The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 73 Here Comes, He Comes

Chapter 73 Here Comes, He Comes

But this time, Driver Lu's performance was very impressive. Annie talked about it from coach to graduation, from responsibility to responsibility. Driver Lu was not confused at all. It was his duty to ensure the safety of the eldest lady. The coach taught driving and led the team. Internships say...

Driver Lu complained: Isn’t it wrong to look down on people? Is it the same as following someone to work as a lightbulb and climbing a snowy mountain now?

Driver Lu's determination stunned Uncle He!Annie continued to go around without giving up, and the conversation between the two continued... Sister Chen had finished cleaning the entire house, returned to the living room, and told Uncle He that she was going to cover the guest room and other rooms with dustproof sheets in the afternoon...

At this moment, the door of the dining room opened, and with Aunt Lu's smiling face, the smell of food came in:

"It's time to eat. I don't know if the eldest lady will eat alone today or..."

Miss An mostly chooses to dine with everyone when she is alone. Especially in the past month or so, when there are no guests, Anne has eaten with everyone, and often breaks the habit of not saying anything after eating, asking Lu How did my aunt stir-fry the dish?

Anne, who learned from her master: It’s a pity that Aunt Lu is conservative and doesn’t understand much!

Conservative Aunt Lu: I don’t want to lose my job...

"Let's eat together!" Anne responded as usual.

Everyone stood up and prepared to eat. You must know that after lunch, take a short break, and driver Lu and the eldest lady will go to practice driving!

At this moment, a sudden change occurred. Before twelve o'clock, suddenly everything went dark, just like turning off the lights in the room at night, and it suddenly became dark. Even if she had experienced it once, Annie was stunned and ahead of schedule. Ten days later, the end of the world has arrived!
Fortunately, everyone in the An family happened to be together, and I don’t know who turned on the lights. (Xiaobai, the electronic butler who hides his fame and achievements, everyone, I am always online and real.) The room was bright, and everything Normal, it seems like the time just jumped to night!

"Why is it so dark? Could it be a solar eclipse?" This was the conclusion that Uncle He came to after being silent for three minutes and running to the yard to look up at the sky.

Apart from a solar eclipse, there is nothing to explain the sudden disappearance of the sun and the blindness in broad daylight!

Uncle He was very calm. Next, Annie stayed at the door of the living room and asked Driver Lu to check the door of the underground garage and lock the manual door lock. Aunt Lu and Sister Chen went to check the small door in the backyard while she Go through the front garden to the locked patio door, and the entry door to the basement garage in the garden.

Annie didn't say anything and just stayed in front of the window in the living room. Her mind was very confused. In her previous life, it would get dark within half an hour before the sky brightened. But this time, after 3 minutes and 10 minutes, the ink became thicker and thicker. It seemed as if there was no possibility of lighting up again.The sensor street lights in the community emit a yellowish halo.

The five members of the An family were all staring out the window in a daze, ignoring the food that had started to get cold. Their hearts were heavy and no one cared about their stomach problems.Uncle He turned on the TV in the small living room, and the five of them sat on the sofa to see if there would be an emergency announcement broadcast on the TV.

This is big news, and the TV station must break the news!
However, all TV channels are still full of laughter and reality shows, movies and TV shows are showing the ups and downs of life, Princess Princess, Prince Consort traveled through time and space to show their luxurious love...

There is no notice to comfort the people!
Calls from Brother Ti and Aning came in, and Wenwen also brought news that it would be dark at the same time on the other side of the ocean...

Half an hour has passed, and no total solar eclipse has lasted this long. When people's hearts are shining brightly, all TV channels (including radio stations) have stopped broadcasting programs one after another. On the screen, he kept saying to the already anxious people:
National experts have said that it is a total solar eclipse. Don't panic, it will dawn soon...

Similar announcements were circulated on various TV channels, radio stations, and web pages. Time gradually passed. Two hours later, people's hearts began to settle down again. Under the balcony on the third floor, Anne saw many people starting to use flashlights. Running back and forth in the neighborhood asking each other questions!

The phone signal is getting worse and worse. It is still good intermittently. Cross-numbers often occur. Both ends of the phone are chatting with each other and often change channels!If there is a large-scale communication failure on the mobile phone, it is better to go out and find out the news in person!

finally.The TV station began to broadcast live talk shows. Various experts and scholars were in front of the camera, patting their chests and ensuring that this was just an astronomical anomaly!There is no need to worry at all, please relax...

Some humorous experts even advised astronomy enthusiasts to cherish this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and record the total solar eclipse. I believe that there will not be such an opportunity in another 100 or 1000 years!

Everyone was relieved of their worries. They all ignored that the experts did not explain why the total solar eclipse lasted for so long, let alone predict when it would dawn. But what the experts said was trustworthy!

This news was not reported on the network. To be precise, the network was already offline.Many web pages cannot be opened, and the 404 code becomes the cover of the web page!
But Annie used the signal of the interstellar phone to connect to the Internet. The network was congested severely, but the webpage was opened quickly. The sayings about the end of the world can be seen everywhere on the Internet. There are a lot of hits, many people ask questions, but few answers!
Anne tried to answer the question, but the keywords were stuck somewhere, and when they appeared on the page, it was very difficult to understand!Some posts introducing the rules of survival in the apocalypse, although they are from novels, movies, etc., are infinitely close to the real rules of the apocalypse. Such posts can also be reprinted. Anne followed each and every very convincing post and watched!While answering the questions seriously.However, his answer was quickly suppressed by some joking posts.This is really speechless, entertaining to death is really fatal!Anne still seriously responded to the posts under various posts, trying to make the people who saw it useful.

Darkness shrouded the surroundings, and there were more and more decadent words on the Internet. Annie couldn't stand it alone. At the same time, she began to worry about her parents' safety in her heart!

If the process of the end of the world is the same, fog will begin twelve hours after it gets dark. As the sun rises, a thick fog will appear in the air, blocking the sunlight. This fog will last for three days. The sky soaked everyone in the Aqualand Continent. The dark matter contained in the fog caused humans to begin to have symptoms such as fever, sweating, trembling, convulsions, and self-mutilation behaviors. In the end, they developed into coma and complete loss of consciousness. 60% of humans pickled by thick fog never wake up and become zombies without sensory perception. 38% of them will feel some discomfort after a common cold after waking up, and their bodies will continue to... A low-grade fever lasts only a short time and does not cause coma.These people are ordinary people in the last days.

 Haha, you guys are laughing, my hands are slipping, the update on September 9th was sent out last night, so the update at 7 o'clock in the morning of today's chapter is actually at night, everyone agrees, see you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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