The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 314 Joining the Team

One good thing about Xu Wei is that he is content. There are 3 people from the Wuji team and 508 people from the 21 group. How to divide them? Expectations were very low. As for Lao Gong being more powerful, the expectations were lowered to the lowest level!

Xiaobai accepted the two small crystal nuclei, then briefly bumped heads with Xu Wei, and said hello to the Feibiao team: "Are you still going to fight? We didn't bring enough supplies, and we are going back. !”

"Then you can do what you want. We have brought enough supplies and are ready to go deeper!"

Chen Dahu came forward, left contact information with Xiaobai and Xu Wei, and agreed to return to the base to get together. Xiaobai was also very particular about returning the unused fireworks to Chen Dahu: "You can take it with you in case you encounter other teams again!"

Chen Dahu was quite surprised, and the look he looked at Xiaobai became even more interesting. After Team Feibiao said goodbye with everyone clasping fists, they went into another direction of the town.

"There must be members of the Feibiao team with space powers!" Gao Gang's eyes turned green with envy.

This is an obvious thing. The 10 people in the Feibiao team only carry small bags with them. If they continue to go deeper, they will face the problem of accommodation and food. The small bags with them are not enough to meet the needs of ten people. Therefore, there must be someone with space. Chen Dahu Only then can I have the confidence to say that I have brought enough supplies!

Xiaobai and the others didn't answer, they just looked at the 10 people who were walking away!

"Let's go!"

The car changed direction, and the town that had just been cleared of zombies was obviously much safer. It didn't take long for everyone to reach the city. Instead of going to the base, they drove directly to the foot of Beacon Mountain by another road. A large open space has been cleared here.

Lao Gong saw a new road leading up to Beacon Mountain at the first sight!

"Roads are being built here, it's true!"

"The base camp of our 508th Regiment will be at the end of this road in the future. This mountain belongs to the An family, our little sister An's family!"

"A whole mountain?"

"This is the Kunyu Mountains. Only Bijia Mountain marked on the map is!" Xiaobai told the truth! Everyone drove for a while and then stopped.

"I'll take you to eat in the canteen of our 508th Regiment!"

Xiaobai took everyone around for a few times and saw a restaurant with a very modern architectural style.

"This way is Sister Xiaoan's house, and this is Sister Xiaoguan's house. Walk along the middle road, which is where we live. After dinner, let's go sit together!"

Xu Wei and the other three had to cook for themselves when they returned home. None of the three grown men were diligent, so they naturally decided to eat what was ready-made!

Xiaobai took the three of them to a rectangular cabinet, swiped the bracelet on his wrist four times, and then took out 4 sets of tableware: "Come on, come on, take one set for each person!"

I moved 4 people to another cabinet and lit up the ordering area with a wave of my hand!

"There are only these kinds of dishes today. You can order whatever you like. You can have them all!"

Then he put the dinner plate in the tableware into the food outlet. The size was just right. Then he ordered his favorite dish as a demonstration. He heard a soft sound in the cabinet and the dish he ordered appeared on the dinner plate.

Xu Wei and the three of them ordered the dishes one by one, followed him to the dining area, found a table and put the plates on them. Xiaobai took the three of them to get rice with their rice bowls. Lao Gong was from the north and saw the staple food. There are actually steamed buns and stuffed buns. Instead of choosing rice, they packed a few large steamed buns.

Before he reached the table, he started eating: "Oh, I haven't eaten steamed buns in a long time!"

Xiaobai smiled and told him: "There are also noodles, but they are cooked to order. If you want to eat, you can order them!"

Then I took the three of them to get a big bowl of beef soup! Holding the hot soup in your hand, the aroma goes straight to your nose. Even before you drink it, you know it tastes great!

Then Xiaobai took the three of them to sit down, and then everyone who went to play in the jungle sat down.

"Zibao and Maomao don't seem to have gotten out of the car!"

"Lao Fan took them back to Pemberley, which is Sister Xiao An's house. They don't eat here!"

"Lao Fan doesn't eat here either?"

"No, he will come back as soon as he sends it there! Except for Cousin Xiu and Brother An, everyone in the 508th group eats here."

"Brother An is little sister An's brother?"

"Cousin! Sometimes we also call him Qi Shao!" Ah San said.

