The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 332 Fire Dragon King

Not to mention that Wang Jiexi was pinned on the spot by Devil Lin, but that Liang Xiaolong was quietly hiding behind the 508th Regiment, not saying a word, not answering, and not showing his face. After seeing that the other party was gone, he popped up and stood next to Xiu Jia. He said nothing and made no extra moves, but Annie could clearly see that his grievances were leaking out.

Haha, it’s quite hilarious, the 1.9 meter tall man is acting coquettishly! Anne secretly greeted Xuanxuan and Wenwen to enjoy the spectacle together. The three of them have been best friends for many years, and they can understand each other's meaning with just one look and a small movement.

The two long-legged men took the three people directly into the car. The conversation continued. The three people lurked aside and watched the fun. But who was Shujia? He knew that the three little ones behind him were there without even raising his eyes. what. Don't tell me either.

But Liang Xiaolong didn't know, he was still feeling very good about acting. The three group leaders were amused.

Do you think they have graduated from kindergarten?

It's impossible to graduate, most students are in the middle school class.

Liang Xiaolong from the middle class performed for a long time, but no one took the role. He couldn't help but get really angry: "Boss, are we the stepmothers of our third team? You are so unpopular with us!"

"If he is raised by his stepmother, he will definitely be the baby of my heart! Do you want to be sure that you are raised by my stepmother?"

Everyone who eavesdropped was delighted! Who wants to be a stepmother? Isn’t this a curse word?


"You are wrong to be angry. Several of your teams received the order at the same time. You have just received the task. If you cannot complete the task, you cannot accept the secret order."

"Yes, even if this is the case, but do you know how I lived when I heard the news? I am 1.9 meters tall and a tough man. When I covered myself in the quilt and cried. Are you laughing? , are those shitheads laughing!"

"I believe you are not willing to fight hand-to-hand with dung grass!" Xiuga looked at him seriously.

"I'm just angry that you have arranged so many of them, so just leave me and my three teams behind!"

"Okay, you know that sometimes it really depends on God's will. Stop fussing. The three of them are here now, and they are united like never before."

"Tch," Liang Xiaolong stopped talking.

The communication between the two people was not behind the backs of everyone in 508, but these should not be people from the special team. Their dialogue was too tasteful.

The three of them searched the Internet for what dung grass is. Many homophones came up, but Wenwen boldly said it was these two words, otherwise she would not have said that she wanted to fight with dung grass.

Back in the enclosure, the three group leaders saw the way men expressed friendship that they had never seen before.

Simple, crude and effective. Several people huddled together, then held their heads, laughed and shouted, and finally shed tears silently, feeling inexplicably moved. Liang Xiaolong's Fire Dragon King began to calculate the contribution points, but Green Water Base was not willing to exchange them all, so they reached a consensus with Liang Xiaolong and left half of the points. In this case, the supplies in the base would not cause tension.

Liang Xiaolong was eager to become independent and moved into a fenced house. He immediately agreed. As a result, after becoming independent, the Fire Dragon King Team was still the Fire Dragon King Team. The 508th Regiment did not openly accept them. They actually had the same relationship with Gao Gang Xu Wei Become a retail investor!

The two teams, well, Xu Wei and Gao Gang were doing the mission with Liang Xiaolong's Fire Dragon King team. Anne was dumbfounded as she watched Xu Wei change the name of the team to Sixiang. He said that Wuji's name was too big, so This is the reason why our team has not developed much.

In fact, Xu Wei's original intention was to merge directly. His determination to join the 508th Regiment was based on the fact that he knew who his boss was the first time he saw Cousin Xiu. No wonder arrogant people like Jin Yao were willing to become his younger brother. He was still proud of it, and he didn't know why. The moment Xiuga got out of the car, he was frozen in place.

The center of the universe.

He felt that no matter what, he must stop at the place closest to the center. Shouga met him immediately, but did not ask him to join the 508th Regiment, but asked him to continue to form the Infinite Team.

Xu Wei discussed with Gaoshan Laogong and the other three people (Xiao Su is only eligible to attend, so let’s ignore it. Feminist advocates can’t do anything, it’s the end of the world.) for three minutes, and they made the full decision to change the team’s name. Xu Wei said it very sincerely. ’s: I’ve found the reason why we can’t recruit people and haven’t been able to become stronger and bigger. It should be that the team name is too big. They say that if a man’s name is not named after a goddess or a female is named after an immortal, we have violated a taboo!

The understanding is quite sincere, but after all, the starting point is high, and if you follow the rules, you will have four images. Why do you mean that there are only 4 people in the beginning?

The Four Elephants Team, which Anne was familiar with, appeared in advance.

Wang Jiexi issued a mission to pay attention to mutant plants at the base. He himself took the time to pay attention to the Wuji team and the Fire Dragon King team that broke away from the base.

The Wuji team's accommodation expired, so they actually joined the 508th group and lived in a fenced house. This was already a sign. There was no impression of the Wuji Team in Wang Jiexi's dream, so he didn't care and left it to him.

But after Team Wuji changed their name to Team Four Elephants, Wang Jiexi was relieved. This was Annie's old team, so no matter how the world changed, a team of people would still come together. Team Four Elephants also It is inevitable that Annie will be together, so this is normal.

It was embarrassing that the Fire Dragon King team did not leave Qingshan City after leaving the base. Wang Jiexi's head of the service department couldn't help but be stunned when faced with Wang Jiexi's questioning. There is nothing wrong with the team that quit the base to register the superpower team. You can't live in it. He didn't say you can't live in Qingshan City. Such a big Qingshan City...

So where did they go to live?

Three days later, the Fire Dragon King's residence was placed on Wang Jiexi's desk.

508 Beacon Hill Base!

Those who don't know the truth can't understand it, but those who have a little understanding will understand it better. Wang Jiexi understood and understood, but he was confused.

What is a base? The house has the most basic facilities, right? 508 does not have them, it is just a simple campground with water supply and power supply, and an RV campground!

But for the supernatural team with strong survivability, this kind of place is where they live. They don't need a house that is strong enough to last for hundreds of years, because everyone will move out of their fixed housing at any time. Why would you want to live in a cement frame with substandard or even no decoration in your comfortable luxury RV?

508 Beacon Hill Campground satisfies everyone’s imagination for a temporary stay. If you have an RV, you can bring your RV here and park it in a location that is similar in size. Once the water, electricity and water are connected, you will be very satisfied. If you don’t have an RV, you are very willing to rent a mobile home provided by 508 Beacon Hill Base. This kind of house cannot be used for many, many years, but it can be waterproof, heat-insulated, moisture-proof, fire-proof and very livable for more than ten or twenty years.

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