The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 396: Making friends at a designated location

Chapter 396: Making friends at a designated location
Two weeks have passed in a flash, and the Dream Team's mission in Luoshui Town has not made much progress.

When Lao Li received this week's aid of 50 crystal cores per person per day, his face turned red: "Captain Ma, please tell the base director that we are working really hard on the task, and we are not slacking off. Really …”

"Old Li, you don't have to be too anxious. As long as you are doing the task, you can complete it as much as you can. However, you may not know that your team can receive this task. It is really a blessing from the commander of the base. Otherwise, it will be more difficult." It’s not like you haven’t signed up for a more suitable team. Is there a superpower team named Optimus Prime coming in to grab the territory today?”

"Yes, but fortunately, they did not rob our house, but an inn by the Erhe River. They are really strong. The wooden warehouses are all TP-82s from Yishui. I am really envious..."

"Yes, they each have 40 cores per day. Of course, you don't have to worry at all. Their tasks are different from yours..." Martin put the receipt signed by Lao Li into the small bag on his arm and patted him. Shoulders, gone.

After Lao Li was stunned for 30 seconds, he looked at Martin's back and opened his mouth. He blushed and turned back to the inn without saying anything.

It was already night, and the whole team had returned. When Lao Li mentioned that this Optimus Prime team also used the crystal core of Beacon Mountain to carry out tasks, he suddenly felt a great deal of pressure.

Gu Wenying: "It is really difficult to get a good mission in the last days. We still have to seize the time to advance our mission. It seems that there is no progress in all these missions."

Mi Yongliang said: "Yes, Xiaoying is right, but when I went to the vegetable store today, I heard a sentence that I have been analyzing for two or three hours. I thought it should be a breakthrough."

Everyone became interested, stared at him with shining eyes, and asked: What are you talking about?

"He said that Xiao Wei was feeling particularly unwell this month, so the potato yield was low, and that's why the price increased."

Yes, the manager of this vegetable shop has a bad attitude towards all customers and is indifferent to them. The beauty strategy is useless to him. He basically doesn’t pay much attention to female customers, so in the end it’s Mi Yongliang and Geng Zhengbin and his wife went shopping for vegetables on different days, (occasionally Gu Wenying and the others also went there). After going back and forth, Mi Yongliang was finally able to say two or three sentences that were off topic other than vegetables. This is what he heard, Regarding the reasons why the price of potatoes has increased.

"You have to think about this sentence for two or three hours. Does it have any special meaning?" Jian Hanyun asked puzzledly. He didn't just ask the question. In fact, he said this sentence over and over again several times. I thought about it for five minutes before breaking the silence and asking.

"Xiao Wei, he should be the potato farmer. He is feeling particularly unwell this month, which means he will be unwell. The word "moon" for this month indicates that Xiao Wei may be a woman!" Mi Yongliang slowly said I expressed my thoughts, and when everyone thought about it carefully, they realized that it made sense!

"If she is a girl, it is better for us to send girls to get close to him. We assume that he will be uncomfortable during his menstrual period every month. Then Xiao Gu, you can buy tomatoes to replenish blood, but you must If you express the same trouble, it will be a common topic and it will be easier to make friends. "

"I don't even pretend to be interested in this. It doesn't bother me, so why not let the queen go!" Gu Wenying immediately rejected Lao Li's opinion of letting her take action.

"If this is the problem, Yingying can't go. I'll go. I don't even have to pretend. Well, to tell the truth, for example, when I was in terrible pain and I looked at Yingying jumping around, I was so scared. I’m so jealous, so if Yingying goes, will it be counterproductive?”

"You are so envious and jealous. Are you a good friend?" Gu Wenying was also speechless.

"I'm jealous only if I'm a good friend. If I'm not a good friend, then I'd hate you. I'd hate you. I'd just see you irritated." Ji Jingxian honestly said what was in his heart.

"Thank you, good friend." Gu Wenying knew for the first time that she was envied by her best friend for this reason, and she couldn't help but feel lucky. We must think deeply about whether this friendship is pure! (Kidding)
Jian Hanyun majored in psychology at university. He listened for a long time and finally understood. He immediately said: "There is also a kind of person who likes his control group!"