After finishing the meal, the three members of the Wuji team were so full that they immediately wanted to join the team. Anyway, they joined. My cousin didn’t like it and didn’t care. It was okay not to leave! This cafeteria is awesome!

"How much do you pay for food?"

Gao Gang asked how the 508th Regiment operated. Just after eating for a while, I saw a lot of people coming in to eat. Maybe there are really 500 people, otherwise there would be no need for such a big restaurant.

"No payment!"

"Don't pay?"

"Our 508 regiment, no matter what tasks we do, the individual and collective tasks are divided into 28 points, 2 for individuals and 8 for the collective."

"Then you still paid so much!"

"It's okay, that's the rule, but we almost always hand it over. For example, today's crystal core, after we divided the crystal nuclei among you, we all handed them over to the captain..."

The three of them felt that 508 took too much. Generally, % of the superpower team is reserved for the team and % belongs to individuals. Each task is clearly assigned. Public expenses are nothing more than renting a car or renting a house!

Everyone walked to their residence together.

"Let's go and sit in An's hut... Our 508th regiment all live in the hut!"

As everyone walked along, Xiaobai greeted people from time to time. Xu Wei somewhat believed what he said: there were 508 people in the 500th Group.

After sitting down in the lounge, all the team members who went to play in the jungle passed by and put all the crystal cores they harvested in a plastic turnover box that Xiaobai put on the table!

Xu Wei looked at it and found that no one had the idea of ​​leaving one or a half pills behind. They all took them out from their pockets and put them in the turnover box.

Xiaobai took out a glove and put it on and started counting the numbers.

There are more than 2000 pieces in total!

"Hey, we actually killed 2000 zombies! What a good result today!" Everyone smiled and praised themselves.

There are 21 of us in total, so let’s take about 100 pills each. Come on, Captain Xu, there are three of you, a total of 300 pills! Xiaobai pushed three piles of crystal nuclei in front of the three of them!

"No way, if we are divided so much, just follow your rules and we will get 2 scores. We..."

"Oh, how can this work? You haven't joined us yet, so you should take what you deserve. Besides, rights and obligations are equal. We pay 8% of the harvest, but we enjoy the benefits of the group. Our food, clothing, housing and transportation are all covered by the group, so we don’t have to spend our own points to exchange for it!”

"Then have you paid all your contribution points?"

"We just complete the tasks set by the base, and we don't earn many points. We usually go out and do tasks by ourselves."

This is still really good!

Gao Gang looked around. The architectural form of this enclosed house was really simple, but he didn't know if it would be comfortable to live in it.

At this moment, Gao Gang's eyes widened: "Ah San, your 508th regiment still accepts the old man?"

Ah San raised his head and followed his gaze, and couldn't help but smile: "Don't stare, this is the silver armor team of our 508th regiment!"

"Silver Armor Team?" "Well, the average age is 63 years old. The main symbol of those retired elderly people who were recuperating near Qingshan City before the end of the world is their silver-haired sixty-year-olds. They are currently completing the tasks of our 508th Regiment in the base. They are our foundation. The mission is also completed by them!”

"Don't you blush, you are a bunch of old people!"

"Old man, well, whoever thinks so will just have to wait and suffer! Those with super strong combat power and ordinary superpowers are no match for them!"

"It's true..." Lao Gong smiled and didn't believe it!

"Then what you will see from now on is that they are not wearing formal uniforms. They wore them last time. They were so handsome!"

Ah San said in a low voice: "You may not believe it. Before the end of the century, at least most of them got cancer. But as soon as they awakened their powers, they were free of all diseases!"

"So magical?"

"That's right, they think they have earned a living every day, and they are full of vitality every day!"

Xu Wei and the other two drank three cups of coffee, played billiards, and left An's enclosure with 300 crystal nuclei.

Back in their room at the base, both Yang Xuan and Yang Xuan were still in the room, but their faces were very ugly!

"What's the matter? Didn't it go well to hand in the task today?"

"I can't tell. The base actually gave us points, but we listened to that and still kept an eye on your goods. We seemed to know that our goods were good and someone wanted them!"

"What does want mean?"

"That's right, before our goods have been handed in, there are people waiting to take points in exchange for them!"

"Yes, our batch of goods is mainly for extreme sports. It is more suitable for use in this apocalypse. Someone must want it."

