Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 1 The beginning is about to beat the son-in-law to death

Chapter 1 The beginning is about to beat the son-in-law to death
'Don't come here! ! ! '

It was windy and rainy, the cliffs at the highest peak of Bashan seemed to be cut off, and the rocks were as horizontal as broken. A red-bellied golden pheasant fluttered on a branch as thick as a thumb. The small branch was trembling, and it could fall into the abyss with the golden pheasant at any time.

On the edge of the cliff, Wen Xiaosi nervously clutched a vine. This was a Class II protected animal that she couldn't afford to offend. She tried her best to reach out to the golden pheasant that was jumping back and forth on the edge of death, letting the drizzle wet her whole body. Come here."

'I beg you, my chance is coming, don't come here~~~' The golden pheasant flapped more and more fiercely, regardless of whether the other party could understand what it was saying, 'You said, I am a legend. Phoenix among them, watch me soar to the nine heavens~'

The clouds above the head surged, the silver snake danced, and the moment the lightning struck, the golden pheasant suddenly spread its wings, "Look at me taking off~~~ah~~~"

The thunder and lightning fell, the mountain top trembled, and the vines suddenly broke. Wen Xiaosi felt his feet were empty and he fell down. He only had one thought in his mind: dead chicken!

In the sixth year of Xuanyou's reign in Xijin, in March, it was supposed to be the time when everything returned to spring and the earth was covered with new green, but because of the late spring cold, people were shivering. There was still a charcoal pot burning in the emperor's study room, and he put it down with a slight feeling of boredom. The emperor of Chazhan asked: "The thunderstorm last night was really scary. It seems that the sky is going to be split open. Is there anything strange?"

Standing bowed below was the elder of the Qintian Prison. The elder bowed his hands and said, "Your Majesty, last night in the sky silver snakes rolled and tore in the sky. Black clouds pressed down on the city and blocked the sky. After the wind, rain and thunder, the sky was thousands of miles blue. , the sky is clear and the air is clear, and the surging river has not hurt me at all, this is a good sign."

"Maybe I have a lucky star in Xijin."

The emperor's brows were loosened, birds were chirping outside the window, and the wind seemed to smell the fragrance of flowers. Suddenly there was a sound of running footsteps outside the door. The sound arrived before the person arrived. , begging the emperor to make the decision for the humble minister's daughter."

The few servants were stunned but did not stop the people from outside from breaking in. "Your Majesty, I have suffered a great injustice. I beg the Emperor to make the decision."

The 38-year-old Shunyi Bocheng Daqi knelt on the ground and howled with all his fat on his back, which inexplicably gave the emperor a sense of peace for the country and the people.

After dismissing several chamberlains, the emperor slowly sat down and said, "Da Qi, please speak up."

"Your Majesty, I want to sue Yan Bujiang of General Siping's Mansion, accusing him of being unfilial to his parents, discordant with his brothers, doting on his concubines and destroying his wife. It's not right, it's unkind and unjust."

The emperor, who was about to have a snack, was stunned when he said this, and the chief eunuch was even more frightened on the spot. The excited little eyes of the boss of Qin Tianjian couldn't hide it. It was so lively. He wanted to watch it!
This uncle is the father-in-law of General Yan. It is rare for a father-in-law to sue his son-in-law. He also accuses his son-in-law of bad moral character. Does he want to beat his son-in-law to death with one fist?
How hate is this?
The emperor put down his snack and spoke slowly, "Da Qi, do you know what you are talking about?"

General Siping's mansion is full of loyal families. General Yan Xiao is a young general who has just won a battle and received a reward. He is still planning to reuse him.

Even the entire Yan family has to be abolished.

Cheng Daqi didn't care about that, and said: "Weichen is his father-in-law. He went on an expedition to help Weichen, but when he came back, he treated Weichen coldly, which really chilled Weichen;"

"The daughter of a humble minister sent her husband off to war three days after she got married. From then on, she was filial to her parents and protected her brothers and sisters. When he came back, he didn't want to be grateful and actually divorced his wife and married another woman because he didn't want to marry her."

"The sons and daughters of the third last general came to the door and were insulted by his words, and even let his soldiers shoot and seriously injure people. This kind of shameless person who crosses rivers and demolishes bridges, does not think of kindness, and strikes viciously. I am ashamed to be with him."

"I beg the emperor to make the decision for the humble minister, and allow the minister's daughter to reconcile with General Yan Xiao."

He made three complaints, each of which could make the entire Yan family criticized verbally and written by literati. The emperor looked solemn and asked, "How is your little fourth lady?"

Cheng Daqi wiped his tears and said, "My brain has been opened and I am very angry. The imperial doctor said that if I don't wake up today, even if the Great Luo Immortal comes, I won't be able to save him."

If you want to protect Yan from surrender, you must first save Cheng Xiaosi.

"I will consider what you said. The Fourth Lady's injury is serious right now. You can bring a few more doctors over. If you need any medicinal materials, just ask."

Cheng Daqi accepted the request and kowtowed with tears in his eyes to thank him.

On this day, the imperial doctor made several visits to Shunyi's house. The news that the fourth daughter of the Cheng family was dying also spread like wildfire. People in the city were agitated. Shunyi's wife, Xiao He, was ill and rushed to the doctor. Taoist priests open altars and promise a lot of benefits from heaven and earth.
Perhaps it was the benefits that were given to her, or she was destined in the dark, just when everyone thought that the young lady of the Cheng family would pass away, she opened her eyes early in the morning.

'Girl, the road ahead is long, I wish you a smooth trip, and don't forget what you entrusted. '

This was the last sentence Wen Xiaosi heard before waking up. In that magical dream, she witnessed the destruction of a family. After waking up, she was already in this family.

My father, who turned against his mother because of Bai Yueguang, was furious when he woke up. In the end, his mother, who was blind with tears, touched and collected his body for him.

Ajie and Lihou Qingdeng Gufo died when they were bullied.

The eldest brother was dragged down by his father and brother and lost all his family wealth, leading to a life of poverty.

The second brother was willing to be a stepping stone for his sweetheart, and died on a windy and rainy night after being drained of all his value.

The third brother was brave and foolhardy, unable to turn the tide.

There is also a grandma, a second uncle, a cousin, and a cousin. In such a large family, no one can die well.
"Cough! Cough!"

The smoky smell of smoke drifted into the room through the window, and every time the little fourth mother coughed, the back of her head ached, "Huahua, what are you doing outside?"

Huahua is a pretty little girl, with two dimples on the corners of her mouth when she smiled, "Ms., it's Madam who is paying off."

"When the girl woke up, the lady said that half of it was the imperial doctor's work, and the other half must be that the Taoist priest invited all the gods and Buddhas in the sky. I bought a lot of incense candles and paper money to repay my wish this morning."

The little Fourth Lady's eyelashes trembled slightly, thinking that in this situation she should burn paper to fulfill her wish. It was so evil. She raised her eyelashes slightly and saw a wisp of green energy coming in from the door, wrapping around her wrist accurately, and her heart felt... Feeling irritated for no reason, he raised his fingers slightly, and the green energy immediately faded away quickly.

What is that?
Before she could think about it, a maid ran in and said, "Girl, Madam led the escort men out of the door aggressively, saying she wanted to beat General Yan to death and rescue the eldest girl."

 Here comes a new article, Baozi, the story takes place in Xijin, yes, in Xijin, opposite Dongshu, is it possible to meet Wen Mianmian, Hua Xiaoer, and Xiao Laosan? ? ? ?
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(End of this chapter)

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