The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 364 The undercurrent is surging

Well, the Helan ancestor in front of her was the only one Anne knew who could answer questions about the classics in this library. Although Anne had been forced to memorize these classics, she really couldn't put them to practical use. It was a weird feeling, like a junior high school student who knew all the methods and data for satellite manufacturing, but even if all the materials were placed in front of him, he was at a loss and couldn't start. This junior high school student seriously needs a famous teacher to guide him. At least get him through the door! Only then can he use the knowledge in his mind to create satellites.

This is the case for Anne. She needs someone to guide her to the right path. Seeing that the ancestor seemed to understand these classics very well, she couldn't help but feel happy. This was one of the reasons why Annie invited the ancestor Helan to come into the space.

Anne found one of the books, pointed to a line in it, and asked: "Ancestor, is this sentence true?"


Of course it is true, but when it reaches a certain level, it is no longer something we can understand now.

"This, according to the description in the book, is equivalent to a missile!"

"This is the golden elixir stage... the book says..." An old man and a young boy stayed in seclusion in this room for another ten days.

From this day on, Annie officially started to cultivate immortality, or in other words, accepted and took the initiative to cultivate immortality!

Her ice spiritual roots and wood spiritual roots began to practice exercises under the guidance of Ancestor Helan!
"You have such strong mental power. It only takes one time for you to understand!"

"I have memories of these books, but I just don't understand them! Do you know, ancestors? Because I don't accept this concept, I always thought it was a myth!"

"It's okay to call it a myth. These are the roads leading to godhood!"

With Anne's repeated assurances, Ancestor Helan also began to pick up the skills he had been interrupted for N years and began to advance!
"Ancestor, the collection says that we need to upgrade the thunder tribulation, can we do it in this bracelet space?"

"No, we have to go outside, but I think the ascending channel of the Aqua Blue Star has been blocked. I'm afraid..."

"The last thing, let's talk about it last, as long as there is still the way of heaven on Aqua Blue Star!"

"The way of heaven naturally exists..."

The two of them were flipping through the books in the space, forgetting the passage of time. Fortunately, when the ancestor taught Annie to adjust the time flow rate of the space container when the two of them were reading an idle book, Annie learned to adjust the time and adjusted the time flow rate in the bracelet space to the flow rate outside to the most basic time difference. The so-called One day in the sky and one year on the ground. This is the standard time difference between planting space containers and real time and space!

The two of them stayed in the space for ten days! Ten years have passed in space! In the past ten years, both of them have made a qualitative leap. I won’t mention it here.

Just talking about the outside, no one expected that Annie was really in retreat when she said she was in retreat. The door to her apartment was closed for two weeks!
The three eldest ladies outside were holding a bunch of animals and had headaches. None of them were animal lovers. Thanks to Fan Zhen, he received various feeds and began to take care of the animals in cages. Fortunately, behind Beacon Mountain The mountain was quite empty. Two days later, Lin Sen built a circle of open space at the back of the mountain and put all the cages in. Unbeknownst to anyone, the early stage of the Beacon Hill Zoo was hurriedly launched.

The four of them couldn't laugh or cry around these genetically stable animals. Fan Zhen really liked it, and went to redeem his points for a mobile home. He asked people from the engineering department to work overtime and built a mobile home in this circle. Own house and laboratory.

This circle is really far away from the Beacon Hill base. He doesn't care, he just wants to live anywhere by himself! Fortunately for others, the Beacon Hill Guards hate him to death. Without him, these people can just use their mental power to scan around when patrolling. After he lives here, everyone has to patrol to his house, and then Then extend your spirit to explore the outer circle. The patrol area is much larger!
However, the people in the patrol team are still a little cautious. When they patrol to Fan Zhen every day, they still come to say hello to him. Everyone laughs and says that we are not afraid of distance for you and your brothers! The patrol members all acted hard-working and hard-working.

Their petty thoughts are worthless to say the least. They are just thinking about Fan Zhen's little brothers. There was only one mutated fire-type black panther in the entire patrol. How many more do they want? The patrol team is blessed with mutant beasts, which saves a lot of effort.

Lin Sen promised Captain Martin of the patrol team to match them with a spiritual mutant beast as soon as possible. Therefore, everyone in the patrol team was really cautious about Fan Zhen, even if they had to travel nearly a hundred miles for this.

