could not be loaded at all! But she never expected that the four cars could not be loaded and it would end up in the middle of the night?

Xu Wei learned the lesson from the previous drug warehouse and drove the car very fast. After loading one car, he set off and headed back. One person drove and the other escorted the car!

The four cars were running happily with their goods, but Xu Wei was guarding the warehouse with the door closed! After emptying the warehouse, they returned to the base in triumph.

(End of this chapter)

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