The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 347 Magic Crystal

Anne was very impressed that the boy could behave like this, but there was nothing she could do about it, why couldn't she be so ruthless as to deal with it?

"It was forced!" Anne had to explain for it.

"There are ten thousand reasons why it is wrong to take the energy stone from a living person. I have said it before, it is not allowed, right Zi Bao?"

"They are not humans, they are demons. In just half a year, they will be the first demon clan on Aquamarine..." Zibao had already summarized the key points based on the previous explanation and spoke immediately.

"Nonsense! Why don't you talk about gods and demons when you made a mistake? Why don't you say they are ghosts? Wouldn't it be more appreciated that you are catching ghosts!"

"What's the point of catching ghosts? I'm slaying demons and defending the Tao!~"

Xiu Jia looked at Annie: "I won't kill this bird, I'll just punish it a little, that should be fine!"

"He really didn't take the energy stone from a living person. These people are all about the same" and are about to get frustrated...

Annie couldn't speak anymore, but Liang Xiaolong saw this and knew that Master Zi would be in trouble this time. If he didn't share the same difficulties this time, Master Zi would definitely not want to go out with her next time!

At that moment, he took on the trouble and said, "It didn't take a living person. I knocked him unconscious..." Liang Xiaolong's face was slapped away by Xiu Jia's palm before he finished speaking and was unprepared for the words!

After all, he was also the deputy base commander, so he was sent flying with one slap! Annie immediately glanced at Zibao and took a step back calmly.

The Dragon King has been shot away, so let's not move forward.

"Your brain is crazy. It has developed the habit of digging energy stones from living people. Is there any safety for humans?"

Liang Xiaolong was suddenly whipped away. He hadn't been forced to fly like this for a long time. He felt a little nostalgic for a moment. He stood far away and stopped making any sound. Well, he was really angry! This tiger must not be able to stroke.

Zi Baoke became smart and immediately stood up straighter. His little eyes were rolling and he was throwing the autumn spinach at Annie one by one. Annie looked at it for a long time and finally understood. She secretly made a phone call and went out. Well, thanks to the strong request of Ancestor Helan, the emergency number on Annie's mobile phone belongs to the Ancestor.

Pemberley, the ancestor answered the phone. There was no sound from the microphone, and the voice of that stinking grandson came from not far away: "Zibao, you said that you are going to break the heavens, you will definitely have to endure this meal today!"

"I have told you that I am a demon slayer and a defender. Those few are either humans or demons. They are just a little short of being completely demonized!"

"Nonsense, if I don't cut the hair on your wings today, my surname will no longer be Xiu!"

"Even if your surname is Xiu, our old Xiu family can't afford someone like you!" Zi Bao yelled!

"I'm afraid you don't want half of that hair anymore!"

"I won't be able to survive if you cut me off! Just wait for me to jump off the building!"

"..." Xiuga was about to speak when his cell phone rang. He immediately looked at Annie! Anne calmly, I don’t know what’s going on!

Shuga answered the phone.

"Rebellious boy, if you dare to touch my purple treasure, try it. If I don't break your legs, you will be my father! You will be the ancestor of the Helan family!"

"Ancestor, you can't live here. Zibao is still an animal no matter what, and you can't let him attack humans!"

"Bullshit, he said it's a demon, it's a demon. My purple treasure is different. It's not a mutated beast. Just watch your skin carefully. I'll hold it tight for you, ancestor!"

"Ancestor, he is a parrot!"

"Even if it's a parrot, it's smarter than you. There's no one in the world that it can't see through!" "Old Ancestor! I'm doing business!"

"Huh, let me correct it, ancestor!" After saying this, Ancestor Helan had already arrived at the enclosure lounge!

So, when it was time to leave, Zibao happily returned to the size of a small sparrow and handed the small cloth bag to the ancestor in a showy manner.

"Ancestor, if you have an eye for it, this is the magic crystal. It's almost, almost!"

Ancestor Helan paid great attention to Zibao's words. He actually took out the energy crystal and looked at it seriously, and even took out a magnifying glass to look at it carefully!

"Boy, you have good eyesight. What reward do you want?"

"The human race has a brand that will prevent you from dying if you hold it, especially if someone comes to harm the bird!"

Ancestor Helan laughed heartily, and then he gave him a jade sign and put it into a small cloth bag: "Keep it, this sign is very powerful! Especially for that bad guy!"

Zibao happily flew up into the air and turned a few times to express his excitement.

"Ancestor, is this really a magic crystal?"

"This is no longer a human energy crystal in the full sense. Look, it has changed. It is no longer a hexadecahedron!"

"Is it really a devil?"

"Come on, girl, you have to take this matter to heart. These people need to check their origins and their companions. The demons will not be one or two, ten or eight, but many, thousands. Tens of thousands is an underestimate!”

"I know ancestor!"

"Well, girl, you are more considerate and sensible! This matter is not what that boy imagined. The world is not the world in our eyes..."

"I know!" Annie really believed it. If the world was so scientific, experiencing two apocalypses would be a joke, and the existence of Little Yuanshu would be a dream... However, Annie knew that Little Yuanshu did exist, and Little Yuanshu said Yes, it will come back!

Ancestor Helan smiled happily and waved away: "Don't just pick on the honest children and bully them, Xiao Fan, let them roast them!"

"Ancestor, my baked goods taste better than theirs! The children only eat my baked goods!"

"Well, just spoil them, Xiao Fan. Take care of those wild animals outside and collect them into your team as soon as possible!"

"Okay, ancestor!" Fan Zhen indeed has an honest face! Only Annie knew that he was a ghost. A person who could subdue a large number of mutant beasts would have a low IQ!

Those studies were done in vain, so was the doctorate obtained by fraud? Anyway, whoever regards him as an honest person will not have a high IQ!

Xiuga waited until his ancestor left and then came back. This time Zibao flew out of the window in a flash. It was better not to have a head-on conflict anyway!

Xiu Jia didn't say anything else, and Annie handed over the magic crystal: "The ancestors said that this is the crystal core that is about to become demonized. It is different from the energy stone of normal people!"

"I heard it." Xiuga put the energy stone in a plastic bag. Then he waved to Liang Xiaolong!

"Chief of Repair Base!"

"Sit down, I'm here to tell you something. There are too many people coming from outside. This Blue Star team has just entered Green Water Base two days ago. I checked and found that it is an enemy team. So, you have to be careful in the future. If it really doesn't work, should I arrange for you to repair it?"

"Impossible! Come and kill one, come and kill two, and we are not afraid of trouble! This wind can be used! Therefore, we must give them a good experience!"

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