Life here is peaceful and peaceful, but chaos begins to arise in the Qingshan Safe Zone. Boss Long was getting more and more excited at the free market. It was the kind of adrenaline problem that militants get when they smell the smell of chaos. It had nothing to do with Boss Long's character.

Boss Long smiled slightly. After Captain Bai's ancestral sword was sent for repair, he had been waiting for it. He thought about it very much and waited very much! I have random thoughts day by day.

Finally, twelve days later, he received a call asking him to pick up the knife and pay the balance.

He breathed a sigh of relief, almost suspecting that Boss Long had stolen his sword! After all, he had just arrived in Qingshan City and he didn’t even know the territory yet! He was thinking about what happened to him. He didn't even know about this shop so he sent his ancestral sword to be repaired. He didn't dare to think about what the repair would be like!
So, almost without disconnecting the phone, he ran towards the Free Market.

As soon as he ran away, his good friend who was acting coquettishly with him followed him.

"Captain, why are you going? I'm going too!"

"Xiao Hu, I'm going to get a knife. Let's get serious. Let's talk when we get back!"

How could classmate Xiao Hu give up this good opportunity! She has admired the Free Market for a long time and must go to see it. Besides, following Captain Bai, maybe something will be possible!

Boss Long looked at Captain Bai who came to get the knife, and couldn't help but admire him. Who could he find such a young, beautiful, and charming girlfriend?

The reason why she is a girlfriend, not a female subordinate, is actually because Captain Bai's thick-boned and dark-skinned hands are wrapped around this woman's waist.

Captain Bai draws out his knife! It's just... I can't say it's exactly the same, I can only say it's the original sword resurrected!

"Boss Long, the craftsmanship of your technicians is really beyond's amazing. I will definitely introduce friends to your shop!"

"Thank you very much..."

Boss Long thanked him and accepted the crystal core he handed over with a smile!

Captain Bai was in a very good mood. He held the knife box and left the shop with classmate Xiao Hu. In a good mood, he responded to every request and started walking around the market with classmate Xiao Hu.

I never knew that such a small and remote town could have such a large shopping mall! Xiao Hu almost set his sights on the Free Market. There is no such a large shopping mall in the Imperial Capital Base! Xiao Hu refused to accept the name of Free Market, feeling that the things bought in the market were not authentic.

Captain Bai and Xiao Hu strolled around the market. Xiao Hu took a fancy to a few sets of high-end fashion. The store said that although the clothes were no longer marked, they had definitely not been worn. They were just tried on for effect.

There were so many to try on, so Xiao Hu knew it must be second-hand, but high-end items were hard to find.

Captain Bai paid for her as Xiao Hu expected! Xiao Hu was carrying two sets of the most luxurious clothes that he liked. The mood is also very beautiful. The two of them strolled around and even went into an organic food store to buy some ingredients.

"Captain, when you go back, I'll cook a meal with you and show you my craftsmanship!"

"Xiao Hu, your craftsmanship is trustworthy!"

The two of them strolled around sweetly, and then met a man head-on.

Well, Xiao Hu’s ex-boyfriend (one of them). When classmate Xiao Hu didn’t even remember her ex-boyfriend’s full name or the nickname she gave him at that time, her ex-boyfriend’s anger level was already off the charts!
My ex-boyfriend has a temper. He glanced at Captain Bai and said to Xiao Hu: "Is this the man you finally chose? You are alone and no one loves you anymore. To find such a thing is really embarrassing to our ex-boyfriend. No matter what, In this way, the substitute you find must also be of a certain quality!"

These words are so hurtful. Captain Bai is not Xiao Hu’s serious boyfriend to begin with, it’s just a relationship that they communicate with occasionally, but after being said like this, he even substitutes! Angry.

My ex-boyfriend is quite tall. In fact, he is the son of a rich family in the prosperous times. He looks like he has no worries about eating and drinking! However, it is now the end of the world and this one is no longer popular.

The rich boy is just a tall, slender, weakling, and Captain Bai's body is almost as strong as two of his.

But I don’t know where he got the courage, or maybe it was the courage given to him by the superhuman bodyguards around him.

