The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 335 Picked up a fat baby

Wang Jiexi has been waiting, waiting for the reconnaissance teams of the supernatural team to spread out and bring back news about a person, or in other words, news about a zombie.

But, no, there is no news at all. An important descendant of the He family did die, but the He family and the Lan family did not disappear like in their previous lives, hiding behind the major families in the federation and no longer exerting any influence. They remain the mainstay of the Federation.

This is what Wang Jiexi cannot understand. This is also what he is very afraid of. The He Jialan family and the Zhou family are the reasons that restrict the Wang family from making too rapid progress.

What Wang Jiexi couldn't understand even more was that Zhou Qishao actually died. He lived a very good life in his previous life!

Most of the apocalypse in front of us and the apocalypse in dreams can match up, but there are many differences. The biggest difference is that there is 508 Beacon Mountain Base next to Green Water Base. This was what he saw emerge step by step, and it came naturally without any reluctance. But Wang Jiexi always felt that something was wrong.

Wang Jiexi doesn't care at all in his heart. He is no longer the person who lives according to his dreams. He already knows that his dreams should be about past lives. Past lives and present lives really exist. So, what he owes in this life is what he owes in the past life. Just pay them back one by one! After having this idea, the part of Wang Jiexi's dream that was told was deleted. About the An family and the Beacon Hill base, it was a normal existence for the Wang family.

It's a pity that Wang Jiexi's kindness was not appreciated by Anne, but even when he died, he had no regrets. Looking at the woman standing proudly on the high platform in front of him from a distance, Wang Jiexi didn't have any regrets. The debt you owe must be repaid, it's just a matter of whether it comes sooner or later. In this life, he has cleared all his debts. In the next life, he can live a simple life. This is going too far, come back.

The Wang brothers were very passive towards the arrival of the Zhou family. They kept those they didn't want to keep, but they didn't. These were the first group of people to be merged into the Imperial Capital security base.

The Zhou family wanted to buy a house, and Wang Jieming was so excited that he wanted to put the people in a remote place instead of planting roots in the center of the base. After thinking about it, the Zhou family's house was arranged on the outskirts of "Beacon Heights", that is, the second phase. The original name of the village was "Suzaku Villa". It was not far from the separation wall, and the main courtyard was separated from Pemberley. 3000 meters, with the gardens of Pemberley and Suzaku Villa in the middle.

Zhou Liqun didn't want to do it. The name was too unpleasant and the location was very remote! The architectural style was too Chinese and he didn't like it. What he liked was the Baroque style, which he didn't like, but Wang Jieming said that there was really no other way but to have this Zhuangzi with a large area that could meet the requirements of the Zhou family.

Zhou Liqun cursed and went in. He raised his hand and asked someone to pick off the Zhuque Villa on the door. He didn't like it. He didn't like it!

The name of Zhuque Villa was changed immediately. It was a pity. There were statues of the mythical beast Suzaku everywhere on the courtyard walls and in the courtyard. It was awkward to choose any name. Zhou Liqun waved his hand! Just change the name to "Peacock Villa"

Wang Jieming is really convinced. What's the point of changing a word? After all, the red bird is still an ancient mythical beast. The peacock, well, the peacock is too. Thinking of Zhu Lin who is in the hospital bed, Wang Jieming suddenly feels that the red bird is not as good as the peacock!

The designer of this villa can be commended. The totem he carved is too abstract. It may look like a red bird, but it also looks very similar to a peacock.

There are a lot of people in the Zhou family, and it will take time to settle them properly. Wang Jieming provided all-round services from top to bottom, and it took more than two weeks for the entire Zhou family to settle in.

The words were spoken separately. Once Zhu Lin died, the Wang family had to comfort the Zhu family, but not much. Wang Jieming and Wang Jiexi thought that if they comforted them too much, An Jia on Beacon Mountain might misunderstand. Nothing more, nothing less, just the rules and regulations of the base.

Zhu Dazhi didn't say anything. He just took the batch of crystal nuclei and distributed them one by one to the families of the more than fifty people. Zhu Lin's words at least circulated in his heart again, and he began to believe them. After all the Wang family moves to Lushui Base, let’s see Mrs. Wang Chi Su’s attitude!

Anne didn't know about these things. She was really busy. Everyone was very busy. Neither of them cares about the other.

One and a half months after the appearance of the Devil's Forest,

Early that morning, Jin Ao ran into Pemberley. I immediately picked up the phone in the concierge and contacted Uncle He directly.

"You kid, what are you doing? The sun hasn't stopped yet, so why did you pick me up?"

"Uncle He, I can only ask you to take care of this matter!"

"what happened?"

"Our team went on a mission yesterday!"

"and then?"

"We picked up someone!"

"What did you pick up?" "Human!"

"You are doing a good deed by the person who picked it up. If you picked it up and didn't hand it over, you can let him decide whether he wants to leave or stay."

"A little Renren, only less than five years old, but he has teeth!"

"..." Uncle Bao refused to answer the call. He couldn't answer it because his age range was too big.

"We don't know how old he is, but he marked himself as five years old!"


"Yes, gestures!" Jin Yao replied very seriously, and Uncle He was speechless again. There should be no need for gestures at the age of five, unless you are mentally retarded.

"and then?"

"Can I leave it to you to deal with it? He can't eat. He only eats bamboo..."

"Did you pick up a human or a giant panda?"

"Human, so tall!" Jin Hao moved his hands over and over again for several rounds, and finally settled on the length of fifty centimeters.

I'm afraid this height isn't five months, right?

Uncle He and Jin Yao returned to the enclosure together. There were already a group of yawning grown men in the lounge. When they saw Uncle He, they all said hello in unison. The tiredness on their faces could not be hidden at all!

On the sofa, there is a little baby with fair complexion and black hair, sleeping well.

"Hey, brothers, I invited Uncle He here!"


Everyone motioned to him from different directions to lower his voice.

"Asleep! Be gentle, don't wake me up, someone will die. Captain Lin has already rushed down and scolded me for the last time!"

"Here you come again after I left? He's too careless!"

Uncle He didn't care about anything. He thought he had eaten and seen it before and had rich experience. But when this little bastard opened his dark eyes and looked at him, and then let out an earth-shattering cry, the penetrating power of ... Uncle He felt that he was not in a good position.

"If you can cry like this, whoever picked it up will throw it back to where it was!"

Jin Yao and the others thought about it too, but they couldn't throw it away. No matter how far it was thrown, the person who went to throw it didn't come back. He came back first! Already lost it three times. It was only when I was desperate that I found Uncle He.

The fat baby’s name is Fuwa. To those who read this chapter, I wish you can go out and pick up good fortune too!

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