Liang Xiaolong didn't know what his opponent was doing. After calling for rescue and arranging his brothers, his mental energy dispersed and he quickly found the captain in the opponent's camp!

This person should be the captain. They all have the same equipment. Why do they recognize each other at a glance? Don’t ask. Just ask. It’s just intuition. It’s like the other person is also wearing the same outfit. Among all the Fire Dragon Kings who have similar equipment, he recognizes him at the first glance. he.

Now that I have made up my mind to stay with the team, there is nothing more to say. Do I still need to say hello before shooting?

Liang Xiaolong moved his hands down, and when he raised them up again, he already had two wooden barrels with the safety opened. This is the most advanced weapon in the world. A trained soldier can fire with both hands. Liang Xiaolong raised his hand and He fired, and the other party was probably still evaluating whether he was the captain, when he shot him in the thigh.

To strike first is to be the strongest, and to use a fresh move to attract fresh moves. Liang Bulong succeeded in Yimucang, and the morale of the Fire Dragon King team was greatly boosted! Suddenly, amid the hail of bullets, the members of the two teams began to exchange bows and pills! It could only be an exchange of bows and medicine, because, except for the opponent's captain who was hit by a wooden gun in the thigh, there were almost no casualties. There are only various bows flying back and forth in the air. Of course, Liang Xiaolong didn't care at all. As long as he interrupted the opponent's progress, it would be a small victory!

During Zi Gongdan's interactions, Liang Xiaolong's mental power captured a sneaky figure. This person was sneaking toward him under the cover of trees. He was not carrying any weapons, but it was the end of the world now! Superpower, this person has space superpower. As long as he comes over, it is very easy to destroy his position. All kinds of bombs and other things, sending the Fire Dragon King team into the sky in minutes!

Liang Xiaolong looked at him, then raised his hand to aim: after a bang, the little figure stopped in place. Liang Xiaolong then added a lot of wood to the shadow.

Then the opponent began to press towards the Fire Dragon King team. No matter how fast the Fire Dragon King's wooden warehouse was, the opponent was not using a fire stick! Gradually it became unsatisfactory.

Seeing that the distance between the opponent and himself had begun to shrink, Liang Xiaolong became uneasy. Yes, this was not the previous war. With the option of superpowers, the variables were too great. It was like the other party didn't know that he could use mental superpowers. Being able to detect movement within a diameter of two kilometers, you can strike first. What about the other party?

If the opponent is weak, can they come up with such a big formation? the answer is negative.

Sure enough, Liang Xiaolong's next opponent was very strong. Although he had a golden superpower, it was of a very high level, and the opponent had obviously studied this superpower clearly. It was the first time that Liang Xiaolong saw someone strong enough to shoot out the wooden warehouse. The bow sheet is wrapped with golden powers!


When the bow comes out alone, how fast is it? How did this person manage to open a wooden warehouse and at the same time attach his golden power to the bow slip? This ordinary bow slip instantly seemed to have consciousness, and it was like a guide bow slip. When turning a corner, you will chase your target without relaxing.

Finally, Liang Xiaolong was successfully hit by the opponent! Tit for tat, on the thigh!

"The June debt must be paid off quickly. It's been paid back in less than twenty minutes!" Liang Xiaolong muttered and hid under a big tree! Get ready to see your wounds!

Awesome! No wounds. No, to be precise, Zi Gongdan drove the clothes into his flesh. Liang Xiaolong didn’t know whether to praise or scold him. If the material of your clothes is to prevent Gongdan, then just stop Zi Gongdan. It’s really Depressed, Liang Xiaolong pulled his clothes out of the wound while observing the outside.

It hurts, it hurts so much! It was obviously not the right time to bandage. I felt the blood flowing, so I pulled out the tourniquet from the first aid bag on my clothes, and tied the wound tightly through the combat uniform. Feeling that the blood had stopped flowing, he stood up and prepared to continue fighting.

At this moment, a net fell from the sky!

Hey! Liang Xiaolong slid out, and a long ditch with a depth of two feet suddenly appeared on the ground. This was how he managed to escape the disaster.

The net failed, making a crisp sound. It's actually a metal mesh. A look into Liang Xiaolong’s mental power. That person is still dozens of meters away. How did this network get here? Cold sweat...

Liang Xiaolong slid away, then stood up. He was sure that the net would no longer act like a monster, but he didn't worry, so he just put a grenade on it and blew it into pieces. No, scraps.

Then Liang Xiaolong stood up. In the end of the world, superpowers come first!

Liang Xiaolong used Mucang in his left hand and super powers in his right hand to break into the center of the fiercest battle!

At this time, the image transmitted back by Liang Xiaolong's mental power showed that the Fire Dragon King team had already suffered casualties! Yes, he saw with his own eyes that Hao Zhengxin, who had no other powers except mental power, was hit by a fireball with supernatural powers and became silent.

As for those who were injured before his eyes, he couldn't ignore them.

After thinking about it, my hands were not idle at all, and I quickly clicked through a few. The target person appeared again in front of him. At this time, Liang Xiaolong was very grateful to Annie for buying these military uniforms. He could really tell them apart at a glance. He had never worn them before! Otherwise, if you want to use the badge to differentiate, it is really like the person in front of you. You can't see the difference in the team badge on the chest until you knock it over. Just like now, the one Liang Xiaolong killed was different from the previous team badge!

This is really a lot of effort. Once this matter is over today, I must go to the Green Water Base to ask for an explanation! This thought flashed through Liang Xiaolong's mind, and at the same time, he waved the superpower in his hand again!

The person who was attacked this time was a tall man. In Datang, such a man was considered tall. He must be a northerner because he was tall and strong. Liang Xiaolong's Zi Gongdan followed up and quickly knocked this man over. Obviously, this man had not adapted to the cross-attack mode of superpowers and firearms, so he was dazzled by the dodge and dodged directly. waist. Liang Xiaolong knocked him unconscious twice.

Liang Xiaolong came over and pulled him to hide at the bottom of a bush. At first glance, it was clear that this man was not from Tang Dynasty or an immigrant at all. He is the Maozi of Nasluo Kingdom! He pulled out two straps and tied his hands and feet tightly.

Then he stuck his head out again, found the target and started collecting heads. When Liang Xiaolong was having his way, he saw a big python crawling forward beside him. When he saw him, he glanced at him with a sigh of relief. The red eyes with greenish blue made Liang Xiaolong's scalp numb. , then, the python turned its head and continued to crawl forward.

The climb made Liang Xiaolong break into a cold sweat! There was a scream from the side. Liang Xiaolong looked and saw that it was Li Zhengjun, but saw that the python glanced at Li Zhengjun again and continued to crawl forward.

Li Zhengjun breathed a sigh of relief, and the voice reached Liang Xiaolong's ears: "You kid, you have some potential, okay?"

"You're not afraid, you're not afraid. You think I didn't see it. Elder brother, let alone second brother, don't even tell me if you want to hide it!" Li Zhengjun was stubborn and refused to accept it!

"Okay!" Liang Xiaolong thinks it's right, this is a good idea

The two of them looked at the python's tail with mixed emotions. But fighting is not the time to be in a daze, but after two or three seconds, the two of them started working separately again.

After the New Year, life returns to a peaceful state! fine

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