"I heard it, and unexpectedly..."

"How to say?"

For example, for the jet ski, we only got 1500 points when we handed it in. Do you know how many points it cost if someone exchanged it? "


"500, it was said that the base director's relative came to exchange it!"

"The loss is also a loss from the base. You can pay it back after you get the points..."

"If you put it on the service club's market and sell it, you'll get 10000 points! I heard the woman say that in the past, this jet ski was a second-hand one, and the points you could exchange for it were 4000 points!"

so! The three of you stopped talking. What can you do? The two of you are determined to make friends! The purchase price of the base is beyond our control.

It’s so troublesome!

"Did you go to see the house today?"

After the team was dismantled, the current house was no longer suitable for living. The Wuji team wanted to move outside the base. Just the two of them would definitely have to find a smaller house to live in first.

So, the disbanded Wuji Team has nothing to do. You can only wait and see if you suffer a loss or get fooled.

"Didn't they ask where the undelivered goods were?"

"I asked, and I told you that the car was not full in the first place, and you didn't get much of it. You don't even have enough for your own use. There are still others who can pay it in. Even we have to keep some for our own use."

"So, the two of us left a little bit behind, but the people in the mission hall were too snobbish and were still trying to get us to hand it over!"

"Fortunately, other teams are like this too. They have to hand in everything and then give points..."

"Captain Xu, I actually regret it a bit, I just don't know where else to take us!"

Gao Gang thought of today's in-depth tour of Group 508 and couldn't help but make a calculation.

"Old Xu, do you think that turning them all in is too selfless?"

"It depends on how you calculate the account. Look, the house they live in is much higher than what we have now. There are also cars they have driven in the past two days, food they have eaten, and I heard Xiaobai even talk about weapons. , if their weapons are really weapons, then it won’t be a loss if they pay them all. If our team keeps 10% for public use, it will not be able to meet their living standards..."

"That's right. If we have to provide food every day, we really can't do it!"

"Is Xiaobai's team good?" Yang Xuan asked curiously.

"Tell us about it. We went to form a team today. Really, it's not that easy to form a team!" Gu Gezhi felt even more regretful. But he's a grown man, and he can't go back on his word. He was already not famous just two weeks after joining the Promise Team, so he regretted it again? It's even worse.

Xu Wei and the others briefly talked about the situation of the 508th Group. As for the high income of more than 2000 crystal cores shot today, they ignored it. At the same time, they expressed that the three of them were considering joining the 508th Group.

Then, he introduced the encounter with an S-class team today, and introduced the first impression of the three tigers!

Yang Xuan and Gu Ge heard it in their ears and remembered it in their hearts.

The two of them were very lucky. Later, they saw Team Fei Biao recruiting new members in the mission hall. The two of them approached and asked about it, and introduced that they were originally members of Team Wuji. As a result, their faces were very red! Their superpower levels are too low, and Team Fei Biao hasn't taken a fancy to them yet.

In fact, this is just an excuse. It was Chen Dahu who told them that the power level was not enough. When he heard that these two people left Team Wuji, he felt that they must have different ideas from Team Wuji and they couldn't play together! Then Team Fei Biao definitely can't ask for it. Does Xu Wei of Team Wuji have contact information?

Xu Wei could get along with him, but not these two, so he didn't keep them.

This is all a story for later.

The next day, Xu Wei took four people from the Wuji team to look for accommodation outside the base. Really, there is no harm without comparison. With the contrast of An's enclosed house, no house will be judged by the three of them!

The whole day wandered in vain. The four of them did not go to the mission hall of Green Water Base anymore. Xiao Su made the meals for the four of them by herself! I thought my craftsmanship was quite good before, but suddenly I felt it was nothing!

The three of them didn't know that the meals for the 508th group were provided by the fat chef and a team of chefs, and the ingredients were fresh. How can the food made from those cooking kits outside compare!

The Wuji team, which found nothing, met again in the house at night. The two people looking for a team still didn't find a team they wanted. And the four people who were looking for a house to move didn't like one.

"For the houses outside, they are saying that they can pry the houses empty and move in..."

"We didn't have to pay the rent even if we wanted to. We just followed the guidance of acquaintances and went to check out a few houses. We didn't dare to live in the houses in some areas!"

Xiao Su is cooking dinner in the kitchen...

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