The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 338 Communication Skills

Annie put on protective clothing and began to investigate around Beacon Mountain. The number of mutated plants far exceeded her memory, and far exceeded the data released by the federation.

The rich vegetation on Beacon Mountain has probably mutated. Anne was worried about it. Beacon Mountain, in my memory, is the best base, but things are unpredictable...

Anne didn't know whose little wings were flapping this impermanence. She didn't want to take the blame. Annie began to communicate with these mutated trees using the small yuan branch in her right hand. Sure enough, all wood in the world belongs to the same family! There is nothing that cannot be communicated. Xiao Xiaoyuan shook his head and communicated, and soon got a response. People are good and bad, and some are good and not bad. In the same way, plants are also good and bad, and some are good and not bad. However, Xiao Xiaoyuan doesn't care whether you are good or not. If you are bad, those who can respond are good friends!

What bad intentions can a plant have? Depending on whether someone taught him, little Xiao Yuan made a lot of friends while walking around.

Xiu Jia was busy sorting out the matter of the mutated wood, and all kinds of medicines in the hospital were in place. Anyway, in the 508 base, people injured by the mutated wood have medicines. But suddenly things took a wonderful turn, that is, all the mutated trees around Beacon Hill are not harmful to people. They are cute and cute in front of various decorative plants, and they will not get involved with people who are not doing anything evil! This immediately confused Xiu Jia and the others.

Then something even more outrageous happened. Some of the mutated trees on Beacon Mountain actually became mature, and they could walk around with legs. Soon, Lin Sen came across him. Surprisingly, unexpectedly, this tree The little willow tree stood up straight, pulled the roots out of the ground in front of Xiu Jia, and swayed out. Once outside the range of Beacon Mountain, the speed increased. Encountering a mutated little rabbit, his willow branch suddenly grew very long, and the rabbit was placed on the ground. Three minutes later, the little willow tree twisted away, and Xiujia silently picked up the dry and hard branches on the ground. Complete rabbit skin with only two holes. Back to Pemberley.

A minute later, Annie came downstairs and looked at the rabbit skin: "Is this a rabbit?"

"Yes, you don't even know what I saw?"

"What did you see?"

"The story has to start from the beginning. There is a small willow tree on the roadside as we go up the mountain..."

The probability that a small tree can walk is a fairy tale, but the fairy tale of the end of the world is not pleasant at all, and it sounds even less beautiful. After Annie finished listening, she went straight to the small willow tree in front of Shujia. There was only one on the roadside up the mountain. The little willow tree, Annie, who was closely connected to the little Yuan, clearly remembered what it looked like.

When I arrived, I saw, wow, I have actually grown taller.

Annie sent Xiao Xiaoyuan to deal with a simple mutated wood, which only needed to use the first-level tea art.

"Rabbit is so good, how can you eat rabbit?"

"Xiao Yuanyuan, what should I eat? I'm very hungry. I need nutrition. I need to grow taller and thicker to survive!"

"Nutrition does not necessarily mean rabbits!"

"Okay, you are our king, tell me, what can I eat?"

The tea master is also afraid of straight men. Annie can't find anything to eat, and is deprived of sunlight, air and water. The mutated trees want to grow, but there is nothing they can do.

and so!

"You can't treat people as nutrition. You can't treat Tutu like this again, and he can't be nutrition! You can do the rest!" Annie asked Xiao Yuan to convey a recipe that could barely maintain his own statement.

"I've told it that it can't eat humans or rabbits in the future?"

"Tutu, is this a thing about Tutu? I think the little willow tree has mutated into a devil tree!"

"So what! Can't they survive? People with superpowers can survive, but mutants should die. What kind of logic is this?"

"Annie, calm down. This is not a problem with a tree, but with these mutated trees that are too dangerous. They are in our base. What if they hurt someone?"

"Take medicine if you're injured. Can you tell me where the mutated trees don't hurt? Except for the mutated trees on Beacon Mountain!"

"Annie, they are mutant trees. Even if mutant beasts can be tamed, no one can tame mutant trees. They are plants and cannot communicate at all."

"You can't do it, why do you think others can't do it? Fan Zhen has managed to communicate with animals, and I!" Annie looked directly into Xiuga's eyes: "Can communicate with plants!"

"Annie!" Xiuga exclaimed, and at the same time his mental energy spread out to detect whether anyone was nearby.

"There's no need to waste your powers, no one can get close to us... I dealt with the plants on the road when I came up. They didn't warn, so..."

"I can't believe it, please communicate with me and see!"

"Are you sure?" An idea came to Anne's mind, just slap this girl. I hate this person so much. He is always arbitrary. In the name of doing it for your own good, for the good of the 508th Regiment, and for the good of the An family, Anne has been asked to do it. I can't bear it anymore! At the same time, Annie really wanted to know what the upper limit of this person's martial arts was.

Thinking about the treatment cart and the essence of life in her own space, a smile appeared on Annie's lips: "Cousin, first of all, I would like to state that my communication skills are limited, and as you know, plants are very straight. It’s very muscular, so if it offends you, I have a lot of it!”

"What the hell is a plant so straight?"

"Trees, vines, grass, do they all have a straight stem?"

"so what?"

"So, they have very upright personalities."

"Got it!" Shuga replied, but he regretted it an hour later!

You can’t mess with anyone who has become a sperm, and you can’t afford to mess with them either!

Annie communicated well with the plants. She said with a smile that this man did not allow everyone to go down the mountain to find food. So, my sister negotiated terms with him for your king. If we can beat him down, then We are then free to go down the mountain in search of delicious nourishment.

The plants were indeed very straight, and with the confirmation of the Little Magic Willow, all the mutated trees in Beacon Mountain rushed towards Xiuga in an overwhelming manner!

Annie's only action to prove that she communicated well was that when Xiuga was being repaired by mutant plants from the entire mountain, she really sat high on the branches of a big tree and quietly watched him being beaten by various branches. It was really Yes, just beat him up!

Xiu Jia understood what his ancestor said: No matter how high your martial arts skills are, you are still afraid of kitchen knives.

This night is so long...

This is the first time Xiu Jia is looking forward to dawn and someone to help!

But, no, there is endless night and continuous light rain.

Facing the pungent smell, Shujia once again used his superpower. Annie let go of her mental detection, knowing that Xiu Jia had not used her trump card. I can't help but respect him, this man really has limits!

Fireworks shoot to the stars, if your wishes come true, dear children, remember to say to yourself: I am fine!

May everything go well for us in 2024!

Once everything goes well, everything goes well for a thousand days. Smooth winds and rivers bring longevity. May you be blessed with happiness, wealth, and longevity, may you have a good year, good fortune, and a good future!

My dear ones, all thanks are in my heart! Let’s celebrate the new year together!

Congratulations on the light summer snow!

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