It's all analysis. This Xiao Wei is the girl analyzed, so does she like to have sympathy for others with the same disease or the control group? All options must be laid out. There are only 6 girls in the dream team, but at least they all have unique looks and are beautiful in their own way.

Therefore, Ji Jingxian and Gu Wenying had to go, and Daolosa was a social cow, so they could go. Finally, the six girls in the dream team were divided into two groups, ready to conquer the analyzed Xiao Wei.

Ji Jingxian and Gu Wenying shared a bedroom. When they were sleeping, they were discussing how to buy the blood-tonifying tomatoes tomorrow.

"Empress, you have to be frightened tomorrow. I think there is a greater chance that we are in the same boat!" What Gu Wenying didn't say was to show empathy. If you don't know the empress, let yourself see the empress in the control group, and you will also feel the same. I won't make friends with her. After all, she's not the same kind of person. She cries in pain for several days every month. She's too fragile and I don't like her.

"Oh, if I had known earlier, I would have gone to film school!" The empress was also worried about her acting skills.

The sky has eyes!

The next day, before dawn, the empress performed, and she had a headache! His face is pale and he is sweating profusely! I can't get out of bed even though I'm holding my belly!

"Empress, why don't you be so dedicated? You can act without anyone watching."

"Ying~Ying, I didn't act. It really hurts. My relatives are here."

It couldn't be more of a coincidence. I got the performance certificate based on my ability!
Quickly find painkillers and take them. According to the usual practice, they are effective for two hours. After two hours, the pain will be so painful that you cry for your father and mother...

Ji Jingxian was also willing to take the risk. After taking half a pill, he and Gu Wenying were going to buy tomatoes.

As expected, half a tablet of painkiller could only last for an hour. The two of them arrived at the vegetable shop. While they were picking vegetables, the empress squatted down with her belly in her arms!

When going out, Gu Wenying asked her to think about it!
Yes, when relatives come to my mother-in-law's house, Na Qiyi almost turns into a nanny, the most caring one, with all kinds of ginger tea, belly-warming patches...all kinds of tricks.

This is the first time the empress has visited relatives since Qi Yi was injured! Seeing her holding her belly, Gu Wenying knew that the medicine had worn off, so she took the opportunity to comfort her and said in her ear again, think about it, how wronged and pitiful you must be if he is not by your side... …

Unable to think about it, Ji Jingxian only thought about it for a little bit and felt that she was the most pitiable child in the world. If Qi Yi couldn't be saved, she would be the only one left in the world. The misery would be unimaginable, so she burst into tears. It fell down, coupled with the pale face, it was so miserable that Gu Wenying wanted to cry with her.

I can't tell that this girl's acting skills are so strong. She really should have gone to film school back then. The two of them just guarded the woven bag containing vegetables, crying loudly while holding a pile of vegetables. They couldn't pull it anymore. The store manager rolled his eyes and looked at them, getting angry. I'm opening the door for business. You Isn't this just a recipe for trouble?

"What's wrong with you ladies? Are there not enough crystal cores? If there are not enough crystal cores, you can withdraw the food. I won't force you here. You can withdraw it even before you go out." "It's not about the food. Does the boss have hot water? My friend needs to take some medicine. ”

"There is hot water, what medicine should she take? What serious illness does she have?"

The store manager thought carefully, what serious illness is it? There is no hospital in the town, and there are very few people with healing powers. It would be unlucky not to die in my store.

After all, the store manager was still a good person. Although he was thinking a lot, he still poured a cup of hot water for Gu Wenying. The girl, who was holding her belly and crying, took out a very familiar bottle and poured two pills. He held it in his hand, popped it into his mouth, swallowed it with hot water, and drank every drop of the cup of hot water.

The shopkeeper squinted his eyes. I am familiar with this medicine. Is it the same disease? A relative is sick. This girl is also unlucky and has a bad relative! I can't help but feel sympathy.

"How about you buy some tomatoes. Although they may not be useful, they are still of some use."

"Thank you, boss. Let's buy four more tomatoes. Your tomatoes are really sweet. I like scrambled eggs the most. I don't like sour tomatoes."

When Gu Wenying heard the store manager make this suggestion, she couldn't help but feel relieved. She had made progress, so she immediately answered the call. It must be, it's easy for this talent to be a bit human. This opportunity to promote relationships must be seized.