Men, if you can do it, stop beeping!
Captain Bai glanced at the two bodyguards beside him, estimated each other's strength, and then opened the box he was holding in his arms! He took out his knife.

The newly repaired knife must have never been sacrificed! Captain Bai swung his sword and sacrificed his newly repaired ancestral sword with Xiao Hu's ex-boyfriend!

Classmate Xiao Hu had never seen this kind of scene where they faced each other without saying a word and drew their swords. She screamed...

The sound lingered for three minutes without going out!
The rich man's bodyguard didn't even have time to react before his employer was slapped in front of him!
Captain Bai calmly inserted the knife back into the shell and put it back into the box. The audience attracted by the screams also screamed...

Some people are still baffled and don't know the reason. They were so scared when they saw it. It's not safe in the last days, and human life is not valuable, but it is absolutely impossible to kill someone in front of everyone with just one sentence!
The free market is not so free that no one cares about it. Soon, the guards from the Qingshan Security Zone appeared on the scene.

But Captain Bai had already left early, and by this time he had already left the market gate. Xiao Hu was held in his hand, held or dragged, stumbling along...

After adjusting the monitor, I played it backwards and found Longji Repair Shop.

"Well, I don't know where he lives!"

"Why don't you know? You need to know that the murderer came from your shop!"

"Where did he come from before he entered my store? Captain, your logic is not strict, is it?"

"He left here through you. If you don't hand him over, you will be responsible for this security incident!"

"Captain, I don't understand what you are saying. Why?"

"Just because you and the murderer are suspected to be together! We have evidence that you are a team, and you provided his murder weapon...

There is nothing wrong with this. The knife was indeed acquired by Captain Bai after he entered the store!
Boss Long laughed angrily...

"Captain, are you sure you want to stick to your statement?" When Boss Long said this, he no longer smiled.

The son of a rich family is a truly rich family. His surname is Tang. He came to the Qingshan Safe Zone with his uncle. His uncle's father and his own grandfather are two brothers born from the same mother. In his life, his uncle actually has no How many times has it appeared? Why did you bring him to the Qingshan Safe Zone? It's because the Tang family's nephews and nephews, who are related by blood, when the end of the world comes, for some reason, they are either dead or something like that. In the end, they can be called As a person, he is the closest to his uncle. The eldest uncle's family had three children, and they were all recruited by zombies. With no choice, the eldest uncle had to take him with him. There was also a child from the Tang family who he called the second uncle who came with him, but the second uncle's blood Even further away, our great-grandfathers are cousins!
Therefore, after the end of the world, he was highly valued by his uncle. He had no powers, he was just an ordinary person, now called an amateur! There must be two superpowers as bodyguards when entering or exiting.

Now, the two bodyguards have come to their senses! They had no choice but to follow the guard and leave it to Boss Long to find the murderer. Anyway, the more scapegoats they find, the less punishment they will receive, (possibly)
Today, the person who works as an engineer at this time is unfortunately An Zhou! Master Seven was not prepared to intervene in this nosy matter. Boss Long couldn't even handle this matter, so that was impossible. However, as he listened inside, he didn't expect that the people in the guard could be so limitless and do such things as forcefully find fault! We really think there is no one in Beacon Hill, right?
An Zhou was calm. He raised his hand and took out a mirror to look at his handsome face. There were no flaws!
An Zhou and others will always put on some disguise when going out. He felt relieved that there was no flaw and left the back room.

"Captains, stop watching the fun, go back, go back, and continue doing business tomorrow!"

"Master Seven, it's so easy for us to see you!"

The team leader who immediately rushed outside to watch the excitement regretted it. If he had known that he would drive people away, he would have been beaten to death until Master Seven showed mercy before leaving the appraisal room!

The captains who were waiting in the outside lounge were watching the excitement and were suddenly asked to leave. They must not leave!

No one agrees!
"Let's go together, let's go together, maybe we can make a certificate or something!"

Captains, please stand aside and have a cup of tea. I must discuss this matter with the captain! "Boss Long's face was dark, and his whole body exuded the feeling that I am not someone to be trifled with!

An Zhou came out, looked at his dark face, and hurriedly put his hand on his shoulder: "Boss Long, calm down!"

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