The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 343 Detailed Puzzle

With the birth of An Jingming, the first thing Wang Jiexi said to his elder brother was: "Without him, I will end the world without him!"

Wang Jieming raised his hand to stop him, and then took him into his study. Wang Jieming's study copied the unique study design of the Wang family in Imperial Capital. This can be regarded as a secret technique passed down by the ancestors of the Wang family. Click this The house built according to the drawings has first-class sound insulation! Therefore, even though he was at home now, Wang Jieming asked him to enter the study room before talking.

Caution is never superfluous.

"Jie Xi, brother, I have always wanted to ask you what you think about your dreams."

Wang Jiexi was silent for a full three minutes, exactly one second: "Brother, my dream, before, my father and grandfather thought it was a prophetic dream. But, I don't think it is, I think it was my previous life."

"Last life? Is that what you think?"

"Yes, brother, in the previous life!"

Wang Jieming did not deny it out loud. Daxia people really have feudal superstition in their genes. Although Wang Jieming has not read many extracurricular books, he has also heard the story of Huang Liang Yimeng. It takes just one pot of rice to understand a lifetime. Just a story will not be passed down for thousands of years.

Wang Jiexi calmed down and opened the memo on his phone. Then, he began to recall his dream to his brother! He spoke very carefully, word for word, and Wang Jieming listened even more carefully, almost going through the scenes one by one! The lights in the study were on all night, and the butler delivered breakfast, lunch and dinner. The two brothers continued to talk, one talking and the other taking notes, not to mention how serious they were.

That night, the two of them had a rest. Early the next morning, at dawn, Wang Jieming met his brother at the door of the study with his notebook. What followed was a night of burning the midnight oil.

The two brothers became more and more careful as they sorted out Wang Jiexi's dream, head to head. Now Wang Jiexi firmly believed that it was his past life!

That’s outrageous!

A week later, a memo was unearthed. There were three pages about Annie. Wang Jiexi always thought that the An family changed its trajectory because of the flapping of his little wings. However, Wang Jieming was in the position of a third party, and he sensitively discovered an issue that Wang Jiexi had ignored.

Annie may be dreaming!

The Wang family had someone record Anne's actions before the end of the world. Anne's change in attitude towards Wang Jiexi was a stiff U-turn. Although Annie felt that she turned very smoothly, Wang Jieming saw the stiff angle.

"Brother, if this is true, this is the sin I did in my previous life. Brother, I will definitely pay it back in this life."

"What do you mean by that?"

"If this is a new life, I want to correct the mistakes of the previous time. No matter what the reason is for Anjia to take a different path, I must pay back what I owe. Brother, there is a previous life, isn't there a next life? !”

"and then?"

"In this life, I will never reach out to offend An Jia. Brother, please tell me, is that okay?"

The honorifics came out, and Wang Jieming looked at him with squinted eyes: "Have you decided?"

"Yes, it's decided. Anyway, even if I'm sorry for myself, I won't be sorry for Anjia."

"You can't decide this! Many times, in many things, we cannot represent ourselves!"

"I can!" Wang Jiexi said with great certainty. Wang Jieming didn't understand why he was so sure. Later he found out because his younger brother actually stopped dreaming.

No one knows whether he does it or not, because no one can open his head to see if he is dreaming. Speaking of which, Wang Jieming looked at him: "Then what are you going to do? Just let the An family go?"

"Why do you want to go against the An family? The An family does not owe us the Wang family, but in the previous life, it was our Wang family that owed the An family. I was just engaged to Anne, but our old Wang family took advantage of her too thoroughly..."

Wang Jieming didn't say anything. In the last life, if it was the previous life, the Wang family owed the An family a lot.

Wang Jieming doesn't want this to be the relationship between the previous life and the next life. If it is, let alone his younger brother who can't hold his head up in front of the An family, even he can't hold his head up now that he knows about it. The An family doesn't owe the Wang family anything, on the contrary. The Wang family owes the An family.

"I don't want everything in your dream to be true!"

"I don't want it even more." Wang Jiexi wanted to kill himself when he thought about the ending of that dream, especially since he felt that the An family also knew about the past life, and he felt shameless to see others.

"Brother, can you get rid of the darkness of the previous life in this life, let An Jia go and let yourself go?"

"Given the current conditions, it is very difficult to let yourself go!"

"I have been collecting information about the Zombie King. This is a key point, so I want to kill the Zombie King before he has grown up and is just a king!"

"But that can't change everything!"

"Yes, no one could recognize him before he evolved into the Zombie King. I killed him and crushed his bones into ashes. Among the billions of zombies in the world, no one was recognized. No one."

This is true. As long as he is not recognized, as long as he is not recognized by his relatives, nothing will happen again. Wang Jieming shivered when he thought of what happened in his brother's dream.

"Okay, I think this is feasible. Don't you know whose family has such a big name?"

"I don't know, I overheard that little bit of information..."

"Well, I hope you can know more details in your dreams in the future..."

Wang Jiexi didn't say anything. What's the use of being detailed? The first goal now is to eliminate that potential threat!

After the two brothers conspired behind closed doors for a few days, the mission of the Wang family's main superpower team, the Hope Team, began to become extremely busy.

Actually, it's okay. With the erosion of acid rain, the power of mutant plants has greatly increased. I hope that after the superpower team went out, they actually encountered a few tough situations. The most powerful superpower team member was killed three times by the mutant wood. , this is a high-level battle for Team Hope! This time, the strength of the Hope team was greatly reduced. The two brothers were okay, they were just thinking about how to recruit new people. As a result, the people above them couldn't sit still.

Fire Dragon King Superpower Team!

Liang Xiaolong's information and the information of each member of the Fire Dragon King were placed in front of Minister Tang.

Then, the two Wang brothers actually received an order. Recruiting the Fire Dragon King Team, if it works, everyone will be happy, if not, then it will be destroyed!

The two brothers only stared at those two words with four eyes, destroy! They didn't want to recruit this idea. Minister Tang didn't know that the Fire Dragon King team was once registered at the Green Water Base, but now it is not registered at the Beacon Hill Base. But the entire team is rented at the Beacon Hill base, so who cares whether they are registered or not?

It’s already the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, let’s get back to work. People are really lazy. During the New Year, I will use up all my excuses. In fact, I am writing seriously!

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