The store manager picked up four tomatoes and put them into their previous bag, and then collected the cores quietly. Alas, there was some progress, but not much! Gu Wenying sighed.

"Thank you, boss, for our food. Well, I can't take it back. Can we wait here and call our friends and ask them to pick us up."

"It's not convenient. You can go sit at the door and wait. Our store is too small." The store manager refused coldly.

"Come up here and wait above." Suddenly the door opened upstairs and a cold female voice came in.

"Xiao Wei, you..."

"It's okay, Brother Gu, this lady probably has the same disease as me, and I happen to have medicine here!"

Gu Wenying was overjoyed, but she refused with some caution: "Thank you for pulling my friend, it's just, um, menstrual pain. Let's sit down for a while and wait for other friends to pick us up before leaving. No need to trouble you."

Gu Wenying said, secretly pinching Ji Jingxian's arm with her hands. Ji Jingxian's stomach was really hurting. She had just taken the medicine, but it hadn't taken effect yet. Suddenly, she heard a girl talking to her, and she felt happy. After pinching it for a while, he immediately reacted and started holding his belly and moaning.

"It's not troublesome. We are all girls. Come on up. I know this pain is really, really painful."

Gu Wenying half-heartedly helped Ji Jingxian up to the second floor. Upstairs was a girl's bedroom decorated in a very classical and Chinese style.

The girl who invited them to sit down on a practical couch was also very old-fashioned, with long hair reaching her waist, tied gently behind her back with a ribbon, and she was wearing a Tang suit! The skirt hangs on the blanket for about a foot.

Gu Wenying was stunned for a moment. It must be more difficult for such people to live in the last days!
But obviously this Xiao Wei is not as difficult as she imagined. She brought out some ginger syrup that girls eat during their menstrual period, as well as newly made red bean cakes...

Gu Wenying was convinced, this person came from ancient times!
Because the ginger syrup is served in a covered bowl, and the red bean cake is served in a small bamboo box!

My name is Karen Mok...what are your names? Her voice was soft, tapping the chord in her head called love.

Ji Jingxian once again enjoyed first-class service. Just like Qi Yi was by her side, this woman named Karen Mok cared about her very much, including belly warmers and woolen blankets. Big, soft pillow... Oh my god, Karen Mok is so considerate and warm...

Jian Hanyun and Ying Bochao came to move the dishes away. Ji Jingxian felt unwell and stayed for a little longer until the weather got hotter at noon before going back.

Karen Mok enthusiastically invited the two of them to stay for lunch, because she was also having a menstrual period two days ago, so she just prepared some therapeutic dishes. If we eat some together, the menstrual pain will be lighter.

"It's impossible. I've been like this since I was a child. I even asked a traditional Chinese medicine doctor to see me, but he didn't tell me why. Anyway, at this time, I was in terrible pain, and I couldn't treat it no matter how hard I tried. Later, I heard the doctor said that there was really nothing else I could do. If you get married early, maybe it will be better after you have a child.”

"Is there still such a saying that the child born will be better?" Karen Mok asked with some surprise: "I have also asked many doctors, and no one has told me this kind of statement."

"This is what a little-known doctor said when my mother and I returned to our hometown. He said that he had heard it too, and there was no theoretical basis for it. He knew several patients similar to me who had cancer after getting married and having children. It doesn’t hurt anymore.”

"How old are you?"

"I'm 23."

"I'm one year older than you. It's a pity that the world is so chaotic now, otherwise I really wouldn't mind trying to get married."

"Oh, how could you do this? You can't get married just to avoid pain. Besides, this is not necessarily true. In the past, when I was in pain, I actually wanted to marry my boyfriend or something, but I don't feel pain anymore. , I returned with reason and thought it was nonsense.”

Mok Wenwei laughed when she heard Ji Jingxian say no like this: You are really throwing your crutches across the river. When you are in pain, you want to marry someone else. Well, when it is no longer in pain, you have forgotten all about it. Where is your boyfriend now? "

It was Ji Jingxian who mentioned the boyfriend first, but Gu Wenying heard a kind of expectation in Mo Wenwei's voice, a kind of nervousness that was eager to get some news. I must be overthinking, maybe this is what this person said. Qi Yi and Ji Jingxian have been dating for many years. The two of them did not have childhood sweethearts or true love who came after them. They really had a clean relationship. To male and female friends!

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